Obamacare - What to do

OK, we liked Obamacare because it was cost neutral. We find out now instead of it costing X it's costing 3X. We liked it because it would cover everyone who couldn't afford insurance. We now know it's closer to X-10,000,000 people will be covered. We liked it because in spite of this huge takeover we can keep the coverage we have. Also not true.

So all the arguments FOR Obamacare no longer hold water yet it's still considered an awesome thing by the partisan hacks. But hey, birth control pills no longer require a co-pay, so it's awesome.

Employees started offering insurance as a benefit to recruit workers. The government stepped in and said hey, that's pretty a pretty cool idea, we should make sure that is the norm by offering tax breaks to "incentivise" proper behavior by companies. Because of these tax breaks, like college tuition with government involvement, costs have skyrocketed. If insurance were never tied to employment you can bet costs would be much much lower.

Why shouldn't we FORCE employees to pay for our gym membership? The logic of b.c. pills dictate this. UB mentioned other avenues than insulin for diabetes. While true you can lose weight and watch your diet, what do you do until your sugar levels are under control? Shouldn't insulin be paid for until it's no longer needed? There are some cases where the patients pancreas doesn't function properly, should we tell them too bad, lose weight even if they don't need to? What about BP medication, how is this not covered fully? People will die without it.

By mandating certain purchases by some citizens and not others and mandating certain health concerns are covered while others are not, we've decided fairness on our feelings instead of logic. Obesity is a major major problem in this country but we thought no co-pay on birth control pills was the ONLY thing that deserves this status. WTF?

democrats just picked up two electoral votes because you can't handle being trolled.
so if you planned on your grocery bill growing from $50 a week to $100 a week due to inflation, but instead it only went up to $85 because of some measure you took, what would you call that?

Ah but that's not the premise this bill of goods was sold under. It was suppose to lower premiums this was a package deal that would be great for Americans remember?
I don't mind the trolling. I know when it gets to that point it's because you have nothing else.

If your grocery bill was normally 50, you were told there was a big sale, and you went and it cost 150 because of this sale, would you think the sale was a success? I bet you would if you were told without the sale it would have cost 200 as long as the person telling you this aligns with your political beliefs.

You have me confused with someone else if you think i think you should pay taxes because it's the right thing to do. I think you should pay taxes to stay consistent with your ideology instead of being a thieving little bitch who just wants others to pay while you reap the benefits. Pointing out your hypocrisy does not equal hypocrisy on our part. You still don't get that do you.
Ah but that's not the premise this bill of goods was sold under. It was suppose to lower premiums this was a package deal that would be great for Americans remember?

it's not even in effect yet, remember?

jesus christ, you make this too easy.

should we also talk about how we have seen no noticeable positive effects of the 46th POTUS?
it's not even in effect yet, remember?

jesus christ, you make this too easy.

really? for the last two years they have been collecting taxes under this bill and paying the huge hospital corporations millions to comply with the HITECH aspect of the bill.

So, other than birth control pills not having a co-pay, what is it about this bill you like?
Do you wear seatbelts Gin? a motorcycle helmet?

Most of the time but never both at the same time. If I'm riding the bike a few doors down to visit I might not wear my helmet. I don't wear one during bike week in Daytona unless I'm going over 20 MPH. Even in states where it's not mandated I'm wearing one on highways and heavy traffic anyway. I really don't need a law for this.

If your grocery bill was normally 50, you were told there was a big sale, and you went and it cost 150 because of this sale, would you think the sale was a success?

what you just described happened before the PPACA. premiums tripled in the 20 years prior.*

and now you condemn the PPACA as failed before it has even gone into effect.

you rube.

*I think you should pay taxes to stay consistent with your ideology instead of being a thieving little bitch who just wants others to pay while you reap the benefits.


yeah, the left is always obsessed with other people's money.

you fucking idiot.

please point out the taxation section of ORS 475, bitch.
really? for the last two years they have been collecting taxes under this bill and paying the huge hospital corporations millions to comply with the HITECH aspect of the bill.

So, other than birth control pills not having a co-pay, what is it about this bill you like?

democrats just picked up another electoral vote because you can't help but mention your disdain for birth control pills.*

you lose.
I know you don't care about your own credibility seeing you have none but you're digging a deep troll hole.

so, you condemn a bill that is not in effect for being ineffective, yet i am the one losing credibility?


i guess we just had no idea what you were capable of.
Buck, just a friendly tip. If you are going to insist this bill hasn't gone into effect yet you probably shouldn't call people stupid while doing so.
where are those exchanges and individual mandates?

We've been gearing up for those by collecting taxes mandated in this bill and hiring IRS agents. Hard to believe it's only been two years, feels like more. This bill went into effect awhile back Buck. The costly and dirty parts were put off until after the election, that doesn't mean the bill wasn't law for a couple of years now.
We've been gearing up for those by collecting taxes mandated in this bill and hiring IRS agents. Hard to believe it's only been two years, feels like more. This bill went into effect awhile back Buck. The costly and dirty parts were put off until after the election, that doesn't mean the bill wasn't law for a couple of years now.

you could have just said "they are not in effect yet".
you could have just said "they are not in effect yet".

alright Buck, you seem desperate so you can have it. I could have said Obamacare hasn't gone into effect yet but then I would have been wrong.

This bill is over 13000 pages and counting now. I can't even imagine what else is being slipped in. I'm quite sure you will agree with all of what they tell you it will do. I wish it would do that too.
Isn't the pre-existing condition and having your kid stay on your ins till 26 implemented now? Isn't that apart of obamacare?

Isn't the pre-existing condition and having your kid stay on your ins till 26 implemented now? Isn't that apart of obamacare?


pre-existing conditions still hasn't kicked in yet, although some insurance companies (or at least the one my wife buys from) seem to be ahead of the curve.
pre-existing conditions still hasn't kicked in yet, although some insurance companies (or at least the one my wife buys from) seem to be ahead of the curve.

I don't know about other states but oregon has had Ins for people with pre-existing conditions for quite some time....That is how I get mine is through OREGON HEALTH PLAN....You have to be turned down by three Ins companies , then you will qualify for the oregon health plan...The only thing is it is not cheap..........nitro..