Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

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Well-Known Member
he actually does have the power to make decisions like this about the law, it's called transitional authority.

derp dee der.


New Member
Obama on executive orders 25th November 2013;

Before everybody starts clapping, that’s not how it works. We’ve got this Constitution, we’ve got this whole thing about separation of powers. So there is no short-cut to politics, and there’s no short-cut to democracy



Well-Known Member
he actually does have the power to make decisions like this about the law, it's called transitional authority.

derp dee der.
That is what Obama claims, but since when has anything he ever said been true? Administration officials haven’t explained their legal reasoning, and they haven’t scheduled any public briefings to explain the move. He doesn't have the authority to not enforce the law. That's not included in his massive amount power. It's called "executive order", you just call it "transitional authority" so that tyranny doesn't sound so bad.


Well-Known Member
That is what Obama claims, but since when has anything he ever said been true? Administration officials haven’t explained their legal reasoning, and they haven’t scheduled any public briefings to explain the move. He doesn't have the authority to not enforce the law. That's not included in his massive amount power. It's called "executive order", you just call it "transitional authority" so that tyranny doesn't sound so bad.
he said obamacare was constitutional, and that turned out to be true.


easy on throwing around the word tyranny there, chumlee. get some perspective and then come back to this conversation once you're an adult.


Well-Known Member
he said obamacare was constitutional, and that turned out to be true.


easy on throwing around the word tyranny there, chumlee. get some perspective and then come back to this conversation once you're an adult.
Obama said the law was constitutional AS IS. That turned out to be a lie. The supreme court re wrote the law for him. Changing the wording from fees and fines to taxes, amongst other things. The supreme court has not yet ruled on whether the ACA violates religious rights. :dunce:

One man with all the power to shit on Congress. How is that not tyranny?


Well-Known Member
Obama said the law was constitutional AS IS. That turned out to be a lie. The supreme court re wrote the law for him. Changing the wording from fees and fines to taxes, amongst other things. The supreme court has not yet ruled on whether the ACA violates religious rights. :dunce:

One man with all the power to shit on Congress. How is that not tyranny?
i'm pretty sure when the president has to beg congress just to pay the bills, we are a long way from tyranny.

it's so sad that your anointed savior, mitt romney and paul ryan, weren't as appealing to the american people as obama and biden were.

but then again, we can't stop you from liking losers that america hates with a passion, you guys do that all to yourself.

good luck in your quest to destroy christie, aka your last and best chance to get rid of obamacare.


Well-Known Member
Nope, The "Fine" was unconstitutional... When the Supreme Court changed the wording to a "tax" then they said it became constitutional. Doesn't make it constitutional because some idiot wants to give more free shit to the scum to keep out their incentive to make their lives better and more fulfilled.

Everyone had access to medical care, now everyone will have access to less medical care.


Well-Known Member
Nope, The "Fine" was unconstitutional... When the Supreme Court changed the wording to a "tax" then they said it became constitutional. Doesn't make it constitutional because some idiot wants to give more free shit to the scum to keep out their incentive to make their lives better and more fulfilled.

Everyone had access to medical care, now everyone will have access to less medical care.
oh, hey. another angry moron predicting doom.

you'll fit in well with the right wing crowd here, i can tell already.


Well-Known Member
WHEN Romney said he wanted to put Welfare recipients back to work, That was their demise. THESE TAKERS ARE THE oBUMa VOTERS.
oBUMa also threated to bypass congress to raise the debt ceiling. What are we spending 17 trillion dollars on? Please explain what we are spending 17 trillion on?


Well-Known Member
i'm pretty sure when the president has to beg congress just to pay the bills, we are a long way from tyranny.

it's so sad that your anointed savior, mitt romney and paul ryan, weren't as appealing to the american people as obama and biden were.

but then again, we can't stop you from liking losers that america hates with a passion, you guys do that all to yourself.

good luck in your quest to destroy christie, aka your last and best chance to get rid of obamacare.
The Senate is in the process of drafting a bill to give the president power to increase the debt cieling automatically through executive fiat. The only way to stop the ceiling from rising and then come crashing down would be if congress can pass a bill to stop it, and then get the president to sign it. Which doesn't make any sense at all, just more tyranny...



Well-Known Member
WHEN Romney said he wanted to put Welfare recipients back to work, That was their demise. THESE TAKERS ARE THE oBUMa VOTERS.
the majority of welfare recipients are white.

the majority of white people voted for romney.


you are an idiot.

oBUMa also threated to bypass congress to raise the debt ceiling.
no citation needed as claim is demonstrably false.

What are we spending 17 trillion dollars on? Please explain what we are spending 17 trillion on?
a lot of stuff that republicans voted for, like iraq, medicare part D expansion, tax cuts for millionaires, and the like.

why are you such an angry little loser?


Well-Known Member
The Senate is in the process of drafting a bill to give the president power to increase the debt cieling automatically through executive fiat. The only way to stop the ceiling from rising and then come crashing down would be if congress can pass a bill to stop it, and then get the president to sign it. Which doesn't make any sense at all, just more tyranny...
i highlighted the obvious contradiction here in case you were too stupid to see it.


Well-Known Member
i highlighted the obvious contradiction here in case you were too stupid to see it.
All Democrats behind it. With the president's full support. You're argument is weak. You wanted to bring up the debt ceiling, so there you go. Democrats want more tyranny.


Well-Known Member
All Democrats behind it. With the president's full support. You're argument is weak. You wanted to bring up the debt ceiling, so there you go. Democrats want more tyranny.
how is it tyranny to have duly elected representatives vote on a bill? that's actually what the constitution calls for, not tyranny.

you are a fucking idiot.


New Member
are you too dumb to realize who has control of the house right now?

apparently you are.
I made a clear comparison to 2010, when everyone was pissed at the dems and put the pubs in full control... Obama is a failure and I love watching your idol crash and burn


Well-Known Member
I made a clear comparison to 2010, when everyone was pissed at the dems and put the pubs in full control... Obama is a failure and I love watching your idol crash and burn
how does a party "get back control" of something they already have control over, sketchy etchy?

i know you are averse to straightforward questions like that, so i apologize in advance for inconveniencing you with such anathema.


Well-Known Member
Wow just tyrannical. Giving people money left and right, radically expanding welfare, putting white god loving conservatives in concentration camps... Crowning Eric Holder king and making people worship Jesse Jackson, socializing every industry we have, killing the business class, god where does it end....
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