Obama re-election

How much lead paint do you think you would sell? I know I wouldn't buy any from you. Its kind of like selling a turd, no one will buy it. Your business will fail and you will learn that trying to sell a deadly paint is not good business.

Pointless argument. I have already referenced in the last debate about lead in paint as to how the lead regulations were useless post-facto regulations. However, people of the left love to continue to perpetuate their lies in order to prove their points. Just look at the Enron debate.

The lead paint regulations were political regulations done only to serve the politicians who could go to their constituents and say: "Hey, I am fighting for your safety by preventing the evil paint business from putting lead in your paint." Meanwhile, the paint companies didn't care to fight the regulation because they had already begun to stop putting lead in paint anyways.
Pointless argument. I have already referenced in the last debate about lead in paint as to how the lead regulations were useless post-facto regulations. However, people of the left love to continue to perpetuate their lies in order to prove their points. Just look at the Enron debate.

The lead paint regulations were political regulations done only to serve the politicians who could go to their constituents and say: "Hey, I am fighting for your safety by preventing the evil paint business from putting lead in your paint." Meanwhile, the paint companies didn't care to fight the regulation because they had already begun to stop putting lead in paint anyways.
I agree, it's like when Dukeanthony would rail against CFC's being released into the atmosphere, but the whole time being completely ignorant of the fact that they have been banned for over 30 years now.
I agree, it's like when Dukeanthony would rail against CFC's being released into the atmosphere, but the whole time being completely ignorant of the fact that they have been banned for over 30 years now.

In addition to that it appears that the Hole in the Ozone has repaired itself and that is contributing to the global warming effect on the planet. Thank god for government intervention.
How much lead paint do you think you would sell? I know I wouldn't buy any from you. Its kind of like selling a turd, no one will buy it. Your business will fail and you will learn that trying to sell a deadly paint is not good business.

If there are no Regulations
Why would I have to list it as an Ingredient
And if I priced it low enough
How many People Just wouldnt Care?
Hey I'm Just a landlord. You are concerned about the Paint?
Dont eat it or I will have to take it out of your security deposit
If there are no Regulations
Why would I have to list it as an Ingredient
And if I priced it low enough
How many People Just wouldnt Care?
Hey I'm Just a landlord. You are concerned about the Paint?
Dont eat it or I will have to take it out of your security deposit

It's called being a conscious consumer. ASK BEFORE YOU BUY/SIGN. Receive no answer? Fine, I'm moving on then.

You see, in the free market, the power lies in the consumer. The seller needs your money in order to stay open for business. They cater to YOU.

The Bush/Obama marketplace actually has the opposite effect. If the consumers stop buying/paying the companies then the government will just pick up the tab and force the people to pay through taxation. Therefore, encouraging companies to continue to fuck the consumers.
If there are no Regulations
Why would I have to list it as an Ingredient
And if I priced it low enough
How many People Just wouldnt Care?
Hey I'm Just a landlord. You are concerned about the Paint?
Dont eat it or I will have to take it out of your security deposit

Despite the fact that lead paint hasnt been used in this country in over 30 years you still have to file a lead paint disclosure with every property transaction in America. Whether the building was built before a certain date or not.

That is a regulation I think we can all say bye bye to. Anything that hasnt been painted in over 30 years should not be gnawed on by small children. Enough said.
alright let's stop this conservative circle jerk right here.

1) companies stopped putting lead in paint because the regulation was imminent.

2) CFCs aren't 'banned'. marijuana is banned. cfc's are used as refrigerants, commonly known as FREON. they are well regulated and that's why they say you shouldn't mess with your AC yourself, because the FREON gets out...

what else... oh the hole in the ozone layer: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=49040

it's still there. i don't know who told you it's repaired itself because it hasn't.

and the Ozone layer isn't important because of global warming. it helps absorb radiation from the sun so our kids don't end up having to invent artificial skin from all the malignant melanomas.....


leave for a little bit and you guys get kinda crazy...lol
Pointless argument. I have already referenced in the last debate about lead in paint as to how the lead regulations were useless post-facto regulations. However, people of the left love to continue to perpetuate their lies in order to prove their points. Just look at the Enron debate.

The lead paint regulations were political regulations done only to serve the politicians who could go to their constituents and say: "Hey, I am fighting for your safety by preventing the evil paint business from putting lead in your paint." Meanwhile, the paint companies didn't care to fight the regulation because they had already begun to stop putting lead in paint anyways.

paint Manufacturers did not stop putting Lead into paint until 1978 when forced to by the Goverment
In 1955 they reduced the level of lead but still left in toxic amounts.
Despite the fact that lead paint hasnt been used in this country in over 30 years you still have to file a lead paint disclosure with every property transaction in America. Whether the building was built before a certain date or not.

That is a regulation I think we can all say bye bye to. Anything that hasnt been painted in over 30 years should not be gnawed on by small children. Enough said.

maybe it shouldnt be breathed in Either. Becuase everytime you Renovate in a house painted with Lead paint. you Create Lead Dust.
If Obama promised to Legalize marijuana the first day of his 2nd term I still wouldnt vote for him.

Yes that is why they passed a law that homes built before 1978 you have to have a Lead paint disclosure. Funny if they stopped in 1955 why didnt the law get dated to back then?

The industry is fond of claiming that it stopped adding lead to interior paints when it learned that lead-based paint was dangerous. In fact, the lead pigment manufacturers knew that lead-based paint was hazardous long before 1955. The decision to push for adoption of a 1955 standard limiting the lead content in paint was a ploy to further delay government regulation. The self-serving standard allowed 10,000 parts per million of lead in paint, exempted exterior paints altogether, was completely voluntary, and lacked any means for tracking or enforcement.

The 1955 standard notwithstanding, these companies continued selling paint with lead in it, at reduced but still harmful levels. They did not stop until the government forced them to by banning lead paint in 1978. And from 1978 to today, they have done virtually nothing to prevent children’s exposure to toxic lead dust from paint, or to remove lead-based paint hazards from children’s homes.

Yes that is why they passed a law that homes built before 1978 you have to have a Lead paint disclosure. Funny if they stopped in 1955 why didnt the law get dated to back then?

The industry is fond of claiming that it stopped adding lead to interior paints when it learned that lead-based paint was dangerous. In fact, the lead pigment manufacturers knew that lead-based paint was hazardous long before 1955. The decision to push for adoption of a 1955 standard limiting the lead content in paint was a ploy to further delay government regulation. The self-serving standard allowed 10,000 parts per million of lead in paint, exempted exterior paints altogether, was completely voluntary, and lacked any means for tracking or enforcement.

The 1955 standard notwithstanding, these companies continued selling paint with lead in it, at reduced but still harmful levels. They did not stop until the government forced them to by banning lead paint in 1978. And from 1978 to today, they have done virtually nothing to prevent children’s exposure to toxic lead dust from paint, or to remove lead-based paint hazards from children’s homes.


You dont remove it... You PAINT over it. Preferably with a non lead based paint. If you are remodeling a house, particularly an old house you should not have kids sitting around without breathing protection anyway.

And for christ sake teach your kids not to chew the woodwork.
You dont remove it... You PAINT over it. Preferably with a non lead based paint. If you are remodeling a house, particularly an old house you should not have kids sitting around without breathing protection anyway.

And for christ sake teach your kids not to chew the woodwork.

Paint Degrades. The Biggest issue isnt eating it. it is breathing it. Im sure 3000 kids in Cleveland are not all Eating lead paint chips

Each year in greater Cleveland, nearly three-thousand children are diagnosed with lead-poisoning

More than 4% of children in the United States have lead poisoning. Rates of lead poisoning are higher in large cities and among people with low incomes.
The most common cause of lead poisoning today is old paint with lead in it. Lead has not been used in house paint since 1978.
it wont matter whether he wins or not. america nowadays will hate the new president within a year anyways.

all because the senators/representatives from our states are always combating whatever the president wants, doesnt matter what party he represents.

I say fuck bi-partisanship.