Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.

The thing is i told the truth 100% . I have no reason to lie. I everything I said is 100% true. So get out of your mom's basement. Go get a job and get your own place. Meet some people. Get some real friends. And have a real life. And stop being an Internet douche bag.

You just want to argue with every little thing. I never even said one racist thing. You are the one who conjures up bullshit just to argue and talk shit because you have major insecurity issues You probably need years or therapy too. I'm sorry know one in real life gives a shit about you and all you have is this forum. So get over it and move out of your mom's basement
I said liars and fools and didn't mean you were a liar.

did you know that Trump raped a child? Four times. While people watched. yuck
What did I say that was racist?. I didn't lie either. I never expressed any opinion? Everything I said is fact. I've only been told by you and 2 others. Several more have said you are full of shit and just arguing for the sake of arguing.
Shut the fuck up. Youre successful as a clown making us laugh at your pathetic ignorance and hysterical protests.
You 3 like to throw around the word ignorant in everything going you post. Obviously you don't know the definition of that word
I said liars and fools and didn't mean you were a liar.

did you know that Trump raped a child? Four times. While people watched. yuck

Did you know that article was complete false and made by a demicrat news paper. Check politifact and fact chech.org
You 3 like to throw around the word ignorant in everything going you post. Obviously you don't know the definition of that word
We characterize you as the ignorant shit that you present here. All of this denial is like more pus leaking from that fucking bloated pimple that lies between your shoulders.
You have general cognitive issues, my reading comprehension is pretty awesome.

Haven't you a klan rally you're gonna be late for?

Welcome some immigrants with some pyro-technic God worship on their front yard?

I'm not a democrat. Klan members are all democrats
We characterize you as the ignorant shit that you present here. All of this denial is like more pus leaking from that fucking bloated pimple that lies between your shoulders.

Yet you keep talking shit and can't produce one iota of evidence to back up one thing you have spewed . Take a long look in the mirror
You're not the sharpest tool in the shed are you
At least I'm not a Trump supporter. They are even lower life forms than Republican.

But really, I was just sharing information containing the same quality level of truth behind it that you do.

Did you know that Trump raped a child? Four time. With people watching. Yuck

Isn't that interesting? I find it just as interesting as the truthy stuff you post.