Because it is time to WAKE UP!!
Besides, if I said, don't sweat it, I'd be lying.
If the Chinese dump the dollar and peg themselves to the euro...the Arabs would do the same (right now Arabian oil is sold in dollars). This would be a one two punch in the nuts. Instantly, our debt. to china would climb 20%. Same with oil. Now I say 20% because its a rough approximation of the currency exchange. However, the dollar would not just sit there, it would tumble down.
The ONLY reason why the dollar has been the world's business currency is because we have kept it STABLE. Obama has unhinged us from the stability and even the Chinese get it. they should because they hold tons and tons of our debt.
You should be scared...this is real. I have seen a lot of things in my day, but have NEVER witnessed such irresponsibility in such a short time in all my days. Never....
His budget forecast is a joke and entirely out of order. the knives are being sharpened overseas. Thank G*D Obama went on Jay Leno and calmed everyone... lawdy.
P.S. On a lighter note Geithner and bernanke said they would not be in favor of a new world currency..... UH... DUH!!! What else can they say? It's quickly getting away from us and our opinion is diminishing on these matters. They may just do it anyways. They only ones that will not be able to pick themselves up from this is US!! Wait, did i say lighter note? that was for you FDD.