Obamacare - What to do

I don't know about other states but oregon has had Ins for people with pre-existing conditions for quite some time....That is how I get mine is through OREGON HEALTH PLAN....You have to be turned down by three Ins companies , then you will qualify for the oregon health plan...The only thing is it is not cheap..........nitro..

my wife needs something better than OHP to protect her wealth. she was turned down by way more than three before she landed on her provider.
my wife needs something better than OHP to protect her wealth. she was turned down by way more than three before she landed on her provider.

I see buck...

I thought I checked with all the companies in oregon, maybe I didn't....After I got turned down three times, then I had to wait six more months, then that is when I was able to get the OHP..
Ginwilly, you know there are alot of us that realize doing what we believe will cost us personally. I fall into that category. I'm a 90-95%er or somewhere thereabouts. I have a good group policy from my employer. I also believe my taxes should be raised to address a number of things. My area has cut school spending 30% over the last four years. My kids go to a school with a very diverse socioeconomic population. I see the struggle many good, hard working people go through. I believe the cards have been stacked against the by a system that has favored folks like me for decades. And now that some of us try to put things back in balance a bit it is like we're supposed to believe that a bunch of lazy ass fuckers want to steal our money. There are some but it's far from the majority. Look at the debate to back to Clinton era tax rates. I seem to remember a pretty capitalist nation back them and the wealthy seemed to do okay. And that was to let tax breaks that were designed to be temporary expire as planned.

soory, the whole rant isn't targeted at Ginwilly, just what got me started.
The truth is that few percent on the MARGINAL tax rate doesn't hurt anyone much. Remember that the higher rates are only on the dollars earned above that level. So if the rate on 250k goes up 3% and you earn $250,001 you pay $.03 more.
The truth is that few percent on the MARGINAL tax rate doesn't hurt anyone much. Remember that the higher rates are only on the dollars earned above that level. So if the rate on 250k goes up 3% and you earn $250,001 you pay $.03 more.

I think the tax rate went up on people that make 400k or more, and if the tax rate goes up 3% that would be 12k more in taxs...It would be for the whole amount not just anything over the 400k...Thats the way I understood it to be...

I hope you are right on anything above that amount, but I am thinking that is not the case...If I am wrong I am sure buck will let me know..
It is anything above 400k, not the whole thing. I heard Mark Levin try to torture the numbers to make it say something else. He failed.
It is definitively only on the marginal income above the new bracket. It always had been that way and is some thing many don't realize when passing judgement. With exception of those who earn so little they pay nothing, we all pay the same for the first fifty grand, seventy five grand, two hundred grand, million, etc. Deductions and shit factor in to what any individual ends up paying, and those favor everyone but the middle class. But so far as the base income tax goes, higher rates are always only on the higherincome dollars.