Obama to net $400K for Wall Street speech

For the third time; Cantor Fitz is a mid sized investment banking firm filled with lots of top gun Wall Street whiz kids who like the idea of rubbing elbows with celebrities. The firm is happy to provide such speakers as enrichment, perks and bragging rights to its employees. Remember, it's all tax deductible.
Yes, but is it unethical for Obama to accept a speaking fee from them in 2017? IMHO, it is not.
I think it's fine. If it were before an election he was running in then I'd have a gripe.
I now realize I confused the issue by accidentally including something you wrote in a reply I made to OP. I sometimes have an abandoned reply in the buffer that gets included in my next reply without me noticing it. In other words...I'm good at confusing myself and others as I did here! Sorry about that -- entirely my "bad".