Well-Known Member
I know, I know, I'm just asking for trouble with this thread. BUT, hear me out! I want everyone to REALIZE that I do believe in Christ and this thread is more of a DISCUSSION than a DEBATE. That being said, I'd like to pose an odd, maybe even downright disturbing to some people, hypothetical. I really think that our world/species needs to think about things a little more in the area of Religion. Now, I UNDERSTAND the concept behind religion, the concept behind worship, the concept behind belief, you get it. What I want to ask is not a simple question, hell I really don't look at it as a question anyways. But I believe this is something that needs to be talked about. There are SO MANY discrepancies between Religion and science that somebody would think ONE of them has to be right.
Here is my hypothetical: Consider if one day there was a discovery of some sort of artifact or document or some THING which would discount a/the religion/s COMPLETELY, as in, a book, or stone tablet that says the story of Jesus Christ was a fabrication of some sort. Or possibly, verifies his existence and discounts SCIENCE. It is my opinion that a discovery of this type and magnitude would set off a cataclysmic war of sorts between the various religions of the world. Just think, if people thought that there was no Christ, or Allah, or any other figure, what would go through their minds? Especially in areas like the middle east, where religion and hunger are the only things that motivate most people. This has just been something on my mind lately and it weighs heavily. AGAIN, this is a DISCUSSION OF THE TOPIC, not a debate on religions and science. I hope many people take the time to respond to this. I know everyone who reads this will have a view on it and I hope you all voice your opinions. OBJECTIVITY IS THE KEY!! And, I think it would probably help us stay a little more objective if we are all stoned, so everyone, TOKE UP
Here is my hypothetical: Consider if one day there was a discovery of some sort of artifact or document or some THING which would discount a/the religion/s COMPLETELY, as in, a book, or stone tablet that says the story of Jesus Christ was a fabrication of some sort. Or possibly, verifies his existence and discounts SCIENCE. It is my opinion that a discovery of this type and magnitude would set off a cataclysmic war of sorts between the various religions of the world. Just think, if people thought that there was no Christ, or Allah, or any other figure, what would go through their minds? Especially in areas like the middle east, where religion and hunger are the only things that motivate most people. This has just been something on my mind lately and it weighs heavily. AGAIN, this is a DISCUSSION OF THE TOPIC, not a debate on religions and science. I hope many people take the time to respond to this. I know everyone who reads this will have a view on it and I hope you all voice your opinions. OBJECTIVITY IS THE KEY!! And, I think it would probably help us stay a little more objective if we are all stoned, so everyone, TOKE UP