You have no clue how bad you look when you do shit like that. I'm sure it sounded good in your head...
Remember the first time you called me racist? It was when I called you on your bullshit, you claimed you used to bring body parts home from a lab and throw them at your roommate, you claimed you had the only living grandma who was listed as a male on her birth certificate and has no possible way to change it among many others (I care so little about it I won't even ask the creepy stalker dude for his file on you to show the quotes, people see you...). It was when I was fairly new and your account was just made. I thought, jeez, this guy couldn't tell the truth if he had to. You were even still denying you were a sock puppet account at the time until you got cornered. Now you are one of those idiots that accuse others of being sock-puppets like that really means anything coming from you.
It's obvious you don't understand how the price of oil is set, instead of trying to learn, you went into name calling. That sucks man, you chose ignorant and mean instead. You seem like good people. I mean other than braggin(lying) about desecrating the bodies of people so you can have a goof.