Obamacare to shatter the backbone of the American middle class?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
That seems to be what America's largest labor unions have concluded.

"The Affordable Care Act now has a formidable opponent in U.S. labor unions. The unions were a key ally in the law’s passage: They spent a large sum of money on the congressional campaigns of Democrats in 2006 and 2008, and union leaders lobbied in favor of health care reform in 2009 and 2010. But with growing worries that the legislation will disrupt the health benefits of its members, America’s largest unions are asking Congress to step in.

Representatives of three of the nation’s largest unions sent a letter to Democratic Sens. Harry Reid of Nevada and Nancy Pelosi of California on Thursday.
“When you and the President sought our support for the Affordable Care Act, you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that promise is under threat,” letter said. “Right now, unless you and the Obama Administration enact an equitable fix, the ACA will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour workweek that is the backbone of the American middle class.”

The letter was written by James P. Hoffa, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Joseph Hansen, international president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union; and Donald Taylor, the president of Unite-Here, a union representing hotel, airport, food service, gaming, and textile workers."

"Finally, the letter argued that while union, nonprofit plans will not receive the same subsidies, they will be taxed to pay for those subsidies."

To quote one of RIU's great thinkers: "Ya gotta love them taxes".

All I can say, if you don't have healthcare, your happy ass better go get some, or starting in 2014, the penalties( taxes) will be implemented. I am not giving this cock sucking worthless government one more penny than they already get. I will continue to do side work for cash only, and it will never get reported. If they want to see how I am doing, they can come find me on the lake in my new bass boat.

Piss on the government healthcare, it sucks, will continue to suck and the ass clowns in our government will do everything in their powers to finish breaking the backs of the American worker.

And if you can't pass a drug test, piss on any help from anywhere. That is for all the coat tail riding bums we have here, I say we starve the fuckers to death and make shark bait out of em, then they would contribute something worth while.


All I can say, if you don't have healthcare, your happy ass better go get some, or starting in 2014, the penalties( taxes) will be implemented. I am not giving this cock sucking worthless government one more penny than they already get. I will continue to do side work for cash only, and it will never get reported. If they want to see how I am doing, they can come find me on the lake in my new bass boat.

Piss on the government healthcare, it sucks, will continue to suck and the ass clowns in our government will do everything in their powers to finish breaking the backs of the American worker.

And if you can't pass a drug test, piss on any help from anywhere. That is for all the coat tail riding bums we have here, I say we starve the fuckers to death and make shark bait out of em, then they would contribute something worth while.


I understand how you feel but you have to remember that hungry people are dangerous people. It doesn't benefit a society if it's people are wallowing in the streets from hunger and sickness.
I understand how you feel but you have to remember that hungry people are dangerous people. It doesn't benefit a society if it's people are wallowing in the streets from hunger and sickness.

I can see your point, but hungry should make someone motivated to do what is right, if they start wondering the streets thinking about being dangerous, well, that is a bad thought process that will absolutely end in tragedy for them. I have no remorse for those that ride the system, if they can't get a job because of health or mental issues, I say that is acceptable. If they are just lazy, dispose of the fuckers and grind them up for shark bait...........I really do like shark fishing incase you have not noticed.

Even the Bible says the Lord helps those who help themselves, if they don't want to help themselves, then off with their head.


All I can say, if you don't have healthcare, your happy ass better go get some, or starting in 2014, the penalties( taxes) will be implemented. I am not giving this cock sucking worthless government one more penny than they already get. I will continue to do side work for cash only, and it will never get reported. If they want to see how I am doing, they can come find me on the lake in my new bass boat.

Piss on the government healthcare, it sucks, will continue to suck and the ass clowns in our government will do everything in their powers to finish breaking the backs of the American worker.

And if you can't pass a drug test, piss on any help from anywhere. That is for all the coat tail riding bums we have here, I say we starve the fuckers to death and make shark bait out of em, then they would contribute something worth while.



^^^^^^funny coming from such an astute member of society.....such a kewl response from someone who loves the coat tails.


That seems to be what America's largest labor unions have concluded.

"The Affordable Care Act now has a formidable opponent in U.S. labor unions. The unions were a key ally in the law’s passage: They spent a large sum of money on the congressional campaigns of Democrats in 2006 and 2008, and union leaders lobbied in favor of health care reform in 2009 and 2010. But with growing worries that the legislation will disrupt the health benefits of its members, America’s largest unions are asking Congress to step in.

Representatives of three of the nation’s largest unions sent a letter to Democratic Sens. Harry Reid of Nevada and Nancy Pelosi of California on Thursday.
“When you and the President sought our support for the Affordable Care Act, you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that promise is under threat,” letter said. “Right now, unless you and the Obama Administration enact an equitable fix, the ACA will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour workweek that is the backbone of the American middle class.”

The letter was written by James P. Hoffa, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Joseph Hansen, international president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union; and Donald Taylor, the president of Unite-Here, a union representing hotel, airport, food service, gaming, and textile workers."

"Finally, the letter argued that while union, nonprofit plans will not receive the same subsidies, they will be taxed to pay for those subsidies."

To quote one of RIU's great thinkers: "Ya gotta love them taxes".


[h=1]New Yorkers to see 50% drop in health insurance costs in Obamacare exchange[/h]By Tami Luhby @Luhby July 17, 2013: 5:32 PM ET
I can see your point, but hungry should make someone motivated to do what is right, if they start wondering the streets thinking about being dangerous, well, that is a bad thought process that will absolutely end in tragedy for them. I have no remorse for those that ride the system, if they can't get a job because of health or mental issues, I say that is acceptable. If they are just lazy, dispose of the fuckers and grind them up for shark bait...........I really do like shark fishing incase you have not noticed.

Even the Bible says the Lord helps those who help themselves, if they don't want to help themselves, then off with their head.



Chapter and verse on the bolded please? cn
Chapter and verse on the bolded please? cn

Have no idea, just something I have heard over the years, but to stay on topic, I still feel if you can work, then work, if you choose not to, then you deserve nothing from anyone except a boot in the ass.


Obamacare is a complex thing to model mathematically...I've tried to understand it and its implications, but it's WAY over my small head...too many "what ifs"...

No wonder the labor unions, who supported it so much at the outset, are now saying "wait a minute..."

We should ALL be concerned...when politicians offer "money for nothing and kicks for free", as Dire Straits did, we should all be wary...

It sounds great, but has catches, and it not easily modeled mathematically...sounds like trouble to a fiscally conservative person like me...
Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass it to find out what is in it...

Apparently the unions are finding out and it is not good.

If Obamacare did anything it promised there might be merit to it. However, not one thing that Obama promised as part of the legislation in terms of cost savings, keeping your old plan, keeping your doctor is coming to pass.
Nancy Pelosi said we have to pass it to find out what is in it...

partial, cropped quote.

what does it say about you that you have to resort to partial, cropped quotes? can't you make a case based on the merits?

guess not.

However, not one thing that Obama promised as part of the legislation in terms of cost savings, keeping your old plan, keeping your doctor is coming to pass.

nitro harley's obamacare calculator tells me that my wife will save about half from what she was paying. not only that, she gets to keep her same plan with her birth control covered now (another $15 a month savings, $180 a year) and she gets to keep her same doctor.

turns out you have no idea what you're talking about and just repeating lies and cropped quotes.

we all had a good idea you were capable of that.
New Yorkers to see 50% drop in health insurance costs in Obamacare exchange

By Tami Luhby @Luhby July 17, 2013: 5:32 PM ET

First of all CNN is a Liberal source of news.
It's funny reading that link.
New York is full of rude trash illegal immigrants much like Mexico or California.

Found these quotes laughable:
But the steep drop in rates in New York will likely not be mirrored in many other states. That's because New York is one of the few that already required many of the benefits of Obamacare, which left its individual market filled with a small pool of sicker residents and very high costs. Only 17,000 New Yorkers buy their own insurance right now, while 2.6 million people lack coverage.

But under Obamacare, healthier residents are expected to flood the individual market to avoid paying the penalty. The state is expecting more than 600,000 people to enter the exchanges, with about 70% of them eligible for federal subsidies.

Costs vary throughout the state.

Some 17 insurers will offer coverage, which will come in four tiers: bronze (the lowest and cheapest tier), silver, gold and platinum (the most expensive). Each plan will have a standard set of benefits, allowing people to choose between insurers based on price, officials said.

Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care Act, which requires nearly every American to obtain insurance by 2014 or pay a penalty

The state also released rates for small business plans, but said a rate comparison was impossible because there are more than 15,000 different plans with a wide variety of options today.

This insurance is great if you don't have a pot to piss in.
Soon there will not be enough tax payers to pay for this shit.
First of all CNN is a Liberal source of news.

no it's not, that's just your lame and pathetic attempt at trying to discredit facts.

i'd tell you to stick to substance, but that would just shut you up completely.

New York is full of rude trash illegal immigrants much like Mexico or California.

what a stupid thing to say.

had no idea mexico was full of illegal immigrants. last i heard from you guys, they were all flooding to the states. you guys called it a fucking invasion.
no it's not, that's just your lame and pathetic attempt at trying to discredit facts.

i'd tell you to stick to substance, but that would just shut you up completely.

what a stupid thing to say.

had no idea mexico was full of illegal immigrants. last i heard from you guys, they were all flooding to the states. you guys called it a fucking invasion.

LOL, So,
if CNN isn't a liberal broadcast as to FOX news isn't a conservative broadcast? They both claim not to be.
80% of the news in this country is a liberal broadcast.

Every state is full of illegals since Obama took office.
Welfare collecting worthless people.
The legal ones mostly kick back and collect disability checks and food stamps.

Are you blind?