Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.

Do you have any friends that work for them. One of which doesn't work there anymore. She asked for reassignment. Yes it's a fact that most federal agents font like and don't respect obama. They were highly offended when Obama took a way the day of prayer for 9/11. That's when they lost all respect for obamas

How does stating facts make me racist. It's reality. Obama isn't pushing an American agemda. He has done everything he can to take complete and federal control over the country. It's a fact that after obama cut them military budget and thousands of soldiers were discharged. China and Russia increased there military forces. For the first time in decades. They even increased work on their nuclear program.

Pathetic. An asshole presents his child like hate fantasies as fact.@Hyroot your imbecile level logic and 'information' is dogma from forgettable assholes. Face to face, among adults if you dared to utter that idiot shit, youd be derided as a common idiot. (a forgettable asshole and a common idiot)
I thought it was the secret service, not the fbi, who gave 24/7 close personal protection to the president and his family? But I'm an ignorant limey
No matter what he says about being Christian. He's actually muslim. We have family friends in the FBI on his and Michelle's security detail. They've seen obama praying on the lawn. Not a single one of them will take a bullet for obama. If someone shoots at him they will all jump out of the way. Most of the white house staff and security detail hate the Obama's

You think that's bad..you should hear what SS says about the Clinton detail..There's actually some good, never before heard of dirt:

Anyone even buying into any of this definitely rides the short bus.......................:clap:

Also this will not be distracting attention away from Donald's fuck ups.

Good Try though.
That aint nothing. Here's proof that Hillary is a green monster: