Obama pokes at Christianity

instead of reading the book atlas shrugs you can get in movie format, it is very good and is close to the truth as it gets,
Im not a atheist but the woman was smart as fuck, when the republicans were deciding leadership and philosophy there were two main schools of thought on conservatism , one was William buckleys , that is the direction the republican party took the other of the day was Ayn Rands a libertarian philosophy

was she a true libertarian or merely an underrated conflict theorist?

libertarians believe in the 'book of fairy'.

yeah, i'm gonna youtube it.


do you remember?..i was so little and i used to get so sad..just wanted to reach out, hug and say i'm sorry. i was clearly able to identify my white guilt at an early age..thanks for being a good sport!:wink::

was she a true libertarian or merely an underrated conflict theorist?

libertarians believe in the 'book of fairy'.

yeah, i'm gonna youtube it.


do you remember?..i was so little and i used to get so sad..just wanted to reach out, hug and say i'm sorry. i was clearly able to identify my white guilt at an early age..thanks for being a good sport!:wink::

She is a true libertarian, she was a European jew that the commies chased all over Europe trying to kill her and after she got here to the US a bunch of American communists wanted her dead, So yea id say she is a true blue libertarian of the highest order.
The thing about libertarians we all have a lot in common but we do not all believe the same but respect one anothers right to believe what each of us want to believe so long as we harm no other people in the process or try through force to make others believe and think what we want them to think,
A truly brilliant woman Ayn Rand was, A true capitalist.
obamao was raised until the age of 13 in Indonesia attended muslim madrasa's and is completely indoctrinated and brain washed into the muslim faith by that age,bucky will tell you different but bucky is a know liar and shill for the commiecrat party
obamao was raised until the age of 13 in Indonesia attended muslim madrasa's and is completely indoctrinated and brain washed into the muslim faith by that age,bucky will tell you different but bucky is a know liar and shill for the commiecrat party

if find it rather interesting, you as an american indian, are not a dem and that you do not embrace diversity..

what are you registered as dem or repub?

would you mind sharing your background with us? tribe?..what you do for a living?

on a scale of 1 to 10, how hated are whites within your community?
not intended to be a factual statement.

you racists come up with some cool conspiracy theories.
His step father , Frank Marshal Davis was a member of the communist party, he was under investigation by the FBI for un-American activity's.
In his own book he said he had a huge influence on his life,
if find it rather interesting, you as an american indian, are not a dem and that you do not embrace diversity..

what are you registered as dem or repub?

would you mind sharing your background with us? tribe?..what you do for a living?

on a scale of 1 to 10, how hated are whites within your community?
These are good questions,
Andrew Jackson was a democrat=trail of tears=thousands of dead Indians =liar=murder=cheat=starvation=hunger
Oklahoma during the great depression was a dust bowl,people could not grow their own food,many left the nation to find work to eat,Roosevelt
Most American Indians are very traditional and believe in Jesus and God,Most of the men serve in the military ,many are ranchers and farmers.Because American Indians are such a small percentage of the population , per capita have won more medals of honor in the military than any other race,American Indians are a proud bunch of people and do not like hand outs, they prefer to be free and proud and would rather just have a opportunity to help themselves.
If you go look at Oklahoma you will see it is full of nations, the Cherokee, Chippawa, Choctaw, you will find it a very conservative state with a state house full of republicans.The bull shit of Andrew Jackson will never be forgotten.
Whats so diverse about he Democrat party? Other than the faces, they do not tolerate any diverse opinions within their party.
My ethnic background is American Indian/German and English.
My father was born on the Nation and I have one brother who lives on the Nation.We are members of the Choctaw nation,
The Choctaws come from Mississippi , they helped Andrew Jackson Fight the British during the battle of New Orleans,Indeed if it were not for the Choctaw Andrew Jackson would not have won that fight.
One of my ancestors was the son of a German immigrant who married a Indian woman and was disowned by his family,His family was shipped from Mississippi to Oklahoma on the trail of tears.
My fathers family left Oklahoma during the great depression in order to eat, the Indian people could not even grow food on the ground in Oklahoma. So the choice was leave or starve,
I Was born in Texas, grew up in Oregon until around the age of 13 and lived all over out west, at 17 I joined the Army as a cavalry scout,19D when I got out of the army I went to school for HVAC/R and I do that to this day but have done many types of jobs.I was a real estate appraiser for about 6 years.
No American Indian i know of finds the term red skin offensive or racist,
I have been a libertarian for over 2 decades , even before it was trendy or cool to be one.There are only two partys you can register to be of in this state ,I have voted in both the democrat and republican primarys.But normally vote in the republican primary and vote libertarian when there is a libertarian on the ballot.
Because there are so few American Indians it would not be realistic to expect many of them to be 100% pure blood ,very few of us are,You will find most American Indians with mixed blood .You will see American Indians with white faces and black ones who are members of our tribe.You will not find American Indians normally hating someone for the color of their skin,
You showed the Indian in the pollution commercial , he is most probably a plains indian from his appearance , Indians from different tribes have differing facial and physical appearance's,He is most likely Crow or Black foot , the north west Indians look similar to plains Indians
so you don't know any native americans then.
We are ALL if we are born in America NATIVE AMERICANS YOU FOOL,
but if you are talking about American Indians yea I know several of them, like I said FOOL my dad was born on the nation and my brother lives on the nation,
Don't you have some dick pictures to color or something?
you may not be using that term with its given connotation.

"Redskin" is a slang term for Native Americans defined in current dictionaries of American English as offensive,[1] disparaging,[2][3] insulting,[4] and taboo.[5]
You may not know in the context it is used, here let me help edumacate you,
The term red skin comes from long ago, at one time American Indians used to paint their bodys and faces red, The settlers that come to north America started referring to them as RED SKINS, How is this insulting? Only to a complete idiot would it be considered insulting,
When a sports team uses the name RED SKIN, Indians Warriors Braves Chiefs or other names that associate their team with the American Indian it represents courage toughness and pride,
It is a complement not a insult, Only a liberal runs around trying to find a excuse to be insulted and then thinks everyone else should be insulted too.
In reality MOST American Indians are not insulted by this, Liberals find a very very very small minority of someone ,,who im not sure, of American Indians then parade them around like they might be a majority of opinion of American Indians, when in fact it is not a majority of opinion of American Indians,
Typical race hustlers like Al the tax cheat Sharpton use this kind of stuff as a schtick to extort money from companys and people,
Some people use race as a excuse for all of their failures, some people know a good soldier has no excuse for failure other than death but then everyone will know he done his best and done his duty,
Live your life without excuses never have a reason to say im sorry to anyone, do your duty and you will not have to
These are good questions,
Andrew Jackson was a democrat=trail of tears=thousands of dead Indians =liar=murder=cheat=starvation=hunger
Oklahoma during the great depression was a dust bowl,people could not grow their own food,many left the nation to find work to eat,Roosevelt
Most American Indians are very traditional and believe in Jesus and God,Most of the men serve in the military ,many are ranchers and farmers.Because American Indians are such a small percentage of the population , per capita have won more medals of honor in the military than any other race,American Indians are a proud bunch of people and do not like hand outs, they prefer to be free and proud and would rather just have a opportunity to help themselves.
If you go look at Oklahoma you will see it is full of nations, the Cherokee, Chippawa, Choctaw, you will find it a very conservative state with a state house full of republicans.The bull shit of Andrew Jackson will never be forgotten.
Whats so diverse about he Democrat party? Other than the faces, they do not tolerate any diverse opinions within their party.
My ethnic background is American Indian/German and English.
My father was born on the Nation and I have one brother who lives on the Nation.We are members of the Choctaw nation,
The Choctaws come from Mississippi , they helped Andrew Jackson Fight the British during the battle of New Orleans,Indeed if it were not for the Choctaw Andrew Jackson would not have won that fight.
One of my ancestors was the son of a German immigrant who married a Indian woman and was disowned by his family,His family was shipped from Mississippi to Oklahoma on the trail of tears.
My fathers family left Oklahoma during the great depression in order to eat, the Indian people could not even grow food on the ground in Oklahoma. So the choice was leave or starve,
I Was born in Texas, grew up in Oregon until around the age of 13 and lived all over out west, at 17 I joined the Army as a cavalry scout,19D when I got out of the army I went to school for HVAC/R and I do that to this day but have done many types of jobs.I was a real estate appraiser for about 6 years.
No American Indian i know of finds the term red skin offensive or racist,
I have been a libertarian for over 2 decades , even before it was trendy or cool to be one.There are only two partys you can register to be of in this state ,I have voted in both the democrat and republican primarys.But normally vote in the republican primary and vote libertarian when there is a libertarian on the ballot.
Because there are so few American Indians it would not be realistic to expect many of them to be 100% pure blood ,very few of us are,You will find most American Indians with mixed blood .You will see American Indians with white faces and black ones who are members of our tribe.You will not find American Indians normally hating someone for the color of their skin,
You showed the Indian in the pollution commercial , he is most probably a plains indian from his appearance , Indians from different tribes have differing facial and physical appearance's,He is most likely Crow or Black foot , the north west Indians look similar to plains Indians

+rep :clap:

i thank you for your candid, informative and touching remarks.

in history, democrat and republican have changed meanings over the course of time. back in jackson's day a dem then is not a dem today.

imho, a dems concern is for all peoples not just some..i myself have become more of a socialist than anything..they don't have that box when i vote either..but a vote for libertarian is a vote for republican.

republican = means of production who wants to control the have nots (that's you and me)..keep them down..no wage increases..have them work..give them a discount and they're buying from you..nice scheme..do you think this is accidental?

why would you support this kind of oppression?

check this guy: http://www.democracy-nc.org/downloads/PopeBackground2013.pdf
The settlers that come to north America started referring to them as RED SKINS, How is this insulting? Only to a complete idiot would it be considered insulting,

yep, i guess complete idiots compile all current english dictionaries, meanwhile smart guys like you do HVAC with your 9 month degree from redstone "college".
+rep :clap:

i thank you for your candid, informative and touching remarks.

in history, democrat and republican have changed meanings over the course of time. back in jackson's day a dem then is not a dem today.

imho, a dems concern is for all peoples not just some..i myself have become more of a socialist than anything..they don't have that box when i vote either..but a vote for libertarian is a vote for republican.

republican = means of production who wants to control the have nots (that's you and me)..keep them down..no wage increases..have them work..give them a discount and they're buying from you..nice scheme..do you think this is accidental?

why would you support this kind of oppression?

check this guy: http://www.democracy-nc.org/downloads/PopeBackground2013.pdf
I think a man should be free to control his own destiny without interference from others or government,
IMHO the dems are worse than the republicans as far as pandering to the rich and special interests, If you were to observe who has gained the most in the last 6 plus years of obamaos administration you will find the average income of the average American working family has went down by at least 2000 dollars, but the wealth of the rich has sky rocketed,The democrats rail against the rich but have no problems taking money from them and doing favors for them,
Its odd you should say that a vote for a libertarian is a vote for the republican, people I know who are republican tell me the same thing, a vote for the libertarian is a vote for a democrat,
to me what difference does it make what boot is on your neck, the left or the right? its still choking you,
I am a capitalist and can compete against anyone in the market so long as it is fair and no laws regulations or rules are made to benefit the larger companys.
We have not had a true capitalist economy in decades in the US, its all controlled and in favor of those with the money to control the laws and regulations through political contributions and favors,
If you go look at most socialist countrys the average guy who works hard will not get ahead because he is locked out of the market through to many rules, fee's and regulations.I do not need a wage increase, I need decreases in fees and regulations so it does not choke my business out.
The middle class in this country and people who get rich to fuel the economy comes from small business,the health care law and some of the other regulations obamao has implemented has choked the growth engine in this country and the upward mobility of the small business out,
More small business's are closing than opening, This is bad for every American.
That is supposed to be the whole point of capitalism is the average guy or girl can come from nothing and make it rich through hard work and education,
It costs huge amounts of money to start up a business because of the rules and regulations , also tax's that it has locked most people out of upward mobility other than the rich, In order to make a million in this country you have to start with ten million, How many people who work for a living have ten million to start up?
Therefor it locks them into a existence of working for someone else.The healthcare law even locks more people out of becoming rich,
If the money of this country were still based on a gold and silver backing there would not need to be so many wage increases as their would be no inflation,
Switzerland a country that has no minimum wage has the highest income levels in the world, on average of around 50 bucks a hour.
A good economy is all that is needed to increase wages. There is no government authority under the constitution to redistribute money, set minimum or maximum wages on peoples incomes or earnings, This is socialism you are living under and its not working out to well is it?
Bono who is a liberal, has traveled all over the world and seen poverty all over the world came to the conclusion when he said.
Milton Friedman to Donahue said when Donahue was bashing capitalism , capitalism is the worst form of economic structure in the world except for all the rest.
Under what other economic structure can someone come from nothing and become wealthy and realize their dreams?
yep, i guess complete idiots compile all current english dictionaries, meanwhile smart guys like you do HVAC with your 9 month degree from redstone "college".
Who writes the dictionary?who determines what the meaning of those words are?It depends on what the meaning of is is.
So if you find one person who is offended by the term red skin, but 1000000 people don't give a shit.That is cool to violate the freedom of millions for the supposed false indignation of 1?