obama's job plan..to cost 250K per job

Dear sweet Mr. Max:

I'd really like you to point out how it will cost 250K per job. Another thing, why is someone with a 180 IQ hanging out with a bunch of stoners? Shouldnt you be inventing anti-gravity or something useful instead of hanging out here and calling us retards.
i have my mad scientist experiments going on..dont you worry...AND BESIDES HANGING OUT WITH YOU STONERS I AM ONE..it keeps me somewhat sane...one of my favorite past times is gloating medicine...when everything is in the shitter...and you are all in the shit..and im standing over you ..and the shit..and laughing.. (evil mad scientist or evil villan in the movies type laugh of course...)telling you fools ...I TOLD YOU SO...LOL...RETARDS....LOL:fire:

Shouldnt you be inventing anti-gravity or something useful instead of hanging out here and calling us retards.

We "Stoners" ARE trying to invent anti-gravity. Hey ... wtf did you do with that TrainWreck I gave you ... just throw it away? :lol:

*looking around* Damn, I didn't know first graders were allowed in here*chuckle* What's with the name calling Chucky?

I call em like i see em. And you, are a punk.

Neither of those people i "called names" fit into the archetypal category of "Stoner".

A stoner is someone for peace and love. These people ACTUALLY GIVE A SHIT about the environment. These people do not want war, and they DEFINITELY aren't conservatives.

Thats an easy enough description wouldn't you say?

A punk is someone who "calls on somebody" when they have absolutely no grounds to do so.
Thus, why I called you a punk.

so..its a waste of time and life to work?LOL,,typical..you guys got that one wrong..its a waste of my time to work my ass off..then give it to uncle sugar to give to you..because you dont want to waste your time working..you would rather me work and pay for everything..sounds like a good plan...the only problem is...i dont pay any tax;s..not anymore..now who you going to soak for your living and your economy..as you should know..but i doubt if you are smart enough to understand you are about to be in the mist of a DEPRESSION....from hell...caused by...your why work attitude when someone else will pay my way...well..not as many of us will have to worry about work and jobs soon.as most of you losers will be unemployed..and as for me..ill just keep shorting the market..and making my investments and reading my finnancials and stock reports and keep getting RICHER..while you fools loose your homes.your jobs..your savings..many divorces caused by the finnancial stress of it all..many of you will loose your retirements..matter of fact most people will loose their retirements and medical bennies...i am without a doubt highly enjoying this economy and i really love listening to you peasants whine and cry...how someone owes you...one day you will wake up and relieze NO ONE OWE'S YOU SHIT..NOT ONLY THAT..UNLESS YOU GO AND GET IT YOURSELFS..YOUR NOT GOING TO HAVE IT...i bet your momma never told you the story of the grass hopper and the ant when you were growing up hu?:fire:BURN BABY BURN!!!!THE ROOF THE ROOF THE ROOF IS ON FIREEEEEE WE DONT GIVE A FUCK LET THE MOTHER FUCKER BURN....BURN MOTHER FUCKER BURNNNNN.......LOL...ITS NOT MY ROOF ON FIRE..ITS THE USSA's roof....LOL

You have your head shoved so far up your own ass it's pathetic.

Like i said, Toil Away, I don't give a shit. Stop trying to justify your pathetic and meaningless life. You do no good for society. Dont be proud pf that.

I dont have anyone "paying my way". It's nice how you assume anyone who speaks like i do is unemployed. I work AND i pay taxes. Taxes that help make country be a better place for everyone.
I call em like i see em. And you, are a punk.

Neither of those people i "called names" fit into the archetypal category of "Stoner".

A stoner is someone for peace and love. These people ACTUALLY GIVE A SHIT about the environment. These people do not want war, and they DEFINITELY aren't conservatives.

Thats an easy enough description wouldn't you say?

A punk is someone who "calls on somebody" when they have absolutely no grounds to do so.
Thus, why I called you a punk.

Oh I see the world according to you huh? Not in my, nor it would seem in most others. It is the illiterate that resort to facetious name calling.
By your definition then neither are you, a stoner that is..Where's the peace and love you so espouse in disrespecting those who don't agree with you? Sounds rather dictatorial.
By the way chucky I wasn't aware that I or anyone needed YOUR permission to post a comment. if you must have control ,start your own website, here, everyone is allowed to voice their opinions..period.
Oh I see the world according to you huh? Not in my, nor it would seem in most others. It is the illiterate that resort to facetious name calling.
By your definition then neither are you, a stoner that is..Where's the peace and love you so espouse in disrespecting those who don't agree with you? Sounds rather dictatorial.

Illieterate. Hmm

Maybe you should understand what that words means before using it. If I was illiterate I couldnt read or write. But what am I doing right now?


jee golly whiz, thats weird, I seem to be reading your shit posts just fine. And Im typing out mine just fine.

So who is the name caller now?

At least when I call people names its what they actually are. You boy, are just making shit up.

By the way chucky I wasn't aware that I or anyone needed YOUR permission to post a comment. if you must have control ,start your own website, here, everyone is allowed to voice their opinions..period.

Weak. I'm not telling anyone to not post. Although for the good of the world you should not.

Free world. Although you would never be able to tell.
Wrong.. then ..uneducated...ignorant..arrogant..simplistic

showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature b: violating approved patterns of speaking or writing.

That's lame. So your words are those of love and peace..Must be related to Manson. And sonny boy. Not knowing me, and this not being face to face, you are also a coward. Any one can have big mouth in the safety of the web. Is this the pattern of behavior in the real world. You as with medicineman run off at the mouth pointing fingers and whining. My original post was meant with a sense of humour, Obviously something you do not possess. I'm done wasting my time on the like of you as there are FAR too many righteous STONERS to conversate with. So go play with the rest of your brother hatemongers and social outcasts and leave the true STONERS in PEACE and LOVE.
We "Stoners" ARE trying to invent anti-gravity. Hey ... wtf did you do with that TrainWreck I gave you ... just throw it away? :lol:

Still in my safe, why, you want it back, it should be well aged by now. I'll bet no-one else on this site could keep a morsel of pot for over a year without smoking it up. I still have 6 OZs of my last grow in the safe. One never knows, I may have to have something to barter with when shit hits the fan.
that's lame. So your words are those of love and peace..must be related to manson. And sonny boy. Not knowing me, and this not being face to face, you are also a coward. Any one can have big mouth in the safety of the web. Is this the pattern of behavior in the real world. You as with medicineman run off at the mouth pointing fingers and whining. My original post was meant with a sense of humour, obviously something you do not possess. I'm done wasting my time on the like of you as there are far too many righteous stoners to conversate with. So go play with the rest of your brother hatemongers and social outcasts and leave the true stoners in peace and love.
Still in my safe, why, you want it back, it should be well aged by now. I'll bet no-one else on this site could keep a morsel of pot for over a year without smoking it up. I still have 6 OZs of my last grow in the safe. One never knows, I may have to have something to barter with when shit hits the fan.

You took my $500 an ounce pot and put it into your safe? No wonder you don't know that we "stoners" are trying to invent anti-gravity. Hey, smoke some up and do like that "Mind Freak" guy does when he smokes my pot .... LEVITATE! :lol:

Wow what fun can't believe what I've missed out on hehe.

Max, You know your making conservatives sound like Nazi's when you say things like "useless eaters". I mean really you shouldn't say things like that. The scary thing is people actually believe that shit. Who the hell put you in a position that you could say that about another human being. Really wrong thinking man. But I suppose that's what you get when you have a 180 IQ seeing yourself better and more worthy then your fellows.

Look, I don't smoke all the time and really I just started Smoking at all. But I believe in peace and love and what not and I am a conservative. Just because someone is Conservative doesn't make them evil, necessarily. You wouldn't know by looking at the crop of "Conservatives" in power now. I guess its a fiscal thing really, for me. I mean I care about the environment but I don't think its really a "we make to much carbon" problem. Maybe we cut down to many trees and that is the problem, Trees scrub the Carbon, maybe the sun is heating up. There are lots of things wrong. But Chuck don't lump all us conservatives..in...one...lump??

I mean if Obama could get people to work its good but the Government doesn't have money or even Credit like it used to. How will he pay for it. I just don't see it happening. Maybe he will force people who have to much outstanding dept. to work for the governments work corps until they forgive his dept. That would be good and cheap right....

The best thing to do in my opinion is let the market work. Give incentives to get Facilities built that could turn out Hemp Plywood, writing paper and whatnot, its an untapped market, that's got to be high on his list of Green things to do right....
look.if not rubbing someones fur the wrong way..im not doing my job...LOL..i like to TRY to wake people up who live in fantasy land..to get them into the REAL world..and its not like MTV..its actualy more like my views of the world...everything is competitive..and the winner wins..and the loser loses..that is how it is supposed to work...as far as some idiot putting his hand in my pocket through the government .produces nothing for society..other than a free ride..is a useless eater...if you were to take one of the first societys with a welfare system that we currently have today..and over burdening tax's ..this was the roman empire...seems they taxed the shit out of the peasant farmers and were giving away free meal tickets..tickets to the games.tickets to the baths..the average roman citizen of the city had it pretty good didnt they?..the roman republic got to the point it was taxing the workers so much that many of them stoped working ..and went on the government dole so to speak..pretty soon there were not enough people working to support the welfare state they set up..and the government was so oppresive to the people when the goths..vandals ..huns..invaded rome the people hated their government so much they just let them do it basicly..they figured..what the hell..the invading theifs cant be any worse than the theifs we currently live under...hence the decline and fall of the roman empire..a empire that lasted around 1400 years..they lasted so long do to their ability to change..seems they had a interesting way of picking and removing leaders that deserves some merit in study..if not in practice...i think if we took up some of their traditions in leadership we would have a more effectively ran country..oh yea....its A U N IDEA TO REMOVE 2/3 of the worlds population..i simpley parot it...as it is perhapps a good idea..for several reasons....sustainable development is just one of them...pollution and deforestation ..ect,...you ever walk through a store..what ever kind of store..and see a whole family of like great big fat lard ass's 6 or 7 of them who are basicly mental midgets....and think to yourself...some people should not be allowed to breed...well when you subsidize a idiots breeding..you are obviosly going to get more and more idiots in society..you wont be able to slow it down once you start paying for them to breed...pretty soon before you know it...the useless breeders have out bred people who are capable of taking care of them..the only way they have of making a income is to breed more children..they normaly dont even understand they are doing this...this country has been doing this shit for fifty years...how long do you think it would take a familys of idiots breeding 5 children each to over take someone's familys who are having two children or less...im my humble opinion...brains are like eye color.you are born with it..and there is nothing you can do about it..its almost all genetics.....in the natural order of things we wouldnt have so many idiots breeding...in natures order..idiots die off..in the socialist order of things they are subsidized...and you get more and more of them...pretty soon..you have more idiots in your country ..or world.than you can feed...THE WORLD NEEDS DITCH DIGGERS TOO..just not so damn many of them:bigjoint:
Post the link. I don't believe nazi's, sorry.
Websters..It's dictionary. Why am I a Nazi..Oh yeah because I don't agree with you You accuse without facts..you make statements as fact that are opinion.Others have to quote you sources twice you call others names. Where are your FACTS whiner? What is so insignificant and small in your life that you have to be a wannabe internet bully?
Now, according to YOUR definition of a Stoner is someone who is all about Peace and Love.. not hate and war.. So, what does that make you with your continuing spewing of hate and disrespect?
No meathead, As I'm sure others will agree with me, the Stoner community is as diverse and different than any other group. It can be seen by your posts that unless someone agrees with you they're a Nazi.. It's glaringly apperent that history to you is the last breath you took. Howver to the intelligent well read adult. The Nazi's were just like you..Censorious, biogotted have to be in control. Angry..blaming others for their self created problems. Look in the mirror bubba. THAT'S a Nazi..Like you and your butt buddy medicineman.
In the real world mature intelligent people can disagree without disrespect..obviously a lesson you slept through. tell me this..are you so disagreeable in public? Do you disrespect those who disagree with you in RT/ Do you csll them names? I doubt it 'cause you'd get assed kicked.. Such a brave little boy..nslting people from the safety of your bedroom.. Now get in your jammies and maybe, if you're a good boy momwill read you curious George..that's about the level of comprehension and intelligence you've shown here.
Guns, Votes, Debt, and Delusion in Redneck America This is a great book written by Joe Bageant. It is amazing how those that fall in to this category tend to reveal themselves in the most amusing ways.