Odor Control Fairy Tale


Well-Known Member
Once upon a time in a far far place there was a little boy who wanted to grow. He purchased a tent, a 600w mh/hps light set up, an inline fan, carbon filter, nutes, and a few other things he was told he needed. After a few months this little boy decided to move to a new castle. So before moving he took his whole set up down. One day, the little boy went to his new castle to fix a few things up and upon entering the front entrance, he noticed that someone had been in his new castle. He walked around but noticed that nothing was gone. He thought to himself that maybe he had left the basement door open and just forgot about it. A week later the little boy had some free time and decided to move a few things over to the new castle, and while there fix a few things up. Again, upon entering the front door, he noticed the basement door was open again, as well as the back door. He knew now that someone had been in his castle for sure, but again, nothing was taken, that he knew of at the time.

Another week goes by and the same thing happens again, but this time, the basement window was busted, back door was open, basement door was open, and a back window was open. After walking around trying to sort through the things he brought over to the new castle he noticed a few small items had been taken, and two large important items, his inline fan and carbon filter.

Not having the money to replace the fan and filter he decided that after he got all the way moved in he wouldn't let this hold him back from doing what he loved doing. After battling with heat issues inside his tent from not having adequate ventilation, he produced something fairly o.k. He decided to run it again, this time he produced a better product, with larger amounts. Even though it was better, he battled issues with warm water in his res from the tents temps being in the high 90's during the day. He figured out a way to keep the temps down without purchasing another fan and filter. He had better results but the big bad evil king of odorville decided he would pay a visit.

This is one battle that the little boy is losing. When approaching the castle, you can smell the big bad King Odor from the sidewalk (which is about 25-30 ft. away) on slightly windy days, you can really smell big bad King Odor from the front porch as if he was standing right in front of you himself. One day a guy from a neighboring castle came to the door to borrow a cigarette and the guy noticed this odor himself and asked the little boy if he was growing. Obviously the little boy replied "No, but I wish I was". The guy then asked, "Well if you're not growing you must have been in there burning a pound of some fire". The little boy quickly replied, "Well, yea, myself and two others were in here just a few minutes ago burning some fire", and the guy accepted that answer and went about his way.

After this long story about the little boy battling the big bad King Odor from Odorville, the little boy, with hardly any money, who is at wk 6 flowering, needs some advice. He will be getting another inline fan and carbon filter, but not until the new year, but is in need of other options to use during the day while he is away so the mail man doesn't smell it when he is dropping the mail in the mail box right next to the door. Incense seems to work, but it only burns for a certain period of time, which is not long enough to cover anything for 9 hours until he gets back to his castle.


Active Member
Buy some charcoal throw away barbecues or just a bag of barbecue coal , crush it up and leave about ur grow area as it soaks up smells, its whatu av in ur filter basicaly except its just sitting there but its worth the few pennies it costs and seehow ya get on !!! Good look, nice story by the way ! Except the baddy in the story needs fookin up !


you need activated charcoal; use fish supply charcoal; those bricks in the bag have wood and all kinds of crap and very little activated odor absorbing charcoal.


Well-Known Member
By the sounds of things, the little boy is lucky he hasn't had rippers or cops pointing guns in his face yet (and that may still be on the cards). Your grow location is compromised. The very least you should do is get a new fan and CF, by any means necessary (loans, sell something, whatever), and even then it may be too late.

Someone has been through your shit and stolen some of your grow equipment, and someone else has pointed out the obvious grow smell (and it wouldn't surprise me if this guy knew about, or was in fact the person responsible for taking your shit in the first place.). Your grow is no longer secret, and you should consider moving, if this is at all possible. It strikes me that someone who would break into a house (and know enough to steal a fan and filter in particular) would be highly likely to return, if they thought there was a crop available to steal.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of trying dryer sheets to cover up some of the smell inside my house. Put them on the registers so when the furnace turns on it'll blow the dryer sheet smell around.


Well-Known Member
if i was a little boy that had a break in before i ever even brought king freakin odor?? to my fucking castle.. and had castle building equipment stolen and my location compromised.. i would run agree with nocturn..

i did that too ran 2 grows with no filter... never again if there is even only one... just one person you dont want to smell it its worth having the filter in my situation its the only option.. and if someone ripped my filter then i would have to buy another or live with the paranoia untill i did.. but i would still have alott of paranoia cuz sumone still knew what was doing?? but.. theyll probably forget where they stole it from and never come back again...


Active Member
thats scary as shit :o. would love help yea out man but sadly all i can think of involve spending money :sad: , in the future if you have cash get an ozone generator/purifier as a back up (i know its bad for the plants but it does the job really well) . i really feel for you, been there myself .


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not too worried that who ever stole it even knew what the fan and filter was used for. The neighborhood has a few recycling plants all within a 4 mile radius, and it's full of crackheads who love going around stealing metal to go scrap for cash. Also during this time period, even though it's messed up it's still funny, but someone stole the metal gate right off my fence. I'm fairly confident that the person who stole it has no clue what it was, and if they did, I didn't have any other grow products in the house at the time, as well as I was hanging drywall in the room it was being stored in so maybe they thought it was used to help clear the air if they even knew it was a filter.

Also, the neighbor who noticed a smell is a suspect. Whenever he gets any money he disappears for a few days, only to return looking real scraggly, so I have suspicion he is a crackhead as well, also he scraps metal for money. My biggest concern is the mailman, and a couple other neighbors who have some sense about them. I know the plants put off a smell, but I didn't think that you would be able to smell them all the way out to the street, especially since it was never like that in the past.

BTW....ordered an inline fan and carbon filter online, should be here by no later than Wednesday of next week.

Before leaving for work I burned about 10 incense sticks and when I got home I didn't really smell anything outside, and when walking in the house I smelled mostly incense, but with a faint whiff of that good smell lingering in the background.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you've purchased a new fan and filter.

ONA gel will help neutralise some of the smell inside your property. If you can purchase somewhere local rather than online for quickness until Wednesday when your order arrives.

Personally i would get some more locks for doors, maybe an alarm system and a BIG FUCKING ANGRY dog.



Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you've purchased a new fan and filter. ONA gel will help neutralise some of the smell inside your property. If you can purchase somewhere local rather than online for quickness until Wednesday when your order arrives. Personally i would get some more locks for doors, maybe an alarm system and a BIG FUCKING ANGRY dog.J
Yea, I'm gonna go check at the local shops tomorrow for some of that ONA gel to see if it helps any. I have alarms on the doors now, and I'm looking for a German Shepherd for a reasonable price. I think a big German Shepherd would help keep the crackheads away. lol

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm gonna go check at the local shops tomorrow for some of that ONA gel to see if it helps any. I have alarms on the doors now, and I'm looking for a German Shepherd for a reasonable price. I think a big German Shepherd would help keep the crackheads away. lol
Also You Might Think About A Pea Shooter.I Myself Have 4 Statgicly Located So 1 Is AlWays Handy.You Never Know When A Crackhead Going To Break In.


Well-Known Member
You're fucked move.

It would be foolish to assume that the thief wouldn't know what the fan and CF were for. If it is the neighbour mentioned, who's first question was "are you growing", rather than "have you been smoking", it stands to reason that he has been around grows, or grown himself at some point, since that was his first thought regarding the smell.

Even if it wasn't him, everyone knows what the equipment looks like these days, moreso those with criminal connections, like your average burglar.

The dog is a good idea, but I would still move. You are compromised, and trying to convince yourself otherwise will not change that fact.


Active Member

It would be foolish to assume that the thief wouldn't know what the fan and CF were for. If it is the neighbour mentioned, who's first question was "are you growing", rather than "have you been smoking", it stands to reason that he has been around grows, or grown himself at some point, since that was his first thought regarding the smell.

Even if it wasn't him, everyone knows what the equipment looks like these days, moreso those with criminal connections, like your average burglar.

The dog is a good idea, but I would still move. You are compromised, and trying to convince yourself otherwise will not change that fact.

i concur,
sorry if this isn't "helpful" per say...but facts is facts sorry brah;
You're fucked move.


Well-Known Member
Dude if you have og it might challenge ur fillter.. I hope its big...
No, it's not OG, but if it were I definitely would need a good size fan and filter. As for the comment from Nocturn that everyone, people with criminal connections, like an average burglar knows what an inline fan and CF is used for; I don't really buy into that. If it were a crackhead, which I'm sure it was, I doubt they would think logically about what it could be used for. Have you ever talked to a crackhead? They don't think like a normal person does. When they look at something all they see is how much could they get out of it so they can go get some more crack. They are too strung out, and fallen to such a strong addiction that they don't care one bit what it is they are stealing, they just care about how much could it get them. They saw two large metallic items that weighed a good amount and took it. Hell, maybe it wasn't a crackhead, maybe it was just a random burglary. The fan and filter is sitting in a room that is being drywalled, there are no other signs of a grow operation in the entire house, no lights, tents, soil, etc. etc. So to someone who is breaking in when they see just a fan and filter in a room filled with drywall dust, would their first thought be..."Hmmm I have seen these fans and filters before and they are used for grow ops, or did they see some equipment that looks expensive so I'll take it.

I don't really think the average person would know what they are for unless they were a serious grower themselves. Those items are very identifiable by other growers because they grow, and they research the topic. Sure, it could be someone who knows what it's used for, but if that's all they found in the house then maybe they would have thought that it use to be a grow op at one point and not any more. Thanks for all the advice from everyone though. I appreciate all your input and ideas on what that little boy could do to help minimize odors until his new fan and filter get to his new castle.

Oh, about the neighbor who asked about growing. This guy is also a drunk, on top of being a suspected crackhead, who spent alot of time in prison, doesn't have the internet, and doesn't know how to work a cell phone, so even if it were him I doubt he would know what it was for.