obama's job plan..to cost 250K per job

bitch bitch bitch bitch..Feel better now?And what's YOUR problem?What are you talking about, or are you another one? Making accusations without facts?SHOW ME!!!
What happened to being able to maturely discuss differing opinions? I wonder if all these hate filled posters behave this way in public or if they save it for online...where they know there safe from getting bitch slapped as they deserve.

Liberals..conservatives..What's in a label. I believe in what I believe in regardless of labels. Why can't a
'conservative be environmentally aware? Why can't a liberal believe in capitalism? I believe labels were designed to point the finger at others and " look..Their different..I'm better than they are" Come from an inferiority complex..belittling others makes them feel better. By putting others down they feel elevated. If someone is an asshole, then they're an asshole..not because of particular beliefs or affiliations, but just because they are!!! Simple..
OLD phart, the only slapping you will hear is that created by testicles hitting your chin. That being said the arguements you have put forth in this thread have been weak and unsubstantiated. In less than a year I predict the Obama jobs plan will be a huge success in stimulating our economy and will make up for the failures that intentionally avoiding regulation created. I will be sure to send you PMs so as to keep you abreast of just how wrong you are on this topic.
OLD phart, the only slapping you will hear is that created by testicles hitting your chin. That being said the arguements you have put forth in this thread have been weak and unsubstantiated. In less than a year I predict the Obama jobs plan will be a huge success in stimulating our economy and will make up for the failures that intentionally avoiding regulation created. I will be sure to send you PMs so as to keep you abreast of just how wrong you are on this topic.
HaHaHaHeHeHoHo, slapping his chin. +++Rep for you Bradly, this old reprobate has a Nazi complex. He somehow feels as though I think he is a Nazi. I wonder where he got that idea, ~LOL~?
OLD phart, the only slapping you will hear is that created by testicles hitting your chin. That being said the arguements you have put forth in this thread have been weak and unsubstantiated. In less than a year I predict the Obama jobs plan will be a huge success in stimulating our economy and will make up for the failures that intentionally avoiding regulation created. I will be sure to send you PMs so as to keep you abreast of just how wrong you are on this topic.

WHAT are you talking about. Where in my post did I say ANYTHING about Obama? Yoy, are showing your as. SHOW ME FACTS, not YOUR FICTIONS. Where are your facts child. Or you yet another finger pointer? Blaming the conservatives for all the problems?
The only reference I've made about his plans is that some of them seem good, but some of them smack of Big Brotherism. Show me where I said hey wouldn't work?
How am I or anyone able to say they won't work, or WILL work, when NONE of them have been tried! Some of the banking deregulation was enacted under Clinton, so how is Bush to be blamed for that? Because YOU say so? Fat chance. You're another of those brave internet tough guys.
So I'll ask you..what have YOU done to help the less fortunate?
HaHaHaHeHeHoHo, slapping his chin. +++Rep for you Bradly, this old reprobate has a Nazi complex. He somehow feels as though I think he is a Nazi. I wonder where he got that idea, ~LOL~?
Hey medi..pull up your drawers..How am I a Nazi..Because I don't agree with your socialist ideals? Have you ever read any WW2 history? If this country were so Nazi as you claim. you'd have been sanctioned as an enemy of the State. So, yet again you've been shown as wrong
Both of you are making blanket accusation aimed at any and all that don't see life as you do..like the Nazi's.. you both blame a specif group for the countries troubles..like the Nazi's..you both want to censor those who don't agree with you..like the Nazi's.. You threaten ..like the Nazi's.
I respect others when our opinions don't match. I state facts and sources other than, like you, my beliefs. When I say something that is my opinion, I say "in my opinion"
i say again..Where are your facts..with sources, as others do
. On the other hand you make statements as fact..with no facts and we're supposed to belive it just because you said it? Puhleeeeze.
Hey medi..pull up your drawers..How am I a Nazi..Because I don't agree with your socialist ideals? Have you ever read any WW2 history? If this country were so Nazi as you claim. you'd have been sanctioned as an enemy of the State. So, yet again you've been shown as wrong
Both of you are making blanket accusation aimed at any and all that don't see life as you do..like the Nazi's.. you both blame a specif group for the countries troubles..like the Nazi's..you both want to censor those who don't agree with you..like the Nazi's.. You threaten ..like the Nazi's.
I respect others when our opinions don't match. I state facts and sources other than, like you, my beliefs. When I say something that is my opinion, I say "in my opinion"
i say again..Where are your facts..with sources, as others do
. On the other hand you make statements as fact..with no facts and we're supposed to belive it just because you said it? Puhleeeeze.
Facts, facts, we don't need no stinking facts, this is the internet, a pot smokers site at that. You expect facts?? Buy yourself an encyclopedea if you want facts. I only come here for fun and you are one of the funnest to play with,~LOL~, Dork!
You can't state facts can you? Because you have none..You are too funny. You continually show your ignorance when you make accusations. You must really hate yourself the way you puff out your chest stating that you and only you have the answers..well enlighten us. Show your facts.. Show your sources. i don't believe you can . You hide online spewing garbage and when called on it you call people names.. It's SO laughable.
you still don't back up your mouth other than with threats. If you are so correct then show it/..if you can. Do you insult people RT face to face? or do you hide in here all the time? By the way, at least I have balls were as you want to have balls you gutless wonder sitting there living off your wifes labors while bitching about others living from their investments.. By the way..how long have you been getting your union pension for doing nothing but being insulting?
By thw way medi..you should work for the Gov't.. as a poster boy for their ad campaign for how pot makes you stupid.
Well, that might fit you, but I haven't smoked pot for nigh on to 20 years, I just like the banter proffered here, especially when I can get someones goat like I obviously get yours,~LOL~. BTW, I forgot, Dorkwad.
So that's you trouble..too straight? If you're not into pot, then why are you here/

I see, you state a fact*fiction* then when disagreed with you insult..I see.. Again you're wrong, just because we smoke pot, doesn't mean we're uninformed or don't care. For me, I delight in these exchanges. I'm able to bring to light the narrow mindedness of your ilk. Seems to me, based on posts I've read that there are more that agree with me, by their posts, than agree with you, by their posts. Those agreeing with me want to see facts as well..those agreeing with you just parrot your insults.. Who here appears to be intelligent, and who appears ignorant?

The truth is fairly clear..you have no facts, only opinions,which EVERYONE is allowed to have. You however won't back up your position with aught but generalization and innuendo. In order to play Devils Advocate one needs facts..not fiction.
So that's you trouble..too straight? If you're not into pot, then why are you here/

I see, you state a fact*fiction* then when disagreed with you insult..I see.. Again you're wrong, just because we smoke pot, doesn't mean we're uninformed or don't care. For me, I delight in these exchanges. I'm able to bring to light the narrow mindedness of your ilk. Seems to me, based on posts I've read that there are more that agree with me, by their posts, than agree with you, by their posts. Those agreeing with me want to see facts as well..those agreeing with you just parrot your insults.. Who here appears to be intelligent, and who appears ignorant?

The truth is fairly clear..you have no facts, only opinions,which EVERYONE is allowed to have. You however won't back up your position with aught but generalization and innuendo. In order to play Devils Advocate one needs facts..not fiction.
Alright Old Asswipe thats enough: you open yours posts by insulting others then complain about how they insult you. You spew baseless bullshit and call it fact then state all others post trivia instead of fact. You try to call people out for being "internet tough guys" then state they need to be "bitch slapped". Your posts really do suck and are without content of any merit, in short, go fuck yourself old-man, I am done with your hypocritical bull shit (which not surprisingly happens to be the M.O. for the Republican party).
so..you expect uncle sugar..to create jobs costing the tax payer 250K each job created..there are record job loss's record company closing's record trade deff. record consumer debt..record home foreclosures ..and you dont think there is going to be alot of animosity with uncle sugar spending peoples borrowed money..who cannot pay it back....obama if he is real lucky just might get a second american revolution going..just think of the millions of foreclosed upon and unemployed people..with nothing to do..but sit around and be bitter about not having a job or home..eventualy a few of them are going to snap..and get really pissy..especialy the ones starving...:bigjoint:
I thought this would be a good place to boast
Considering it's my 200th post...

I could take some time out to roast...
Max for his lack of intellecutal growth...

Fuck this rhythm I'm out bitch. 200 baby. Dig it.
Max, I feel your pain (like the dude who drives up to the drive threw and asks "how much are your $.99 cent burgers") and I have felt that way before (I used to drive way the hell up in the mountains drive the old logging roads in N. Calif. for hours get out of the car and sure as shit someone will be up there) But just think someone probably thinks the same thing about me, you to probably. We all have the right to be here, even us big fat burger eatin', spandex wearin' rednecks.

As for the Dole, that was never in dispute. We should never have began down that road, weening people off of it will prove difficult at best now. Allot of them think that is what the Government is for.

As for you Chuck :) a conservative like Ron Paul would have Decriminalized pot. But for the most part your right, Republicans seem willfully ignorant and dogmatic. Don't tell me "hes a Libertarian not conservative" Libertarians are in fact the "conservative" wing of the Republican party who left it in frustration. So a "real" conservative would legalize Pot, IMHO. A "real" conservative hates wasting money and so, would be against fighting a "war" on a relatively harmless recreational drug and source of a valuable commodity, hemp. A "real" conservative believes in personal freedom even if its the freedom to harm yourself with a drug. There is nothing conservative about waging aggressive war. There is nothing conservative about allot of the crap Bush pulled. Bush IMHO is a 2nd rate fascist and good riddance to him.

A real conservative is against spending money we don't have to pay to bail out companies that have failed. A real conservative doesn't barrow money to create jobs. He lowers taxes cuts spending at lets the market recover on its own. A real conservative would let the old dinosaurs like GM fail. So new companies could rise lean and hungry and ready for competition.
Max, I feel your pain (like the dude who drives up to the drive threw and asks "how much are your $.99 cent burgers") and I have felt that way before (I used to drive way the hell up in the mountains drive the old logging roads in N. Calif. for hours get out of the car and sure as shit someone will be up there) But just think someone probably thinks the same thing about me, you to probably. We all have the right to be here, even us big fat burger eatin', spandex wearin' rednecks.

As for the Dole, that was never in dispute. We should never have began down that road, weening people off of it will prove difficult at best now. Allot of them think that is what the Government is for.

As for you Chuck :) a conservative like Ron Paul would have Decriminalized pot. But for the most part your right, Republicans seem willfully ignorant and dogmatic. Don't tell me "hes a Libertarian not conservative" Libertarians are in fact the "conservative" wing of the Republican party who left it in frustration. So a "real" conservative would legalize Pot, IMHO. A "real" conservative hates wasting money and so, would be against fighting a "war" on a relatively harmless recreational drug and source of a valuable commodity, hemp. A "real" conservative believes in personal freedom even if its the freedom to harm yourself with a drug. There is nothing conservative about waging aggressive war. There is nothing conservative about allot of the crap Bush pulled. Bush IMHO is a 2nd rate fascist and good riddance to him.

A real conservative is against spending money we don't have to pay to bail out companies that have failed. A real conservative doesn't barrow money to create jobs. He lowers taxes cuts spending at lets the market recover on its own. A real conservative would let the old dinosaurs like GM fail. So new companies could rise lean and hungry and ready for competition.

Lol, I fail to see why what was so shocking about me attacking Max... seems that I'm not the only, what is it that Chuck accused me of being, oh yes, a "red neck". No, actually I'm much more of a yuppie, but that probably contains too many syllables for him to use at once....

Though I guess if Red Neck means being the kind of person that believes that people ought to get off their ass and work, and that they only deserve what they can get with their own two hands (whether it be through hard work, or by ASKING the people they are taking from for help (as opposed to asking the government to take on their behalf)) then I'll settle for being called a Red Neck...

Which still puts me up on being called a Canadian, everyone knows that Canadian is Canadian for "People that fuck Mooses"
Interesting reply. Maybe before YOU lambaste someone else for having an opinion, you should first study history a little yourself.

First of all, WWII would not have happened if not for US and British intervention in WWI. That war should have and WOULD have ended in 1917 with all opposing forces depleted of resources, a truce would have ensued, and the world could have gotten back to normal, with a little more wisdom, a little less violence. In short, WE (US) created the third riech in enforcing the unfair and immoral Versailles Treaty.

Secondly, all FDR's "New Deal" did, was to devalue our currency far more than any other president in history....like 60%. The "jobs" that were created were made possible by raping the American Public's wealth. THE GOVERNMENT CREATES NOTHING. THE GOVERNMENT CAN GIVE YOU NOTHING UNLESS IT FIRST TAKES IT AWAY FROM SOMEONE ELSE.

how can you consider this a moral act? Everything that FDR's "New Deal" supposedly created, would have happened ANYWAY through free markets. All ANY government sponsored program EVER does, is route resources to specific contractors, who through government contacts and contracts have no incentive to produce a superior product, since that was never the criteria for their appointment to any given project in the first place. Unions are a great example of this. All you have to do to see this is to look at how our illustrious leaders (rulers) are handling the cry babies in the auto industry. The UAW provides votes. If the "big 3" go down, so does the UAW, and we just can't have that. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. It's that simple.

Oback is no different than any other corrupt president in the last 80 years or so. Change? Then why did he fill his cabinet full to overflowing with clintonians....including Hillary?

He will take us into a very deep depression, worse than the 30's. What you need to do, is stop criticizing others for noticing what's wrong with America and get a clue yourself.......or just get the hell out of MY country and stop being part of the problem.

so..you expect uncle sugar..to create jobs costing the tax payer 250K each job created..there are record job loss's record company closing's record trade deff. record consumer debt..record home foreclosures ..and you dont think there is going to be alot of animosity with uncle sugar spending peoples borrowed money..who cannot pay it back....obama if he is real lucky just might get a second american revolution going..just think of the millions of foreclosed upon and unemployed people..with nothing to do..but sit around and be bitter about not having a job or home..eventualy a few of them are going to snap..and get really pissy..especialy the ones starving...:bigjoint:
Here's my problem with your contention. How can you say it will cost 250K for every job created. Did you pull that figure out of your prodigious ass, or do you have some statistics to back it up. I've asked 3 times now and silence, so I'll have to believe it came right out of your ass. BTW when that happens (the above) People like me will come looking for people like you and take your food, BTW there are a lot more people that think like me than like you, thank God.
Incidentally, my last post (reply) was for Bigjesse1922 and his reply to Max420thc.

Incidentally, this is MY fucking country as much as it is for you.

You didn't even read the context of my post. So your blathering is irrelevant.

Fuck off if you think you have the right to tell me to go anywhere.

For the record I have a BA in History, so who the fuck do you think you are to try and lecture me dumbass? READ THE CONTEXT of what I said.

Personally..."and let the United States of America avoid foreign entanglements, which will weaken our union." George Washington. That's my take.
Incidentally, this is MY fucking country as much as it is for you.

You didn't even read the context of my post. So your blathering is irrelevant.

Fuck off if you think you have the right to tell me to go anywhere.

For the record I have a BA in History, so who the fuck do you think you are to try and lecture me dumbass? READ THE CONTEXT of what I said.

Personally..."and let the United States of America avoid foreign entanglements, which will weaken our union." George Washington. That's my take.

Then do you think we should pull out of

(South East Asian Whatever, Whatever...)
and whatever other trade agreements/treaties we have with other nations?

(I didn't include NATO, because that hasn't become the kind of chimerical attempts upon our sovereignty that the UN and WTO have became.)