Right. Simple fucking economics. War machines are useless. they do not make money, they take lives. They are worthless. The do not do good for the economy they destroy economies.
People are poor because all our jobs have been given to foreign countries for the cheap wages because our government failed to recognize the dangers of out-sourcing labour.
But, we all want everything cheaper than in can be made by our own fucking people. how fucking pitiful. Our own greed has led to our demise.
The war in Iraq is a "bandage", knee jerk reaction for the energy crisis. And a foolish one at that. the second reason for this recession is our energy crisis. the cost of energy(and other types of natural resources) have been inflating at a higher rate than our wages have. This is causing people to have less money. We need to find an alternative fuel source that we can make right here at home in North America (except Mexico, they need to get their standards up and increase the quality of living before they can be grouped in with two of the best countries in the world

anyways. im rambling.