Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

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Well-Known Member
"By making up new ones on the fly".

Damn dude, you're good.
obama didn't make up a new law, he used his transitional authority to delay implementation of an existing one due to his monumental fuckup of the website.

you say that the website is not really his fault, but i say it is. he fucked up and he's eating it now, and deservedly so.


Well-Known Member
obama didn't make up a new law, he used his transitional authority to delay implementation of an existing one due to his monumental fuckup of the website.

you say that the website is not really his fault, but i say it is. he fucked up and he's eating it now, and deservedly so.
Transitional authority is a made up phrase that has no actual meaning other than whatever false one you proscribe to it.
At most Obama would have Delegated legislation powers granted by Congress and approved by the Supremes.


Well-Known Member
i believe in private ownership of means of production.

you are the only white person in south stockton, california (interestingly, a search of convicted pedos in south stockton does turn up a white person, so that must be you).

have a good day.
You only believe in private ownership because the government has the power to tax the hell out of people. But what happens when the government eventually runs out of other people's money? You will be calling for the government to take control of more and more of the private sector. Not just health care. Not just 1/6th of America's economy. It doesn't end with health care and GM. Obama plans to get his hands on everything



Well-Known Member
You only believe in private ownership because the government has the power to tax the hell out of people. But what happens when the government eventually runs out of other people's money? You will be calling for the government to take control of more and more of the private sector. Not just health care. Not just 1/6th of America's economy. It doesn't end with health care and GM. Obama plans to get his hands on everything
does obama fondle your little pecker while you sleep?

are you worried about that, or do you secretly enjoy it and just pretend to be asleep?


Well-Known Member
You only believe in private ownership because the government has the power to tax the hell out of people. But what happens when the government eventually runs out of other people's money? You will be calling for the government to take control of more and more of the private sector. Not just health care. Not just 1/6th of America's economy. It doesn't end with health care and GM. Obama plans to get his hands on everything

One man does not control the whole nation Freedom. I think your disgust with the way the country is eroding is being misplaced onto the easy target, the president, but don't forget that most things are actually controlled by the Congress.


Well-Known Member
One man does not control the whole nation Freedom. I think your disgust with the way the country is eroding is being misplaced onto the easy target, the president, but don't forget that most things are actually controlled by the Congress.
Well sure, I could just as easily start a thread about my disgust with Congress. Post about it all the time.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
does obama fondle your little pecker while you sleep?

are you worried about that, or do you secretly enjoy it and just pretend to be asleep?
Here goes Buck with his gay posts.
No one even mentioned gay shit.
You Buck resort to the lowest of low to glorify the Great leader.


Well-Known Member
admitted narcissist ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
if i accept your invented label of narcissist for me and make my sig "i am a narcissist", will you accept your well earned label of white supremacist and holocaust denier and make your sig "i am a white supremacist and holocaust denier"?

then we could stop playing this stupid dance where i tell the truth about you and you make up a new lie about me or my wife.

i am proposing a gentleman's agreement, do you accept?


New Member
if i accept your invented label of narcissist for me and make my sig "i am a narcissist", will you accept your well earned label of white supremacist and holocaust denier and make your sig "i am a white supremacist and holocaust denier"?

then we could stop playing this stupid dance where i tell the truth about you and you make up a new lie about me or my wife.

i am proposing a gentleman's agreement, do you accept?
A) you are a narcissist
B) i'm not what you claim I am
C) your wife is fat
D) you are not a gentleman


Well-Known Member
A) you are a narcissist
B) i'm not what you claim I am
C) your wife is fat
D) you are not a gentleman
i would like to focus on assertion B).

my claim is the following:

Uncle Buck, Claim 1: echelon1k1 has a known history of joining groups which he knew espoused white supremacy and holocaust denial beliefs.

would you like to refute my claim?


New Member
i would like to focus on assertion B).

my claim is the following:

Uncle Buck, Claim 1: echelon1k1 has a known history of joining groups which he knew espoused white supremacy and holocaust denial beliefs.

would you like to refute my claim?
Don't move the goalposts. You claim that "I am a white supremacist and holocaust denier" yet you cannot provide one citation where I have expressed these views.

The onus of proof is upon YOU as you are making the claims. The entire premise of your argument is guilt by association and by now you'd think such a skilled and motivated individual such as yourself would've found something to cite....

Unfortunately your concept of the term "guilt by association" does not extend to the person you knowingly voted for with connections to race baiters and terrorists....


Yep, fake outrage coupled with narcissistic rage = wife moving to san jose...


Well-Known Member
Don't move the goalposts. You claim that "I am a white supremacist and holocaust denier"
i didn't move the goalposts. that claim depends on whether or not you accept Uncle Buck, Claim 1 as true.

since nowhere in this reply did you actually answer my only, simple, straightforward question, i will ask again in a slightly different way to keep things fresh.

do you accept Uncle Buck, Claim 1 as true?

yet you cannot provide one citation where I have expressed these views.
i will ignore that you are trying to move the goalposts away from answering about Uncle Buck, Claim 1.

i will point out that joining an invitation only group of "like minded" thinkers twice (even after they are exposed) is an expression of acceptance and encouragement.

as is 'liking' so many posts made by said "like minded" thinkers. that counts as an expression of approval.

even your anger to me is an expression proving your mindset. you rail on us for our judaism and you remain silent (or encourage) their white supremacy and anti-semitism. that is an expression by omittance.

so yes, there is no shortage of you expressing "these views". you express yourself very well.

The entire premise of your argument is guilt by association
no, that's only part of the premise, but it is a convincing part.

just yesterday, you said that you don't associate with convicts like pinworm.

a few weeks ago, you told abandon that you defriended him because of some quote you cropped to falsely frame him as a pedophile.

association is something you pride yourself on, as evidenced by your own statements.

yet you continued your association with admitted stormfront members who formed neo nazi groups espousing holocaust denial and white supremacy, even after their groups kept getting deleted.

by now you'd think such a skilled and motivated individual such as yourself would've found something to cite....
you really don't understand how citation works, do you?

just 10 days ago, you asked me to cite your involvement with said groups. tonight, you admitted your involvement.

where does it end with you?

Yep, fake outrage coupled with narcissistic rage = wife moving to san jose...

i am sitting here in san jose with her, shit for brains.

why do you revert to lies and insinuations and bitterness about me whenever i revert to the truth about you?


New Member
i didn't move the goalposts. that claim depends on whether or not you accept Uncle Buck, Claim 1 as true.

since nowhere in this reply did you actually answer my only, simple, straightforward question, i will ask again in a slightly different way to keep things fresh.

do you accept Uncle Buck, Claim 1 as true?

i will ignore that you are trying to move the goalposts away from answering about Uncle Buck, Claim 1.

i will point out that joining an invitation only group of "like minded" thinkers twice (even after they are exposed) is an expression of acceptance and encouragement.

as is 'liking' so many posts made by said "like minded" thinkers. that counts as an expression of approval.

even your anger to me is an expression proving your mindset. you rail on us for our judaism and you remain silent (or encourage) their white supremacy and anti-semitism. that is an expression by omittance.

so yes, there is no shortage of you expressing "these views". you express yourself very well.

no, that's only part of the premise, but it is a convincing part.

just yesterday, you said that you don't associate with convicts like pinworm.

a few weeks ago, you told abandon that you defriended him because of some quote you cropped to falsely frame him as a pedophile.

association is something you pride yourself on, as evidenced by your own statements.

yet you continued your association with admitted stormfront members who formed neo nazi groups espousing holocaust denial and white supremacy, even after their groups kept getting deleted.

you really don't understand how citation works, do you?

just 10 days ago, you asked me to cite your involvement with said groups. tonight, you admitted your involvement.

where does it end with you?

i am sitting here in san jose with her*, shit for brains.

why do you revert to lies and insinuations and bitterness about me whenever i revert to the truth about you?
so you still cannot cite a single instance where I have spoken of white supremacy and holocaust denial in a positive light?

*In the same room?
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