Obama to net $400K for Wall Street speech

If every president does this why do you keep making threads about the black one?

I never called you a racist .
Because I want the Democratic party to be better. We all know the Republican party is a lost cause, they believe absolute bullshit. I believe the Democratic party can be reformed for the better by electing politicians that don't accept corporate money or super PAC money. Seeing as Obama was the last leader of the Democratic party, I'd say he's earned his fair share of the blame, especially after pulling bullshit like this. I voted for Obama, to imply I'm racist for criticizing his leadership is partisan hackery. The fact that none of you do is telling. It shows you to be no different than the Republicans all of you criticize regularly. Not only that, it cheapens legitimate accusations of racism/sexism, so you're actually doing a disservice to the cause without even realizing it.
Imagine this bitter, angry racist making your food? Spit city, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Middle-aged ball of rage squirting mustard onto .99 trashburgers....it writes itself...

As you just bought last years candy. Fucking muppet.
It shows you to be no different than the Republicans all of you criticize regularly.

You know that's absurd. There's a huge difference that you overlook, simply because of campaign contributions?

We didn't rule on Citizen's United, their scotus appointees did.

So, we're stuck with it. I expect our side to compete.

They made the rules and it could be decades until we can change it.

Your constant pounding on Democrats isn't strengthening the party, and your desire to move the party further left doesn't match the current political climate.

You work with what you have and do the best you can.