Obamacrats still retarded

Strange, seems that Med o' Mao is too afraid to answer the question.

I've said it before in this forum, but it bears repeating: Asking Med-'O-Mao an intelligent question, is kinda like dropping a pebble into a bottomless well. You drop the pebble, then wait ... and wait ... and wait ... and NEVER hear a splash. :lol:

Lasse-faire capitalism is the exact reason we are bankrupt as a nation.

So, when government officials, being deluded by socialist indoctrination, FORCE banks to lend money to people who are not credit worthy to facilitate the purchase of housing, and shock of all shocks, the money can't be paid back ... that's laissez-faire capitalism? :roll:

Hey, Med-'O-Mao ... read a book on economics, will ya?

Here's an abridged version of a great book. Read it Med ... and learn a thing or two:


Here's another recommendation:


Strange, seems that Med o' Mao is too afraid to answer the question.
What was the question? was it: is it OK to try and better your position in life. To that I say a resounding yes. I alwaus tried to get better jobs in my career, nothing wrong with that. Where I have an issue is when someone is born with the proverbial silver spoon and is handed the gift of wealth just for being born into the right family. As Vi is always saying, all men are equal, just some are more equal than others, and this is my beef. I think all people should get an equal start out of the gates and let the chips fall where they may. From my personal experience, I can rightfully say, my progression was much harder than the silver spoon baby and even though I tried a few times for the golden ring, I could never quite grasp it as the golden child traveled on to the top. What it amounts to in the majority of cases is being born into the right situation. I realize I had it much better than the Bangla Desh child, and I am not bitching for myself, I'm just saying where and to whom you are born is 95% of your voyage to success. Now, did I answer the question or do you need more elaboration?
a large part of the tax cuts would just be saved, wasting it.

I don't know about that, say a person made $600 a week, then with payroll tax decreases it jumped to $675. It would probable be put into their budget to spend not saved.

Don't most liberals try to get people to save for their retirement? That way they can collect decades of SS and not have to pay it back.

And if people did save how would they do it?

Play the stocks perhaps? Or IRA's (same thing really)? Put in a savings account allowing banks to loan? Or just bury in the back yard in tin cans? (Probably not tin cans maybe plastic water bottles, they last forever in landfills).

Anyway they do it at least they have a choice in what to do with there money.

'The people are too stupid to lead themselves, I must do it for them.'

Woody Allen movies 'Bananas'.
There is a distinct pattern throughout American history: When tax rates are reduced, the economy’s growth rate improves and living standards increase. Good tax policy has a number of interesting side effects. For instance, history tells us that tax revenues grow and “rich” taxpayers pay more tax when marginal tax rates are slashed. This means lower income citizens bear a lower share of the tax burden – a consequence that should lead class-warfare politicians to support lower tax rates.
Conversely, periods of higher tax rates are associated with sub par economic performance and stagnant tax revenues. In other words, when politicians attempt to “soak the rich,” the rest of us take a bath. Examining the three major United States episodes of tax rate reductions can prove useful lessons.

What was the question? was it: is it OK to try and better your position in life. To that I say a resounding yes. I alwaus tried to get better jobs in my career, nothing wrong with that. Where I have an issue is when someone is born with the proverbial silver spoon and is handed the gift of wealth just for being born into the right family. As Vi is always saying, all men are equal, just some are more equal than others, and this is my beef. I think all people should get an equal start out of the gates and let the chips fall where they may. From my personal experience, I can rightfully say, my progression was much harder than the silver spoon baby and even though I tried a few times for the golden ring, I could never quite grasp it as the golden child traveled on to the top. What it amounts to in the majority of cases is being born into the right situation. I realize I had it much better than the Bangla Desh child, and I am not bitching for myself, I'm just saying where and to whom you are born is 95% of your voyage to success. Now, did I answer the question or do you need more elaboration?

No, I'm quite satisfied that you have revealed yourself as a hypocrite.

You are failing to understand that in order to get to where their children have inheritances that make the rest of us drool, that the ancestors of those people had to have busted their ass to get from the bottom.


Rockefeller was the second of six children born in Richford, New York, to William Avery Rockefeller (November 13, 1810–May 11, 1906) and Eliza Davison (September 12, 1813–March 28, 1889). Genealogists trace his roots back to French Huguenots who later fled to Germany in the 1600s.[7][8] His father, a traveling salesman who the locals referred to as "Big Bill", was a sworn foe of conventional morality who had opted for a vagabond existence. Throughout his life, William Avery Rockefeller expended considerable energy on tricks and schemes to avoid plain hard work.[9] Eliza, a homemaker and devout Baptist, struggled to maintain a semblance of stability at home as William was frequently gone for extended periods. Young John D. Rockefeller's contemporaries described him as articulate, methodical, and discreet.
When he was a boy, his family moved to Moravia, New York and, in 1851, to Owego, New York, where he attended Owego Academy. In 1853, his family bought a house in Strongsville, a town close to Cleveland. In September 1855, when Rockefeller was 16 he got his first job as an assistant bookkeeper. Working for a small produce commission firm called "Hewitt & Tuttle", the full salary for his first three months' work was $50. At that time he promised when he retired he would give one tenth of his money to charity.
In 1859, Rockefeller went into the produce commission business with a partner, Maurice B. Clark. Their firm, Clark & Rockefeller, built an oil refinery in 1863 in "The Flats", then Cleveland's burgeoning industrial area. The refinery was directly owned by Andrews, Clark & Company, which was composed of Clark & Rockefeller, chemist Samuel Andrews, and M. B. Clark's two brothers. In February 1865, in what was later described by oil industry historian Daniel Yergin as a "critical" auction, Rockefeller bought out the Clark brothers for $72,500, and established the firm of Rockefeller & Andrews.
In 1866, John D. Rockefeller's brother, William, built another refinery in Cleveland and he was brought into the partnership. In 1867, Henry M. Flagler became a partner, and the firm of Rockefeller, Andrews & Flagler was established. By 1868, with Rockefeller borrowing heavily and reinvesting most of the profits while controlling cost and utilizing his refineries' waste, the company owned two Cleveland refineries and a marketing subsidiary in New York, and it was the largest oil refiner in the world.[10][11] Rockefeller, Andrews & Flagler was the predecessor of the Standard Oil Company.


Carnegie gave away most of his money to fund the establishment of many libraries, schools, and universities in America, the United Kingdom and other countries, as well as a pension fund for former employees. He is often regarded as the second richest man in history. Carnegie started as a telegrapher and by the 1860s had investments in railroads, railroad sleeping cars, bridges and oil derricks. He built further wealth as a bond salesman raising money for American enterprise in Europe.

Steel was where he made his fortune. In the 1870s, he founded the Carnegie Steel Company, a step which cemented his name as one of the “Captains of Industry”. By the 1890s, the company was the largest and most profitable industrial enterprise in the world. Carnegie sold it to J.P. Morgan in 1901, who created US Steel. Carnegie devoted the remainder of his life to large-scale philanthropy, with special emphasis on local libraries, world peace, and education and scientific research. His life has often been referred to as a true "rags to riches" story.

Andrew Carnegie was born on November 25th 1835 in Dunfermline, Scotland, the elder of two boys. He was very spoiled as a child due to the fact that he did not attend school until after he was eight years old. He would then go on to attend a one teacher institution. The son of a weaver, Carnegie immigrated as a child with his family to the United States in 1848 and settled in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Andrew's family had to borrow money in order to immigrate. Allegheny was a very poor area. His first job at age 13 in 1848 was as a bobbin boy, changing spools of thread in a cotton mill twelve hours a day, six days a week. His wages were $1.25 per week, plus another 80 cents for firing the furnace. Andrew's father, William Carnegie, started off working in a cotton mill but then would earn money weaving and peddling linens. His mother, Margaret Morrison Carnegie, earned money by binding shoes.
In 1850, Carnegie became a telegraph messenger boy in the Pittsburgh Office of the Ohio Telegraph Company, at $2.50 per week, following the recommendation of his uncle. His new job gave him many benefits including free admission to the local theater. This made him appreciate Shakespeare's work. He was a very hard worker and would memorize all of the locations of Pittsburgh's businesses and the faces of important men. He made many connections this way. He also paid close attention to the telegraph's instruments and within a year was promoted as an operator.
Carnegie became a devoted follower of Robert Burns. His uncle, George Lauder, a proprietor of a grocer's shop in Dunfermline High Street introduced the young Carnegie to the writings of Robert Burns and such historical Scottish heroes as Robert the Bruce, William Wallace, and Rob Roy. It was, perhaps, Burns who most influenced Carnegie; he regarded Burns as one of the greatest preachers of democracy. Lauder had Carnegie memorize many pages of Burns' writings, writings that were important to him for the rest of his life. When he donated money for Carnegie libraries worldwide, it was with the proviso that the libraries stock the complete works of Burns and commission a bust of the poet for public display.

Though I think a better way to prove that you are a hypocrite, and haven't the foggiest idea what the hell you are talking about is this.

So the office manager where I work has this placard on her desk, and on it is a quote, "Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities."

Between that, and the examples set forth by people like Carnegie and Rockefeller it should be clear that any one that puts their mind to it can succeed. There is nothing that holds any one back, and only idiots would use the excuse of their birth as an excuse for failure.

Only idiots would blame others for their failure to move towards the goals that they want to reach. There is nothing holding any one back but themselves.

It doesn't require wealth to get a good credit score, it requires a dedication to maintaining ones finances and keeping them in order.

Of course, I might give you a little bit of leeway when it comes to the school system. The Public Education System of the United States can easily be blamed as causing the most harm to children in this country.

For instance, consider the fact that when tests were given internationally 8 year olds in the United States were near the top, by the end of their public education at 17/18 they had slipped to the low twenties.

If that does not provide evidence of a causative relationship between failure and public education I don't know what does. It's also very compelling proof that socialists like you Med are wrong.
No, I'm quite satisfied that you have revealed yourself as a hypocrite.

You are failing to understand that in order to get to where their children have inheritances that make the rest of us drool, that the ancestors of those people had to have busted their ass to get from the bottom.



Though I think a better way to prove that you are a hypocrite, and haven't the foggiest idea what the hell you are talking about is this.

So the office manager where I work has this placard on her desk, and on it is a quote, "Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities."

Between that, and the examples set forth by people like Carnegie and Rockefeller it should be clear that any one that puts their mind to it can succeed. There is nothing that holds any one back, and only idiots would use the excuse of their birth as an excuse for failure.

Only idiots would blame others for their failure to move towards the goals that they want to reach. There is nothing holding any one back but themselves.

It doesn't require wealth to get a good credit score, it requires a dedication to maintaining ones finances and keeping them in order.

Of course, I might give you a little bit of leeway when it comes to the school system. The Public Education System of the United States can easily be blamed as causing the most harm to children in this country.

For instance, consider the fact that when tests were given internationally 8 year olds in the United States were near the top, by the end of their public education at 17/18 they had slipped to the low twenties.

If that does not provide evidence of a causative relationship between failure and public education I don't know what does. It's also very compelling proof that socialists like you Med are wrong.quote]

So you are saying that being born into wealth has no effect on the outcome of your life. Geeze, I thought even you could not be that deluded. I bandied the stupid term about, but decided that unlike you, I'd try and keep this debate on an adult level. Yes my "friend", I'm afraid the difference of being born a "Rockefeller" or a "ghetto child" is significant. The Rockefeller is going to succeed and be wealthy no matter how stupid his ass is. The Ghetto child has something like a one in a million chance of ever getting out of poverty unless his criminal enterprises pay off. Myself, I was born into the low income sector, never recieved any government "cheeze". My dad and sometimes my Mom also worked their asses off to feed and clothe and house all 5 of us. We didn't get the designer jeans, we got the wranglers when they were on sale, and usually had only 2 pairs, one to wear while the other one was being washed. In other words we were po-folk. Now I pulled my self out of that situation and all my kids got the designer jeans, even though it almost caused a divorce, I caved in to them and their mother. After my stint in the army, I got a good job (Union) with health benefits for my family, good ones. My kids never went without health insurance as long as I had a union job, and we used them as needed. I had a fair amout of luck in finding those jobs, but I worked my ass off in keeping them. No employer ever had to say, Geeze I'd sure wished I'd of never hired that guy. I put myself through 2 years of JC, took me 5 years of night school while working a full time job as a linesman and sometimes a part time job as a gas station attendant. I don't know if you know how hard being a linesman is but here is a clue: You have to climb wooden poles from 50-90 ft. high wearing around 30-50 lbs of gear,. and when you get to the top, you belt off and hang items weighing 10-40 lbs on the end of a 10 ft crossarm, including hanging the crossarm first. I used to come home after a hard days work and take a shower and eat a fast bite and head out to a 2 hour session at JC, then come home and tap the wife on the shoulder and.............. well you know the rest.
Damn, I was tough in my youth. That's what comes from going to 10-20 different schools when I was a youngster, It got to a point where I'd just ask, "Who is this asshole bully that is picking on you guys", and go look him up. Usually he'd be so flustered that someone would have the audacity to challenge him that I'd catch him off guard and just hammer him first and end the fight, what a wonderful feeling that was, to know that now I'd get respect from most, even if they didn't really know me. Fighting Bullies didn't always work out, some were pretty tough, but just the fact that I had the balls to challenge and fight them, usually garnered my favor with them, although I never hung out with bullies, I really didn't like their demeanor and would pal around with others that were like me. I remember this one in Jr. high, I kicked his ass real good. He just couldn't let it go. I had to fight him two more times before he'd had enough.
Now the purpose of this rant wasn't to tell you how tough I was but to let you know that I didn't have the silver spoon treatment and that no matter how much sweat and blood I put into life, I could never attain the golden ring. While I watched kids that had parents that owned businesses or were the "Kings" in their respective communities, get put through universities and offered "to die for" jobs right out of college. Were those kids smarter or better looking. I say no, they just had Mr. opportunity knocking all over their front door. So the comparison between the Rockefellor kids and the ghetto kid (Who obviously had or has it way more tough than I had it) should be very obvious to even you mr smarty.
No, I'm quite satisfied that you have revealed yourself as a hypocrite.

You are failing to understand that in order to get to where their children have inheritances that make the rest of us drool, that the ancestors of those people had to have busted their ass to get from the bottom.



Though I think a better way to prove that you are a hypocrite, and haven't the foggiest idea what the hell you are talking about is this.

So the office manager where I work has this placard on her desk, and on it is a quote, "Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities."

Between that, and the examples set forth by people like Carnegie and Rockefeller it should be clear that any one that puts their mind to it can succeed. There is nothing that holds any one back, and only idiots would use the excuse of their birth as an excuse for failure.

Only idiots would blame others for their failure to move towards the goals that they want to reach. There is nothing holding any one back but themselves.

It doesn't require wealth to get a good credit score, it requires a dedication to maintaining ones finances and keeping them in order.

Of course, I might give you a little bit of leeway when it comes to the school system. The Public Education System of the United States can easily be blamed as causing the most harm to children in this country.

For instance, consider the fact that when tests were given internationally 8 year olds in the United States were near the top, by the end of their public education at 17/18 they had slipped to the low twenties.

If that does not provide evidence of a causative relationship between failure and public education I don't know what does. It's also very compelling proof that socialists like you Med are wrong.quote]

So you are saying that being born into wealth has no effect on the outcome of your life. Geeze, I thought even you could not be that deluded. I bandied the stupid term about, but decided that unlike you, I'd try and keep this debate on an adult level. Yes my "friend", I'm afraid the difference of being born a "Rockefeller" or a "ghetto child" is significant. The Rockefeller is going to succeed and be wealthy no matter how stupid his ass is. The Ghetto child has something like a one in a million chance of ever getting out of poverty unless his criminal enterprises pay off. Myself, I was born into the low income sector, never recieved any government "cheeze". My dad and sometimes my Mom also worked their asses off to feed and clothe and house all 5 of us. We didn't get the designer jeans, we got the wranglers when they were on sale, and usually had only 2 pairs, one to wear while the other one was being washed. In other words we were po-folk. Now I pulled my self out of that situation and all my kids got the designer jeans, even though it almost caused a divorce, I caved in to them and their mother. After my stint in the army, I got a good job (Union) with health benefits for my family, good ones. My kids never went without health insurance as long as I had a union job, and we used them as needed. I had a fair amout of luck in finding those jobs, but I worked my ass off in keeping them. No employer ever had to say, Geeze I'd sure wished I'd of never hired that guy. I put myself through 2 years of JC, took me 5 years of night school while working a full time job as a linesman and sometimes a part time job as a gas station attendant. I don't know if you know how hard being a linesman is but here is a clue: You have to climb wooden poles from 50-90 ft. high wearing around 30-50 lbs of gear,. and when you get to the top, you belt off and hang items weighing 10-40 lbs on the end of a 10 ft crossarm, including hanging the crossarm first. I used to come home after a hard days work and take a shower and eat a fast bite and head out to a 2 hour session at JC, then come home and tap the wife on the shoulder and.............. well you know the rest.
Damn, I was tough in my youth. That's what comes from going to 10-20 different schools when I was a youngster, It got to a point where I'd just ask, "Who is this asshole bully that is picking on you guys", and go look him up. Usually he'd be so flustered that someone would have the audacity to challenge him that I'd catch him off guard and just hammer him first and end the fight, what a wonderful feeling that was, to know that now I'd get respect from most, even if they didn't really know me. Fighting Bullies didn't always work out, some were pretty tough, but just the fact that I had the balls to challenge and fight them, usually garnered my favor with them, although I never hung out with bullies, I really didn't like their demeanor and would pal around with others that were like me. I remember this one in Jr. high, I kicked his ass real good. He just couldn't let it go. I had to fight him two more times before he'd had enough.
Now the purpose of this rant wasn't to tell you how tough I was but to let you know that I didn't have the silver spoon treatment and that no matter how much sweat and blood I put into life, I could never attain the golden ring. While I watched kids that had parents that owned businesses or were the "Kings" in their respective communities, get put through universities and offered "to die for" jobs right out of college. Were those kids smarter or better looking. I say no, they just had Mr. opportunity knocking all over their front door. So the comparison between the Rockefellor kids and the ghetto kid (Who obviously had or has it way more tough than I had it) should be very obvious to even you mr smarty.

So, let me make sure that I understand this. What you are afraid of is people having to show how much better that they are then the idiots that are born wealthy?

You're afraid of people having to strive to reach their dreams and goals?

You're afraid of people having to struggle to get ahead?

Complete and total bullshit. Here you are exposing your hypocrisy, you're railing against how your kids were treated, because you weren't treated the same way. Purchasing them designer jeans, and then talking about how its not fair that they have that privilege.

Of course, the fact that you're spending money on designer jeans makes you an idiot in my book. Anyway that insists on wearing brand names on themselves and turning themselves into walking billboards from some corporation is an idiot.

The people that subsidize such behavior are also idiots.

Me, personally, while I could afford designer clothes, have always been satisfied with having a nice collection of affordable clothes. Clothes, Food, McMansions all these things die with time. Accumulated wealth that makes my life better in my old age, and my heirs life better remains.

What you're saying is that you want to force everyone to spend their money on empty hollow shit, instead of being able to save.

Med, you are truly inconsistent in your beliefs. You rail against corporatism and then implicitly admit to being a supporter of it.
What was the question? was it: is it OK to try and better your position in life. To that I say a resounding yes. I alwaus tried to get better jobs in my career, nothing wrong with that. Where I have an issue is when someone is born with the proverbial silver spoon and is handed the gift of wealth just for being born into the right family. As Vi is always saying, all men are equal, just some are more equal than others, and this is my beef. I think all people should get an equal start out of the gates and let the chips fall where they may. From my personal experience, I can rightfully say, my progression was much harder than the silver spoon baby and even though I tried a few times for the golden ring, I could never quite grasp it as the golden child traveled on to the top. What it amounts to in the majority of cases is being born into the right situation. I realize I had it much better than the Bangla Desh child, and I am not bitching for myself, I'm just saying where and to whom you are born is 95% of your voyage to success. Now, did I answer the question or do you need more elaboration?

Alot of people get the "everyone is equal" interpretation incorrect as you just did.

We are not equal and it has nothing to do with inheritance. We are not equal in our potential either. Some people have a better wired brain than others. Some people just apply themselves harder than others. Ive met plenty of intelligent people with NO motivation, and I have met average joe's with MAXimum motivation.

We are all equal is only half of the statement. We are all equal under the law is the full phrase. Of course that is an impossibility but no one comes closer to achieveing it than in the US. A lot of countries don't even bother trying to achieve it. the arab states comes to mind at the moment.

out. :blsmoke:
The top 1% pay more than the bottom 95%. How much more do you need?
If you rape the wealthy further, they will simply leave. many of my friends have already purchased elsewhere, and are just waiting and watching. It's not a community till you know.

out. :blsmoke:
Alot of people get the "everyone is equal" interpretation incorrect as you just did.

We are not equal and it has nothing to do with inheritance. We are not equal in our potential either. Some people have a better wired brain than others. Some people just apply themselves harder than others. Ive met plenty of intelligent people with NO motivation, and I have met average joe's with MAXimum motivation.

We are all equal is only half of the statement. We are all equal under the law is the full phrase. Of course that is an impossibility but no one comes closer to achieveing it than in the US. A lot of countries don't even bother trying to achieve it. the arab states comes to mind at the moment.

out. :blsmoke:
Hey pal, don't delude yourself. It has plenty to do with inheritance. There are those "average Joes" with extrordinary drive and ambition who will break out of the masses and obtain extrordinary wealth, But those are like 1 in 100,000, so yes, what pappa is, is really the secret to most peoples success. Even if pappa is poor and works his ass off to send his offspring to the best universities, it matters. Most careers are found in college, through fraternities and friends, friends that have rich parents that are either business owners or CEOs of business and get your foot in the proverbial door., So going to a prestige university as opposed to going to a Junior college and a state university, has a large influence on your yearly income. Pappas rules rule.
TBT, you are asking too much of Med Man. You would have him read books and such when it is much easier to just say things off the top of his head without even thinking about it.

You are so demanding.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Hey pal, don't delude yourself. It has plenty to do with inheritance. There are those "average Joes" with extrordinary drive and ambition who will break out of the masses and obtain extrordinary wealth, But those are like 1 in 100,000, so yes, what pappa is, is really the secret to most peoples success. Even if pappa is poor and works his ass off to send his offspring to the best universities, it matters. Most careers are found in college, through fraternities and friends, friends that have rich parents that are either business owners or CEOs of business and get your foot in the proverbial door., So going to a prestige university as opposed to going to a Junior college and a state university, has a large influence on your yearly income. Pappas rules rule.

Are you sure you are living in the United States? I think you should get a map and make sure.

The vast majority of well paying jobs are earned by achievement.

out. :blsmoke:
Epic Fail

It's been tried and failed Medomao, why do you think you are mocked by being called MedoMao?
Guess what has never been tried, Thats right libertarianism. It is a failure just waiting to happen. When you privatize everything and basically create anarchy, you have a failed state. that is why your Ideas will never work. I wish all you libertarian nutbags could just get a couple of states, Preferably in the north, Minnesota and North Dakota come to mind, and just go off and be your selfish asshole selfs. Grow your pot and count your money all day long. We could cut off communications with the outside world and the rest of us "Commies" as you like to refer to poor people, could get along fine without you. I'm thinking of a nickname for you also TBT, so far I've been civil, but I guess you prefer down home bare knuckel brawling, I'm well aquainted with that.
Are you sure you are living in the United States? I think you should get a map and make sure.

The vast majority of well paying jobs are earned by achievement.

out. :blsmoke:
Bullshit............... If you are referring to passing your college exams and moving up through the corporate ladders, it may be possible but the amount of outright ass kissing involved would make a real man puke. No, the real successful people are generally bred into the job. What planet are you really from. A few small business owners can get relatively wealthy, but the failure rate of small businesses is around 85%, otherwise you have the cadre of daddys little helpers and the ass kissers that follow him around. You must be either daddys little cadre or one of the ass kissers,~LOL~.
You don't have the foggiest idea of what you're talking about. The vast amount of jobs in the United States are earned by hard work and a sharp mind.
I can possibly see after reading your posts why you may be uncomfortable with that truth. None the less......

out. :blsmoke: