Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.


Oh so it's Hillary's fault Trump acts like a total fucking racist asshat.

You watched neither convention. Because if you did, you'd know that the ENTIRE Republican convention was about attacks on Hillary.


Only Christie's speech was the attack. Christie fucked himself with that speech. He violated the rules of conduct set by the American Bar Association. That speeches prevented him from becoming attorney general or ever being able to work in a law firm. The rest was mostly talking about terrorism, the economy. Trump barely said anything about Hillary. The rest just commended trump on his accomplishments. Pence when on about what needs to be done . Stop quoting the sound bites you get from cnn. You obviously didn't watch the conventions. Every speech at the dnc was an attack on trump and sympathy for disabled people. When in reality a lot of disabled people were disgusted by Hillary bringing those people up. Not one speech about isis. Not one speech about the economy. The dnc even announced they would talk about cannabis at the convention and they never did. Did you notice how much Hillary was booed and how much bernie was booed . Ironically some of the things Howard Dean and Barbara boxer said they were aftraid trump would do was shit Hillary and obama already had done.

Did you all forget there's proof Hillary rigged the primaries and the Clinton foundation committed fraud. Hillary is currently under investigation again by the FBi and the NSA. So do you think the Clinton's and the dnc are not capable up pulling off another huge scam on the American people.
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In a deal that happened at exactly the same time (yet was completely different) LOL!!!! Obama delivered $400 million dollars in CASH to the Iranians.

Then they covered it up.

Fucking unbelievable...

The story has been debunked. Trump knows it but repeated it again. He's an idiot and being an idiot isn't Obama's fault either.
The story has been debunked. Trump knows it but repeated it again. He's an idiot and being an idiot isn't Obama's fault either.
What has been debunked? Watch the press briefing. Two planes on the same day. One with pallets of cash and one with hostages. Even the journalists said that looks pretty bad.
The story has been debunked. Trump knows it but repeated it again. He's an idiot and being an idiot isn't Obama's fault either.

The story has not been debunked. The administration keeps lying about it. It walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck but they are saying it is not a duck.

By the way, the Iranians clearly state it was a hostage payment and conducted the transaction like a hostage payment including delivery in non-traceable currency along with not landing the plane with the hostages before the money was received.

But hey, Obama wouldnt lie to you right?
No matter what he says about being Christian. He's actually muslim. We have family friends in the FBI on his and Michelle's security detail. They've seen obama praying on the lawn. Not a single one of them will take a bullet for obama. If someone shoots at him they will all jump out of the way. Most of the white house staff and security detail hate the Obama's
Sounds like you are in an exclusive 'information loop'. You must feel privileged knowing inside stuff on the most powerful individual in the world ?
The story has not been debunked. The administration keeps lying about it. It walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck but they are saying it is not a duck.

By the way, the Iranians clearly state it was a hostage payment and conducted the transaction like a hostage payment including delivery in non-traceable currency along with not landing the plane with the hostages before the money was received.

But hey, Obama wouldnt lie to you right?
Pure ignorance.

I'm glad Hillary took on the ideal of free college from Sanders, maybe people like you won't be such an embarrassement to our nation anymore.
yeah, people that think for themselves are real threat to people like you. learning the meaning of the words you use are the first step to constructing an adult argument. give that a shot sometime with your "free" college lol.
Are you one of those that encourage people to top themselves online?. Read about your lot before somewhere.
if you are that open to suggestion, you have no business anywhere but your mum's attic. the internet is not a good place for those that can't think for themselves...or it's the perfect place. let your mum decide if you can't.
if you are that open to suggestion, you have no business anywhere but your mum's attic. the internet is not a good place for those that can't think for themselves...or it's the perfect place. let your mum decide if you can't.
Please go and think for yourself elsewhere and don't give advice on suicides to people who don't agree with you on your foolish conspiracies.
Please go and think for yourself elsewhere and don't give advice on suicides to people who don't agree with you on your foolish conspiracies.
"foolish conspiracies" aka things i don't understand. check! personal incredulity is a bitch huh?
They never swapped.





facts fucking hate you, and you fucking hate facts.
"foolish conspiracies" aka things i don't understand. check! personal incredulity is a bitch huh?
If you are susceptible to cock-and-bull stories in the first place then, yes I suppose a person such as yourself would find this story credible and the conveyor of the message, Donald J. Trump as a whole worthy source of 'truth'.
Ask your mum the truth about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy sometimes, mate.
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