obama's job plan..to cost 250K per job

the original post was about creating jobs that cost 250K a year to create..response from liberal idiots..i dont care if it costs 250K a job...look at how much iraq costs..LOL you are without a doubt a bunch of retards....oh med..what makes me qualified is my IQ OF 180 POINTS.....LOL....:hump:
Never trust a person who is compelled to toot their own horn when no one else cares to listen. While you preen about your allegedly substantial IQ and how you understand this article in a way no one else is capable of grasping I am reading your posts and thinking to myself "no one with an IQ of 180 would need so desperately for it to be recognized by others, and if he did he must have a very tiny pecker".
I would rather spend the taxpayer money on the infrastructure than on that shitty assed fucking war in Iraq......

Right. Simple fucking economics. War machines are useless. they do not make money, they take lives. They are worthless. The do not do good for the economy they destroy economies.

People are poor because all our jobs have been given to foreign countries for the cheap wages because our government failed to recognize the dangers of out-sourcing labour.

But, we all want everything cheaper than in can be made by our own fucking people. how fucking pitiful. Our own greed has led to our demise.

The war in Iraq is a "bandage", knee jerk reaction for the energy crisis. And a foolish one at that. the second reason for this recession is our energy crisis. the cost of energy(and other types of natural resources) have been inflating at a higher rate than our wages have. This is causing people to have less money. We need to find an alternative fuel source that we can make right here at home in North America (except Mexico, they need to get their standards up and increase the quality of living before they can be grouped in with two of the best countries in the world :D).

anyways. im rambling.

So we just mail everyone a check and what does tha solve? at least people would have a job under Obama's plan...not just a handout. i suggest you educate yourself before you post something so outrageous.

Take a look at FDR and the New Deal, projects like Hoover Dam and expanding our roads, bridges, and tunnels. Don't you think those were hefty investments at that time? But it got a lot of people working again and helped just start a sluggish economy...

last bit of class: the last economic slowdown we had that compared to this in the US was the Great Depression. know what it took to cure that? A FUCKING WORLD WAR THAT KILLED TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. So before you run your mouth, understand the gravity of the situation and that SOMETHING big must be done! like major infrastructure programs and give taxpayers a tangible return on their money and puts people to work!

Keep in mind about 75% of our economy is completely dependant upon consumer purchases and transactions, i.e., what you and I and everyone else purchases. So if people get back to work, they start spending. Companies in turn expand operations and hire new workers, which creates more companies, more jobs, more profit, lower prices, etc, etc!! And that kids is Capitalism 101, abbreviated of course
That worked well then, but i seriously doubt it will now. Then ,if relocation was necessary people did it. Do you think that will happen today? I don't..In this age of entitlements and gimme's the prevalent attitude seems to be "I want..you give" Then people WANTED to work.. to feed their families..now not so much..Remember..you can't make people work.. I think, that they are given the option of relocating to work, or live under a bridge. Now I know that won't work in all cases, but I think in a large % it will.
That worked well then, but i seriously doubt it will now. Then ,if relocation was necessary people did it. Do you think that will happen today? I don't..In this age of entitlements and gimme's the prevalent attitude seems to be "I want..you give" Then people WANTED to work.. to feed their families..now not so much..Remember..you can't make people work.. I think, that they are given the option of relocating to work, or live under a bridge. Now I know that won't work in all cases, but I think in a large % it will.

I have to disagree with your premis that Americans don't want to work. There are a small percentage, IE drug dealers and speed freaks, pot smokers that won't quit to pass a drug test etc., But the majority of Americans want to work. They just need a job that will let them keep their homes and feed and educate their children.
Right..do you really believe that the same ethics, work and otherwise are as prevalent today as during the depression? If the case were that ALL Americans wanted to work, why are there so many help wanted signs? No, the reality is that most people think they are worth more than the jobs are paying. In New Orleans after Katrina there were people complaining that when they returned to .O. that they were NOT going to work in hotels as maids cooks dishwashers, and that We(the rest of the country would have to GIVE them better jobs.. Well..if they are only qualified to wash dishes why should they be given anything better? While i agree that minimum wage sucks, it's a job. Lok in any paper and you'll see help wanted ads. There goes the theory that everyone wants to work.
Right. Simple fucking economics. War machines are useless. they do not make money, they take lives. They are worthless. The do not do good for the economy they destroy economies.

People are poor because all our jobs have been given to foreign countries for the cheap wages because our government failed to recognize the dangers of out-sourcing labour.

But, we all want everything cheaper than in can be made by our own fucking people. how fucking pitiful. Our own greed has led to our demise.

The war in Iraq is a "bandage", knee jerk reaction for the energy crisis. And a foolish one at that. the second reason for this recession is our energy crisis. the cost of energy(and other types of natural resources) have been inflating at a higher rate than our wages have. This is causing people to have less money. We need to find an alternative fuel source that we can make right here at home in North America (except Mexico, they need to get their standards up and increase the quality of living before they can be grouped in with two of the best countries in the world :D).

anyways. im rambling.


*lol* Check out how the economy was doing during the Vietnam War..it was going great guns!*s*
the original post was about creating jobs that cost 250K a year to create..response from liberal idiots..i dont care if it costs 250K a job...look at how much iraq costs..LOL you are without a doubt a bunch of retards....oh med..what makes me qualified is my IQ OF 180 POINTS.....LOL....:hump:
Oh really? And just how much is it costing? Got figures? What, the military costs nothing when not at wear? No soldiers die when not at war? No supplies are used, no ammo expended? When I served my country I got paid..not much, but something.
Where are you from that they raise arrogant bastards like you? I.Q. of 180.. you may think you have brains, but zip for smarts!! Having a high IQ means squat when you can't think beyond your opinion. FACTS..give us some facts since you seem to have all the answers.
If you are so interested in saving lives, push to have cars banned ..they kill 34,000 +- people a day.
government lack of action?thats a laugh......you dont know shit about roosevelt do you ..and the great society?you dont know shit about politics economics or government..or the constitution..or history....lol...you socialists are your own destruction...the mess's you cause you blame on others...your not going to weasel out of this one though..and ill be there to proffit from the mess you make..like the good capitalist i am...let the soup lines beggin...:hump:
Ah..a wannabee capitalistic pig. people like you are the reason people like buy guns, to put down the rabid.
That about sums up what I was thinking. And that article (and those who took it literally) is rather myopic in it's interpretaion of how that money is spent. Most of it will go towards infrastructure...as in concrete, not salary for workers. People have been bitching about government funding for roads since that bridge in Minnesota collapsed but now because Obama is GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT all of a sudden the "conservatives" find it an objectionable use of public funds. Conservatives these days have to be the biggest bunch of cry-babies I have ever fucking seen. They are desperate for power and when they get a sliver of it they fuck every thing up tremendously with their biblical idealogue driven policies that are really shrouded subsidies for their cronies in the private sector and restrictions on all who do not embrace biblical values, then they complain about actual progress when it comes at the helm of "liberal" leadership. Message to Republicans: The political landscape would not be collapsing under your feet if you elected smart, intelligent leaders who cared as much for the citizens of our country as they did for their own re-election. As a reminder: Nov. 4, 2008; the people have spoken.

Yeah. what he said!
That about sums up what I was thinking. And that article (and those who took it literally) is rather myopic in it's interpretaion of how that money is spent. Most of it will go towards infrastructure...as in concrete, not salary for workers. People have been bitching about government funding for roads since that bridge in Minnesota collapsed but now because Obama is GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT all of a sudden the "conservatives" find it an objectionable use of public funds. Conservatives these days have to be the biggest bunch of cry-babies I have ever fucking seen. They are desperate for power and when they get a sliver of it they fuck every thing up tremendously with their biblical idealogue driven policies that are really shrouded subsidies for their cronies in the private sector and restrictions on all who do not embrace biblical values, then they complain about actual progress when it comes at the helm of "liberal" leadership. Message to Republicans: The political landscape would not be collapsing under your feet if you elected smart, intelligent leaders who cared as much for the citizens of our country as they did for their own re-election. As a reminder: Nov. 4, 2008; the people have spoken.
Wow there..Isn't that using a rather wide brush> How would it be if I accused "you dipshit commie liberals" of wanting the govt. to take care of everything so you can play.. I'll bet when there's a problem you whine 'it's not my fault" Do you really believe that the dems don't suck at the public breast? Puhleeze!! The liberals have had control of the congress for 2 years and what have they done? Squat, that's what. What has been their response? It's not our fault.Look at their record. The dem have instituted numerous attacks on this country..example..Your girl Hillary stating that the U.S. should govern it's self based on international opinion, they want to remove our rights to self defense, to rewrite the Constitution, allow the U.N. to have direct input into our gov't. I'll remind you that there are 47% of the public who didn't vote for Obama. if you and the other "liberals" want to live in a socialist country there are several available.

I'm defending GW mind you No
Wow there..Isn't that using a rather wide brush> How would it be if I accused "you dipshit commie liberals" of wanting the govt. to take care of everything so you can play.. I'll bet when there's a problem you whine 'it's not my fault" Do you really believe that the dems don't suck at the public breast? Puhleeze!! The liberals have had control of the congress for 2 years and what have they done? Squat, that's what. What has been their response? It's not our fault.Look at their record. The dem have instituted numerous attacks on this country..example..Your girl Hillary stating that the U.S. should govern it's self based on international opinion, they want to remove our rights to self defense, to rewrite the Constitution, allow the U.N. to have direct input into our gov't. I'll remind you that there are 47% of the public who didn't vote for Obama. if you and the other "liberals" want to live in a socialist country there are several available.

I'm defending GW mind you No
There are some serious flaws in the argument you presented above. I don't quite see how having the US govern itself in a manner that takes into consideration it's role as part of a global community is a problem. In fact, the absence of this consideration, especially over the past 8 years, has been a tremendous problem. And no I don't want a socialist country but way to go trying to use a failed republican arguement to discredit anyone outside your party. What I want is a responsible, intelligent, ARTICULATE preisdent who can formulate cohesive and well thought plans of action while simultaneously serving as a public figure for our nation that does not make us the laughing stock of the world. What's ironic is the OBAMA IS MORE OF A PRESIDENT PRIOR TO HIS INAUGURATION THAN BUSH HAS EVER BEEN. And for the 47% who voted to continue the failed policies of the past 8 years, go back to your real America, you can keep it while the rest of us enjoy a progressive and positive future. Go read about the CCC and you'll see why Obama is on the money with his plan to build out our infrastructure and create jobs, of course you sound like the type of republican who will be incapable of admitting Obama is right about anything.
Right..do you really believe that the same ethics, work and otherwise are as prevalent today as during the depression? If the case were that ALL Americans wanted to work, why are there so many help wanted signs? No, the reality is that most people think they are worth more than the jobs are paying. In New Orleans after Katrina there were people complaining that when they returned to .O. that they were NOT going to work in hotels as maids cooks dishwashers, and that We(the rest of the country would have to GIVE them better jobs.. Well..if they are only qualified to wash dishes why should they be given anything better? While i agree that minimum wage sucks, it's a job. Lok in any paper and you'll see help wanted ads. There goes the theory that everyone wants to work.
Help wanted section in our local newspaper used to be 5-7 pages, now 1 page, mostly specialized type of work, such as registered nurses, etc. Hell yeah people want to work, do you think they want to starve? They just want a job that will pay more than welfare and food stamps, otherwise why bother. When you add up the cost of transportation, Babysitting, lunches and maintaining work clothes etc, they'd be better off staying at home. Give the American worker American wages and they'd be more than happy to go to work. People in general like to feel like they are earning their way. Working for less than welfare and foodstamps makes no fucking sense
Oh really? And just how much is it costing? Got figures? What, the military costs nothing when not at wear? No soldiers die when not at war? No supplies are used, no ammo expended? When I served my country I got paid..not much, but something.
Where are you from that they raise arrogant bastards like you? I.Q. of 180.. you may think you have brains, but zip for smarts!! Having a high IQ means squat when you can't think beyond your opinion. FACTS..give us some facts since you seem to have all the answers.
If you are so interested in saving lives, push to have cars banned ..they kill 34,000 +- people a day.
its your kind of people that work for my kind of people..sorry if im arrogant...ive earned the right to be arrogant...im not interested in saving lifes at all..there are too many useless eaters on the planet right now..and useless breathers using up resources that are better saved on the worthy..seems back in the GOOD OL DAYS...there was a program called WPA..men made i think it was 50 cents a day working for WPA..obamas WPA is going to pay 250K a year..seems no one understand the country is BANKRUPT..cept someone with a iq OF 180....ECONOMIC PAIN...LIKE GRAIN..IS ONLY GOOD FOR FARM ANIMALS AND PEASANTS.....:fire:
its your kind of people that work for my kind of people..sorry if im arrogant...ive earned the right to be arrogant...im not interested in saving lifes at all..there are too many useless eaters on the planet right now..and useless breathers using up resources that are better saved on the worthy..seems back in the GOOD OL DAYS...there was a program called WPA..men made i think it was 50 cents a day working for WPA..obamas WPA is going to pay 250K a year..seems no one understand the country is BANKRUPT..cept someone with a iq OF 180....ECONOMIC PAIN...LIKE GRAIN..IS ONLY GOOD FOR FARM ANIMALS AND PEASANTS.....:fire:

your sick, twisted, Stalin-istic thinking has no place in the modern world. You have earned the right to do nothing but live the rest of your life as a hollow, cold, evil person.

I wonder if your mother was a closed hearted wench. Your just scared of other people being successful and better than you. The only thing holding your puny little existance together is this thought you have that you are superior to people. Not morally, not personally, only materialistically. You will be nothing if there aren't people under you.what you don't realize is you are nothing. There are tribal people in the middle of the rainforest with more class and worth than you will ever have.

May your days be long indeed.
When people like that are on their deathbed they look back at all their toiling and realise it was nto worth it. This chap is probably quite green, but hey, let him work, when he dies all his money will go back in the system :D

I think sometime people forget that one day they will die. Everyone dies sooner or later. And when you do, it's not how fat your bank account is, that matters. its not how big of a house you have. Its not the shoes you wear.
It's the smiles you put on others faces. The people you helped have a better life. The amount of love you have and have given.

But hey, keep toiling. Keep wasting your life to slave to money and material items. Fine by me, but dont be a fucking arrogant prick about it. :finger:
its your kind of people that work for my kind of people..sorry if im arrogant...ive earned the right to be arrogant...im not interested in saving lifes at all..there are too many useless eaters on the planet right now..and useless breathers using up resources that are better saved on the worthy..seems back in the GOOD OL DAYS...there was a program called WPA..men made i think it was 50 cents a day working for WPA..obamas WPA is going to pay 250K a year..seems no one understand the country is BANKRUPT..cept someone with a iq OF 180....ECONOMIC PAIN...LIKE GRAIN..IS ONLY GOOD FOR FARM ANIMALS AND PEASANTS.....:fire:
All I can really say about this arrogant prick is: Baaaarrrrffffff. People taking up his air??? what an asshole.
I like to see everyones point of view.

But for the original poster, please don't try to
knock someone down before they have even
tried. Its like kicking someone when they're down.

Let Obama have a chance. And if he does something
that ruins us, then, please, go ahead and talk about
him. But for now, just wait until we see what he does.
I like to see everyones point of view.

But for the original poster, please don't try to
knock someone down before they have even
tried. Its like kicking someone when they're down.

Let Obama have a chance. And if he does something
that ruins us, then, please, go ahead and talk about
him. But for now, just wait until we see what he does.
The voice of reason, amen. BTW, I'm pretty sure if the prick ever got you down, he'd stomp your eyeballs out, no conscience.
To the Libbies thinking that Obama's make-work programs are good ideas, please explain why there were more unemployed at the start of FDR's third term in office than there were at the start of his first term. Thanks ...
