• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obamanomics... holy bat sh*t


Well-Known Member
No I didn't, I just felt like ranting, my eye's hurt too much to read all that.
typical liberal "obama says he loves me so he must be the best one for the job" go do a little research for yourself and turn off msnbc obama has already spent more in 70 days than bush had in 8 years.
welcome to the United Solialist America


Well-Known Member
I don't blame Obama for anything,but its not rocket science to see what hes doing and plans to do in the future is gonna really screw us.I think hes a fucking idiot!


Well-Known Member
right dont blame obama for this mess, but dont blame bush either, in 06 before the democrat majority got elected the was a consumer confidence rating of over 80%, then within a year of the dems having majority fanny and freddie were forced to lend sub prime mortgages which started this mess and the dems just kept throwing money at the problem, yes bush did sign the first stimulus and bailout but presidents dont make laws they mearly sign or veto(in which case a democrate majority overrules the veto) people have to face the fact that you can either let it go and there will be one hard crsh then recovery starts or throw all this cash at it and have a slow death for years before it all comes down and starts recovery.


Well-Known Member
Well the thing i can't comprehend is this...how do you go and print all this money thru the federal reserve thats really just an iou..hand out trillions of dollars that we don't have and then turn around and tell us that the deficit will be cut in half.Shit!In 3-6 years our deficit is gonna be tripled.And who's gonna pay all that money back?The tax payers!Wait until you see what happens with taxes..All i know is i can't believe we elected a guy that can't even answer a question without a teleprompter.Did you watch the confrence last night?He doesn't have a friggin clue.


Well-Known Member
of coarse this is gona be just like the first 4 clinton years, one big 4 year campiegn. this president obama has yet to give an answer for any question asked and look at the questions being asked.... has any reporter asked a tough question of idk where is this money going to come from? no, plus why do you think Rush, Hanity, Preager, Medved and other conservatives are never invited to these? because they might ask a real question that he doesnt want to answer, mark my words this country will change more in the next 4 years than it has in the past 233


Well-Known Member
Last night he was asked why he didn't enlighten the people of the bailout with aig and the money that he gave out.His response was i don't like to answer a question until i know what i'm talking about.I almost pissed myself.I think we are heading into another depression.


New Member
why would you want to scare us? :neutral: :-?
:lol: Because it is time to WAKE UP!!

Besides, if I said, don't sweat it, I'd be lying. :mrgreen:

If the Chinese dump the dollar and peg themselves to the euro...the Arabs would do the same (right now Arabian oil is sold in dollars). This would be a one two punch in the nuts. Instantly, our debt. to china would climb 20%. Same with oil. Now I say 20% because its a rough approximation of the currency exchange. However, the dollar would not just sit there, it would tumble down.

The ONLY reason why the dollar has been the world's business currency is because we have kept it STABLE. Obama has unhinged us from the stability and even the Chinese get it. they should because they hold tons and tons of our debt.

You should be scared...this is real. I have seen a lot of things in my day, but have NEVER witnessed such irresponsibility in such a short time in all my days. Never....

His budget forecast is a joke and entirely out of order. the knives are being sharpened overseas. Thank G*D Obama went on Jay Leno and calmed everyone... lawdy.

P.S. On a lighter note Geithner and bernanke said they would not be in favor of a new world currency..... UH... DUH!!! What else can they say? It's quickly getting away from us and our opinion is diminishing on these matters. They may just do it anyways. They only ones that will not be able to pick themselves up from this is US!! Wait, did i say lighter note? that was for you FDD. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Problem is it will all be done with paperwork, not guns. The guns will be used on your neighbors, once the veneer is stripped away.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
"The tree of liberty must be watered in the blood of patriots..." John Adams
"When the government stops governing for the people and begins governing over the people, it is every freedom loving patriot's duty to revolt.." Thomas Jefferson
Im not saying its time to revolt but it's getting god damn close.(if i had the numbers i would have done it years ago lol)


Well-Known Member
I agree with that.I've been buying all the guns i can.I can't comment on where you live,but the area i'm in is in a craze.I load my own bullets and i can't even find primers.People are buying everything they can get their hands on.I'd say i'm about ready to revolt.All these politicians and federal judges need to be thrown out and we need to start fresh.


New Member
Google up "tea parties", and show up at these events. People are waking up. the media is ignoring it thereby officially untethering themselves from any pretense of objectivity. it was after all their job to ask detailed questions to obama BEFORE the election, but alas no. They have abdicated themselves and we the people need to stand up and make Obama give a full accounting for his outrageous behavior. He is a NOOB and now he is a dangerous NOOB.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Its funny watching you conservatives cry open rebellion when you lose and election. There was a referendum on your Ideas it was called an election, conservative ideas were trounced at the polls. Cracker the American people don't agree with your ideas, get over it stop crying violence and rebellion when you don't get your way. The people who are at the "tea parties" are the same 27 percenters like cracker who think george bush did a good job. A majority of Americans don't agree with you cracker thats why Obama was elected. Just the other day Obamas approval rating when up to 64%


New Member
First Natrone, i am only a fiscal conservative.

Second, 7% is not a trouncing nor a mandate for the winner.

Third, I have no problem with Obama being elected. I do have a problem with his carelessness of governing. As should you. You don't care that your grandchildrens future is at risk for a recession of no more than two years at the most? The numbers are already stabilizing, not that Obama's policies have anything to do with it.

Fourth, it is very disconcerting to what Obama is doing to our monetary system. Devaluing the dollar so abruptly is a dangerous proposition, but don't worry if you think it is just hypothetical. the reality is going to reach everyone if this is not nipped in the bud. I've stated before, it would be no shame if Obama just admitted he has no clue, because it is quite obvius to those of us who understand economics. Maybe another talk show appearence can clear it up for us.

Have your laughs now, while you still can. the majority of Americans haven't a clue to economics, so i am not surprised. But that is one of the reasons i have done so very well in life...being ahead of the herd.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
First Natrone, i am only a fiscal conservative.

Second, 7% is not a trouncing nor a mandate for the winner.

Third, I have no problem with Obama being elected. I do have a problem with his carelessness of governing. As should you. You don't care that your grandchildrens future is at risk for a recession of no more than two years at the most? The numbers are already stabilizing, not that Obama's policies have anything to do with it.

Fourth, it is very disconcerting to what Obama is doing to our monetary system. Devaluing the dollar so abruptly is a dangerous proposition, but don't worry if you think it is just hypothetical. the reality is going to reach everyone if this is not nipped in the bud. I've stated before, it would be no shame if Obama just admitted he has no clue, because it is quite obvius to those of us who understand economics. Maybe another talk show appearence can clear it up for us.

Have your laughs now, while you still can. the majority of Americans haven't a clue to economics, so i am not surprised. But that is one of the reasons i have done so very well in life...being ahead of the herd.

out. :blsmoke:

Out :dunce:


New Member
Of course you are not linking the deficits with the national debt or the GDP which was offset completely by most of those guys. Not surprised. You probably don't even know what I'm talking about or how the linkage is crucial... :lol:

Where's the 4 trillion dollar Obama in ur cartoon? We're in the present tense now, pay attention, if you can.

out. :blsmoke: