Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.

Well good try but there's nothing sneaking under the radar as I said it out in public for the way him and a bunch of the cronies act in here and I'm sorry they do act like a bunch of gorillas has nothing to do with race I don't know what race anybody is in here I don't think anybody has a real picture up of themself so that would kind of be a silly statement even more silly is the fact that I was married to a black man and they dated another black man for 5 years and my very best friends in the world growing up were black and I'd say about a quarter of my friends are black so you can try all that racist b******* to make yourself feel better but it really wasn't meant that way spin it how you want it's not the truth
Your are such a liar.
Your are a racist. Yes, I am a terribly old lonely man - and yet I still have enough love for humanity to not be racist. Go get in a car and run it a to a tree. You owe it to your country.
No Uncle I'm not a racist probably the farthest thing from it and just because I don't agree with all of your politics doesn't make me a racist but it sure makes you feel good saying I'm one so go for it if that is all you have because there's never been a single racist word uttered out of my mouth in this forum ever
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Kinda the way you continually call Margaret Sanger a racist in hopes that you saying it over and over will make it true in the face of overwhelming evidence? Pot, meet kettle.
Margaret Sanger was a bigot in the worst way possible that's just a fact
No Uncle I'm not a racist probably the farthest thing from it and just because I don't agree with all of your politics doesn't make me a racist but it sure makes you feel good saying I'm on so go for it if that is all you have because there's never been a single racist word uttered out of my mouth in this forum ever

what about that time you literally plagiarized a white supremacy website though?

Your are a racist. Yes, I am a terribly old lonely man - and yet I still have enough love for humanity to not be racist. Go get in a car and run it a to a tree. You owe it to your country.
If you actually love Humanity at all you would never say something like that to another human being so you are a farce
No Uncle I'm not a racist probably the farthest thing from it and just because I don't agree with all of your politics doesn't make me a racist but it sure makes you feel good saying I'm on so go for it if that is all you have because there's never been a single racist word uttered out of my mouth in this forum ever

Wow superculero you definitely need your first orgasm instead of your man's belly rubbing up on your back. You seem kind of dried up and desperate.
it's actually a dude. a sock puppet of perennial loser 6ohmax. he is a "disabled" veteran who makes his wife work 4 jobs while he does nothing. it's all well documented.

he is incredibly mentally unstable.

The anger makes sense now. His dick doesn't work. I'm sorry. Your part of the veterans that dont transition back. Must be hooked on opiates. SAD

You don't have to be a piece of shit though. My brother has PTSD and he's a successful chef and doesn't take pain meds. 2 tours and a TBI but still not a POS.
No Uncle I'm not a racist probably the farthest thing from it and just because I don't agree with all of your politics doesn't make me a racist but it sure makes you feel good saying I'm one so go for it if that is all you have because there's never been a single racist word uttered out of my mouth in this forum ever
The anger makes sense now. His dick doesn't work. I'm sorry. Your part of the veterans that dont transition back. Must be hooked on opiates. SAD

You don't have to be a piece of shit though. My brother has PTSD and he's a successful chef and doesn't take pain meds. 2 tours and a TBI but still not a POS.

6ohmax was just a mechanic, never faced any combat.

i keep encouraging him to make it 23 a day. not sure he gets what i mean.
Well good try but there's nothing sneaking under the radar as I said it out in public for the way him and a bunch of the cronies act in here and I'm sorry they do act like a bunch of gorillas has nothing to do with race I don't know what race anybody is in here I don't think anybody has a real picture up of themself so that would kind of be a silly statement even more silly is the fact that I was married to a black man and they dated another black man for 5 years and my very best friends in the world growing up were black and I'd say about a quarter of my friends are black so you can try all that racist b******* to make yourself feel better but it really wasn't meant that way spin it how you want it's not the truth
Get em girl!
Well good try but there's nothing sneaking under the radar as I said it out in public for the way him and a bunch of the cronies act in here and I'm sorry they do act like a bunch of gorillas has nothing to do with race I don't know what race anybody is in here I don't think anybody has a real picture up of themself so that would kind of be a silly statement even more silly is the fact that I was married to a black man and they dated another black man for 5 years and my very best friends in the world growing up were black and I'd say about a quarter of my friends are black so you can try all that racist b******* to make yourself feel better but it really wasn't meant that way spin it how you want it's not the truth
Umm, yeah, married to a gay black man?

By the way, punctuation might make you seem a bit smarter. Probably not, but it would shorten the time required for readers to kick themselves for reading another one of your brainless posts.

So there is that.