Well-Known Member
As always, you want it both ways.
like yelling about the debt then advocating for the election of the republicans who are demonstrably the main culprits behind it?

As always, you want it both ways.
You're either blind, or completely retarded. The line clearly gets steeper with the stimulus that the republicans and democrats signed on for. ( not conservatives) And has continued to escalate ever since under president Obama, as well as the governments addiction to free money. You never hear once Obama talking about making serious cuts in government spending unless its to gut our military. He has demonstrated time after time he wants to expand entitlement programs and government benefits.
not so good with numbers, eh?
the line is flattening because obama has been cutting the massive deficit he inherited.
The line is flattening like global temperatures are rising... Oh wait...
Barack Obama said the deficit has fallen at the fastest rate in 60 years. While economists vary on how to best measure that decline, the president used an acceptable approach and his numbers are accurate. There are no statistical tricks in play.That is the most absurd claim ever... Sure, it is technically true. But when Obama exploded the deficit in his first term, cutting it in half is easy.. But it is still larger than any previous administration's deficit.
what debt problem? other nations have more debt, comparatively, and are doing just fine.
hell, even america has been worse off before, and saw our greatest years of prosperity happen right after.
the debt is not a problem, political groups have manufactured it as such and plenty of people are falling for it.
Then why collect income taxes?
OK, then why did we fight so hard to raise taxes on the evil rich? Since "the debt" is not a problem, it must have been in the name of fairness and votes, not any logical economic reasons (if our debt is not an issue).
Just like congress originally intended
And just so you know
In your video Obama said it 3 times
You dont raise taxes during a recession
Guess what
Recession is over
health care bill with it's myriad of tax increases was already passed when he said you don't raise taxes. They even argued the mandate was a tax during the SC hearings...
All tax rates are temporary aren't they? Can you name even 1 that has been permanent?
When taxes go from X to X + 1, have they been raised? or is it just they are going back to some number we've used in the past? In this case how is ANY tax rate classified as a raise or reduction?
We still blaming Bush? that's lame man. Let's blame FDR or Wilson.
If your favorite store has a sale on an item and that sale ends
Did they raise the price of the item?
Here is a better explanation
(otherwise known as the law)
The Bush tax cuts had sunset provisions that made them expire at the end of 2010, since otherwise they would fall under the Byrd Rule. Whether to renew the lowered rates, and how, became the subject of extended political debate, which was resolved during the presidency of Barack Obama by a two-year extension that was part of a larger tax and economic package, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. In 2012, during the fiscal cliff, the tax cuts were made permanent for single people making less than $400,000 per year and couples making less than $450,000 per year, and eliminated for everyone else, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012.
Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent
not so good with numbers, eh?
the line is flattening because obama has been cutting the massive deficit he inherited.