obama's job plan..to cost 250K per job

Incidentally, this is MY fucking country as much as it is for you.

You didn't even read the context of my post. So your blathering is irrelevant.

Fuck off if you think you have the right to tell me to go anywhere.

For the record I have a BA in History, so who the fuck do you think you are to try and lecture me dumbass? READ THE CONTEXT of what I said.

Personally..."and let the United States of America avoid foreign entanglements, which will weaken our union." George Washington. That's my take.
george washington was the greatest president ever.. if you got a BA in history id ask for my money back from what ever crappy university or collage that let you have the degree.. i am a american indian..i doubt if anyone has more right to be in the USA than i.,,id really love to see you leave...but the only place i want to tell you to go is to hell:fire:
Yeah I've noticed, everytime I corner any of those fascist scoundrels and they can't answer with one of their commie hating slogans they run and hide.
Yeah 250k a job seems a little over the top, there don't it Med. Federal government pay grades don't really go that high. But you factor in retirement and benefits, it gets closer. But the real money will go to creating the new programs and funding them that I think is what he's referring to. I know people had a shit fit when people heard that in California correctional officers were making over 100k a year a few years back. Total media BS only CO's making that kind of money were working overtime EVERY day mostly in fire camps.

Max is probably regurgitating a bias filled media article. I don't necessarily think hes wrong but his figures could bear a little more detail. He probably means the cost of the new program + pay and all that. I know that a CO working in a federal pen only makes about 1/2 what I made in California. Fed pay ain't all that great.
Yeah 250k a job seems a little over the top, there don't it Med. Federal government pay grades don't really go that high. But you factor in retirement and benefits, it gets closer. But the real money will go to creating the new programs and funding them that I think is what he's referring to. I know people had a shit fit when people heard that in California correctional officers were making over 100k a year a few years back. Total media BS only CO's making that kind of money were working overtime EVERY day mostly in fire camps.

Max is probably regurgitating a bias filled media article. I don't necessarily think hes wrong but his figures could bear a little more detail. He probably means the cost of the new program + pay and all that. I know that a CO working in a federal pen only makes about 1/2 what I made in California. Fed pay ain't all that great.
Yeah, Let's say they are going to refurb a bridge. Cost 6o million bucks, That would only pay 240 workers 250K each. Now lets say the real deal was 50 workers @ 50K each and the rest for materials, That would be 2.5 million for workers and the rest for materials. Somewhere in between is the real cost for each job. You can't add the price of materials into the job cost. BTW, I know a guard that works at Chino, he sometimes in the past has exceeded 100K. I believe lately they have cut back on overtime. His regular pay is over 55K. I wouldn't want his Job though.
Yeah, Let's say they are going to refurb a bridge. Cost 6o million bucks, That would only pay 240 workers 250K each. Now lets say the real deal was 50 workers @ 50K each and the rest for materials, That would be 2.5 million for workers and the rest for materials. Somewhere in between is the real cost for each job. You can't add the price of materials into the job cost. BTW, I know a guard that works at Chino, he sometimes in the past has exceeded 100K. I believe lately they have cut back on overtime. His regular pay is over 55K. I wouldn't want his Job though.
How do you cut back on overtime for prison guards? That's like when a hsopital says they will be cutting back the overtime for nurses...not real bright.
How do you cut back on overtime for prison guards? That's like when a hsopital says they will be cutting back the overtime for nurses...not real bright.
I believe they hire more guards, that is what usually happens when they want to end paying 1-1/2 times the wages for the same job, BTW I haven't heard from him for a few years, so I can't really tell you why.