that's probably because you said you were a jew.
pada, feel free to show him that post because he won't see it from me!
true that, herr @Red1966

that's probably because you said you were a jew.
pada, feel free to show him that post because he won't see it from me!
I don't take orders from you. Everyone here knows of your dishonest tactics, including you.
It has a lot of flaws with it, mainly the confiscation of the capitalist to support the welfare state making companys not competitive in the free market,then you should love this: social democracy aka social capitalism..yes?..please read and let me know your thoughts:
Why are you now quoting someone else entirely, when the discussion was about your replies to my quotes? Could it be just one more attempt at dishonesty? Pretending I'm "behind" just shows you for the sore loser you are.Your failure to understand the context of the quote only makes you look dumber, Red..
Stop while you're behind, buddy.. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment from your retarded ass..
No, Pada's demanding I provide "proof" of a well-known fact, That I did provide as can be seen, since he made it soooo easy by providing an example just minutes later.Then he uses his normal dishonest ploy to try to pretend the discussion was about something else. There is no point in researching anything with dishonest people such as him. When proven wrong beyond any shadow of a doubt, they move the goalpost.=m so to speak. You seem to have a deep seated bigotry towards men. "what the hell did your fathers do to all you women?" (edited)pada's just calling you on it, red..has nothing to do with many mommy issues in RIU politics..sheeeesh!
what the hell did your mothers do to all you men?
No, Pada's demanding I provide "proof" of a well-known fact, That I did provide as can be seen, since he made it soooo easy by providing an example just minutes later.Then he uses his normal dishonest ploy to try to pretend the discussion was about something else. There is no point in researching anything with dishonest people such as him. When proven wrong beyond any shadow of a doubt, they move the goalpost.=m so to speak. You seem to have a deep seated bigotry towards men. "what the hell did your fathers do to all you women?" (edited)
I provided a quote of him doing exactly what he denies doing. So your statement "you never provide any citation" is apparently a lie. Glad you admit to your issuewell first of all, you never provide any citation for these 'well-known' facts.
second..we must be reading two different posts because i'm not seeing any of what you claim..honestly.
once again..comprehension seems to be an issue here.
Yea this would the ticket.then you should love this: social democracy aka social capitalism..yes?..please read and let me know your thoughts:
No, you're too stupid to explain it to. And too dishonest
Im sure you are talking about the exemption of for small business from obamao hitler care for business's having less than 50 employees, in that case the employee you hire has to purchase his own health care, even if they are 17 and you hire them to sweep floors , so now either the tax payer picks up the tab or the employee must pay for the health care.Or the employer must provide a higher than market wage so the employee can purchase their own health care, But you being one of the dumbest mother fuckers on RIU and never hiring anyone for anything or starting up and running a business are not aware of the workers compensation insurance, the business insurance the employment tax, the socialist security tax the bonds licenses and fees.If you want to put a sign in front of your business , for example in my city you have to pay the city 400 bucks just to hang a sign in front of your own business,,If you have a vehicle then you have commercial insurance on it, If you drive a truck then you have to pay the DOT, If you are a contractor then you have to go get a contractor license,every state you have to pay them for a license, then every county or municipality you have to take a test and pay them a fee. Then if you are a contractor every job you do you have to get a building permit to do the work, taking the time to go get the permit and pay them their fee's,We have property tax that has to be paid, fuck I could go on forever on this shit,
Yea you have to be a multi millionaire to start even a small business up thanks to fucking mouth breathing morons like YOU who vote.
Your only talent is running your pie hole calling people names and breeding little bastard children for the rest of society to pay for.
Id love to see you pass a certified real estate appraisers exam or a mechanical contractors license exam, You would be straight fucked, Not in a million years would your dumb ass be able to even pass any of these exams.
None of this shit is free market capitalism, it is straight up socialism and it is a failure just like it has failed everywhere it has been tried.
Its all about the control by the few over the many.
now for your fucked up welfare state.if it were up to me there would be no welfare no food stamps(obamao bucks) NO section 8 housing no subsidies for your utility's no free phones no public housing projects no public schools .
If you want to breed little bastard children go ahead but you would be the one paying for it, But you expect the rest of society to pay for your stupidity and your children .
The rest of society didn't get the pussy, didn't make the mistake of having a kid they cant afford to feed and take care of but has to pay,
Me being a libertarian normally im not for force but if you run around having kids you cant afford forcing others to pay id force you to be sterilized so you cant have any more children forcing others to pay for,same goes for the woman.If you have a kid and sex with fucking losers and have kids you cant pay for you would have a forced abortion or be forced into a public whore house to pay for your own child.
If you want to have sex and children with a loser but expect everyone else to pay who you didn't have sex with then you should be required to have sex with those who are already paying for your sex ,If you are so damn ugly no one wants to fuck you then you can earn your public check by cleaning up the splooge in the whore house.
for the woman also don't expect the rest of society to pay for your birth ,control take responsibility for yourself and your own actions.
Now bucky what names you have to call me now?
The peanut gallery chimes in.Oh, this is good! Red calling someone else stupid. You just can't make this shit up!