OD '09 Where dreams come true


Well-Known Member
No pics till August? August???? Cmon now, you can't make us wait that long!!!! Isn't there rules with this kinda thing? Mandatory weekly posts n' pics or somethin?? Just kiddin bro, August will be fine, i suppose. I mean, if you're really gonna be that way. All cold hearted, makin us wait. I thought it was supposed to be for all the fans maaannn!!! Whatever. I'm scratchin you off my Christmas card list. And don't expect any fruitcake either!!! I mean it.:cry:


Hey hey, been busy..no I wouldn't say deer is my biggest worry. It would be humans, more specifically ones with authority. I have seen the sherriff either on the same road or drive right by me in two visits (Hopefully not the same pig..). And so I needed it to cool down, I will go out this weekend and get some pictures. The way I keep deer away is with Irish spring soap and human hair. As for yield I have no expectations...But would like atleast a H per plant...who knows.


Well-Known Member
crazy op...5100 plants takes quite a bit of manpower...and 2000lbs is nothing compared to if they were full flower...stupid coppas, shoulda waited to pad their stats...


Yea pretty crazy, Douglas county and el paso county sherriffs are all over pike forest / black forest area...I would say there were 2 guys and they are in the forest somewhere. That was their job, they didnt have a 9-5. It may seem like a lot of manpower, but when there is a lot of time in the day, not only did the plot look good; I'm sure they had more than one hut. Probably ran when the guy on horseback was spotted and hopefully won't be caught. :)


Well-Known Member
Lucky for them, they didnt get caught, on the other hand, I would be weeping for months if I lost that crop.


Ok really overdue update.. Sorry it's been hectic and I have never been so nervous. They seem to be taking a plot a day where my location is. NOT GOOD. Anyway, I do have some good news...and bad. I had a few turn male, I think it was because of the big tree causing too much shade throughout the day. On the contrary I do have some that look phenomenal. Heres a picture, I will be waiting until the first frost to chop them down. Maybe another update in between then and now, not likely.




heres a couple others...I really thought they would be more developed by now, compared to some others I've seen; but oh well. This plot has a huge tree that blocks the sun from 7:00am to 2:00pm, huge problem. Got it figured out for next summer. enjoy:




you harvested outdoors before robtoker? even with my indoor I don't even look at the pistols (hairs), its all about the trichs.


Well-Known Member
checking of trichs is the only logical way to go for the genuine article. hairs are the absolute worst indicator of completion.


I think he misunderstood when I said 'frost'. Where I live it gets cold enough at night (really anytime) to freeze. When that happens most hairs will be dead, most trichs will be amber, and the leaves will have turned autumn colors. I find that during those conditions my patients and I most enjoy the medicine. More education to come.