Obamacare, for rich people?


Well-Known Member
the poor either get medicaid or tax subsidies to lower the cost of their health insurance.

i fail to see how subsidies to make health care cost less hurt rather than help anyone.

now let's wait for kkkynes, near-minimum wage poster boy, bitch about how these tax subsidies are gonna bankrupt him.
The pubs think that by helping people, the state is hurting them. They think that the natural order of things is that the rich will wield market forces while everyone else toils to keep them rich. Helping people would therefore go against the natural order. Whether they are right or wrong, I find it amusing that they don't know who or even how Obamacare helps.

Obamacare helps drug suppliers and other such sellers of healthcare first and foremost. Suppliers can't simply drop the price of drugs, even if some of those drugs can save lives. Obama can't simply order price controls. What Obama can do is to stimulate aggregate demand. Or he could have nationalized supply or subsidized production but only a republican can do something like that and not be called a communist. Obama had to stay right of center but he had to leave behind something that looks like universal healthcare.

So what the ACA does is create more customers. It literally uses state authority to compel insurance providers to provide policies for basically everyone and compels everyone to get such policies or pay a tax. This greatly increases demand for healthcare goods and services which is sufficient incentive for suppliers to increase the volume of goods and services to the market.

Insurance policies are like credit in that they allow people who don't necessarily have much disposable income to purchase expensive goods and services. It is kind of like how credit cards were in the 20s and again in the 80s, stimulating spending. There will be about a trillion dollars in subsidies for people who will need it for the next decade. This money also goes to the insurance providers although it is called a subsidy to the poor.

If you have a problem with ACA, it should be because you don't want the drugs or services available. If that is the case, the best bet is to seek assistance outside of the market, say in another country. This is relevant to a lot of people. For example, if you have cancer. It is a felony in many states to treat cancer with anything other than chemo, radiation or surgery. You could find yourself with no choice but to take interferon or a similar "therapy" which can cost upwards of $10,000 per dose. Of course, you'll need to take several other medicines so that you'll be able to work for at least part of the time you're on the poison. I digress, cancer is a gold mine, but not if you have no way to pay for it.

The trillion dollar subsidy comes from projected revenue so we're basically putting it on the credit card.


Well-Known Member
While guidelines are changing, My sister who has had cancer will go from paying $800 a month for healthcare with an amazing doctor, incredible hospitals and specialists, to paying $4000 with lackluster doctors because the excellent doctors are not accepting Obamacare which She is being forced to use unless .

I'm sorry for your sister, but I think you all aught to look again, there is no OBAMACARE as a seperate paying entity. Obamacare is simply a term. No doctor will ever know unless you tell them, if you are getting the provisions of Obamacare because he is getting paid through a private insurance company. So what is this "the doctor won't accept Obama care" when it is really AETNA, or BLUE CROSS that is making he negotiations and settling the bills?

I am confused as well, you already have insurance? and it is costing you how much? If your sister is it? has cancer, under the old rules, her insurance company can and will pressure her out of coverage. the moment she lose your coverage, she is done as no insurance company previously would take her. So I am not really sure what it is you are trying to say. Why would you not get the specialists unless those specialists do not have a contract with your new carrier? There are other specialists btw. She will have to pay $4000 a month until her maximum out of pocket amount is reached. Are you saying that her old plan was absolutely free, forever? I'd give a lot for a plan like that but I never found one for any price I could ever afford.

It HAS to be "affordable for pre-existing condtions because you are not required to divulge them. Again, there is no such thing as Obamacare insurance.

I would like to hear more about your sister's situation.


Well-Known Member
Lowest level plan is 30% co-pay with thousands of dollars in deductibles paid before that even happens...

People will learn about it as it happens to them. Obamacare is getting less and less popular every day.

Ah, that's funny. Becauses you are absolutely right, people don't read the fine print. So, people will learn about it when they use it. That is why so many are "happy with the insurance they have". Because the only thing they know about their current plan is the price of the premium, they have never used the policy and would be equaly surprised when they did and found they were on the hook for huge amounts of money "we calculate your portion of monies owed 'Beaver surgery center' to be $23,320. United Health Care's negotiated rate for this proceedure brings your bill to "$21,120". .


Well-Known Member
I think healthcare should be obtained the old fashioned way, by having a job. I've never been uninsured so I know it's possible to have a government free health plan. You know, if you don't mind having a job that is.

Yeah, that's a good idea, so when you take that secretarial job at Acme lumber, a place that does a brisk 2.8 million a year but employs precisely 21 people, and the owner tried and could not find a group policy that makes any sense but because he is a kind hearted guy, he gives every employee $200 a month to defray their cost of personal insurance. They should all go somewhere else where they get health insurance. (the above is a true story).

"the old fashioned way" - yeah, right.


Well-Known Member
he could have at least tried to make his lie somewhat believable.

It isn't a lie, it is a series of misunderstandings lain atop what the poster has been indoctrinated by the right to believe about ObamaCare. There are still plenty of people who actually believe that Obamacare is some government program that pays the doctors directly (oh I wish), and suplants private insurance company offerings with some sort of regimented, government controled nazi germany sort of system that has enslaved doctors.

No, it isn't a lie, it is worse, the poster obviously has no idea of the particulars.


Well-Known Member
Well then you agree with CNN Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to the law.

CNN/Opinion Research
10/18 - 10/20
41 A for/favor-
Against/Oppose +15

Of course, lots and lots of people are opposed to the law. But as we see over and over again, lots and lots of people don't even know what the law is, let alone how it affects them. The post about the guy's sister who says that her doctors won't accept Obamacare is a perfect example of what I am talking about. The reason so many people are opposed to it is that they tend to believe the fear mongering, and outright lies.

Of course Obama isn't helping either with his backtracking on keeping your doctor or your current plan.