Obamacare to shatter the backbone of the American middle class?

LOL, So,
if CNN isn't a liberal broadcast as to FOX news isn't a conservative broadcast? They both claim not to be.
80% of the news in this country is a liberal broadcast.

Every state is full of illegals since Obama took office.
Welfare collecting worthless people.
The legal ones mostly kick back and collect disability checks and food stamps.

Are you blind?

the level of delusion you host is a thing of awe.

i can't wait until racist, worthless fucks like you die off.
New Yorkers to see 50% drop in health insurance costs in Obamacare exchange

By Tami Luhby @Luhby July 17, 2013: 5:32 PM ET

"Yesterday, fans of Obamacare were cheering. A front-page story in the New York Times announced that individuals shopping for health insurance in New York would see their premiums halved, based on figures released by the Andrew Cuomo administration. It was an “extraordinary decline” that “demonstrates the profound promise” of Obamacare, said one supporter of the law. But the cheerleaders are wrong. New York’s premiums will remain among the costliest in the nation, after Obamacare becomes fully operational. And the unique history of how the Empire State destroyed its individual health-insurance market—using policies quite similar to Obamacare’s—will translate, at best, to only a handful of other states."


i bet most of those illegal immigrants, the ones who only showed up once obama was elected (despite what the data says) can get that one right.

you are a fucking idiot.

Coming from a coat tail rider, that is funny shit. You have your garden( which is nice btw) and this site, I actually feel a bit of pity for you. I mean, you can grow weed, pretty decent at spelling and grammar, but you still could not fight your way out of a wet paper bag with a double headed axe.
Got to love the internet gladiators tho.........rock on ub, rock on.


Idk how anyone can be blind to the problems with Obamacare... Companies will be able to meet their legal requirements by offering plans that are too expensive for most employees. And then those employees will face penalties for not having coverage. It's hilarious that New York of all states is excited about this!
Yeah I can't wait till the good old days of scrips and company stores are back. Are you a CEO? If not, why do you hate unions?

Did they really go away? If the government can make you enroll in "their" healthcare plan under threat of force....maybe the companies name is USA....NOW get back to work!

Does anyone truly believe that this has any chance at all to provide better affordable care?
A slow motion train wreck at best

Oversight Committee on Wednesday:

The process for determining subsidy eligibility could require 21 different steps, involving at least five separate entities—the Social Security Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Internal Revenue Service, and state exchanges—and utilizing a process called the Income and Family Size Verification Project.
Given this bureaucratic nightmare, it’s little wonder that another report from government auditors released last month said that “critical” deadlines to create the Obamacare exchanges had been missed. Nor should any be surprised that yesterday, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration testified it “is concerned that the potential for refund fraud and related schemes could increase” due to Obamacare.
Yet the Obama Administration believes spending more money will solve the problem. Just for the IRS implementation of Obamacare, the Administration requested $439.6 million


Just heard a tidbit about the Royal Birth and the Elite medical class in England.

Instead to the common hospital where the Mom was born, she will be in a $15K a day birthing suite.
Instead of being in a room with 3-4 commoner moms moaning it out, she will have the Alpha Care.

Coming to America is the Elite Medical class. We are THERE for life extension.

But, hard choices of who deserves to live.
They know if they control the guns and health care in this nation it will be easy to conquer.


Sit boy sit.
LOL, So,
if CNN isn't a liberal broadcast as to FOX news isn't a conservative broadcast? They both claim not to be.
80% of the news in this country is a liberal broadcast.

Every state is full of illegals since Obama took office.
Welfare collecting worthless people.
The legal ones mostly kick back and collect disability checks and food stamps.

Are you blind?

LOL get help dude.