Odor Control Fairy Tale

So your neighbor has regular police contact you just informed us and is an addict you believe? Are you medical? If you're medical it might be worth risking it if you're not worried about police. If you're not medical dude I'm trying to spare you the humiliation of police kicking your door down, taking everything you own, scaring your family, and in general learning the hard way. Don't take it as disrespect but you're obviously new to this and don't know how things work yet it seems.
I didnt know what a carbon filter was until a started growing...

BTW im curious what did they do the first two times they broke in? They just opened your doors and were like "oh cool weed plants" then left? I recommend bear traps.
Smokinmayne-it's only two girls.

Swiss - No disrepect taken, I understand that all of y'all on RIU are just tryin to look out. We, smokers and growers, are a great bunch of people who care for one another. I don't think the guy has regular police contact, I've never seen the police at his place over the past 6 months. That is my biggest fear Swiss, the police knocking on my door I'm not too worried about the crackheads, or burglars, or any of that because if they try coming in when I'm home they will have a hard time getting back out - (sleeps with 2 handguns right next to bed lol).

Thinking about this, I just read an article yesterday which is very important to all of us. I read that they passed a law, I think it's federal, that if the police are walking past your house/apartment, and they smell "something suspicious", they are allowed to then knock on your door. If they then "hear something suspicious", for instance the toilet flushing, garbage disposal running, scurrying around, they are then allowed to break down your door, search your house and arrest you, all without a warrant.

Yea, things are getting real f'd up. I'll try to get that link real quick to post for you, I think I read on High Times, so it must be pretty reputable.


I also found another interesting article for everyone to read.

I agree with many people on here, you need bigger, better locks and some immediate odor control. There are several links on here to make great, cheap activated carbon filters. I would suggest making a carbon filter for your air outtake, THEN putting some ONA gel in the grow room just to make sure. Whatever you do, you need to do it NOW!! Be careful and good luck!
My question is, Where in the hell do castles reside next to crackheads? Must be some rich crackheads to live next to a castle!
Also get a protection dog.. like german sheppard or american bulldog. You'll hear the dogs before you see the enemy!
I didnt know what a carbon filter was until a started growing...

BTW im curious what did they do the first two times they broke in? They just opened your doors and were like "oh cool weed plants" then left? I recommend bear traps.

No, there was nothing in there except for a bunch of trash from cleaning the house out at first. Then the second time there was some small, inexpensive items that I moved over there since I was getting ready to move into the place The third time there were more boxed items, like some old winter clothes, shoes, cleaning items, and a few boxes of nails, screws, a hammer, saw, screw drivers, and the fan that was still attached to the filter. Before I moved into the place I took all my stuff down and packed it up for the move. I took the fan and filter over before I took anything else over there. Also, I would say the house was a target because I had a roll off dumpster in the driveway that I used to throw out the old furniture, and trash that was left from the previous owner, as well as a place for me to throw away the old drywall, paneling, tile, etc.

So my theory was that someone saw the dumpster in the driveway, noticed the building material and trash, and thought, well no one must be living there since it's being cleaned out so let me go in and see if I can find anything of value. Luckily they didn't get the copper pipes. Most of the abandoned houses on the street got stripped of the copper plumbing by all the crackheads and junkers that live around here.
I agree with many people on here, you need bigger, better locks and some immediate odor control. There are several links on here to make great, cheap activated carbon filters. I would suggest making a carbon filter for your air outtake, THEN putting some ONA gel in the grow room just to make sure. Whatever you do, you need to do it NOW!! Be careful and good luck!

Luckily I was able to come up with some money to order a new fan and filter, it should arrive no later than Wednesday. Purchased some ONA Gel today as well. I have alarms on doors, looking into getting some security cameras as well. Who would have thought that a mere 2 plants would create that much, and that strong of a smell. I've been around it my entire life. Picked up tips and tricks from an uncle who has been doing this since the 60's. Looking to get a German Shepherd to help protect the place from crackheads. Cookie, this castle resides in a bad neighborhood, but it's the neighborhood I grew up in and I'm use to the people and it's cheap lol. Prices for houses that you can't pass up, down the street is a house for sale....2 bedroom, 1 bath, full basement, decent size yard, for $15,000, oh with a garage. All you have to do in take the boards off the windows and and doors and you're ready to move in lol.

Tip Top - The little boy is doing everything in his power to not get in trouble with the police or thieves, that is why he is in the process of concealing the odors. He noticed that burning a pack of incense in the morning before leaving helps cover the odor throughout the day. When the little boy gets home he doesn't smell it anymore, until you go inside and you get a faint whiff of it, behind all the smell of incense. He was just looking for a more economical way, and permanent way of eliminating odors during the time he will be without a fan/filter.
My point being that it's my opinion that a rational person would not grow cannabis in a house where someone knows you grow cannabis, now would a rational person start with his growing until he had appropriate odour control. And while you say that your incense is working, you might want to get a friend to tell you his opinion, i bought some ona blocks, i thought all was gravy while doing trimming outside of the cab, nope, everyone else could still smell it like the skunk it is. It's not to say you can't pull it off, but why put the grow, and your life, at unnecessary risk.
Put a sign up at the front of your castle. seriously :

get yourself an 8" electric fan on your kitchen window and leave it on 24/7 it will put your home in to negative pressure or

put in a second door frame with door in front of your outside door in your hallway to combat the smells going outside.

use an automatic air freshener called air wick freshmatic that squeezes an aerosol every 9,18 or 36 minutes you choose with a switch inside, if you put 2-3 of these inside your front door you wont smell a thing outside except fresh smells. i find linen is the best mask, the vanilla one is horrible.

i bought mine from semi chem £4.99 refills are cheaper.

it smeeeeeeeelllssss amazing outside my front door MmmmmmMMmmmmMMmm

i live in a high rise block of flats with 6 front doors on an enclosed landing.
and i had 12 barneys farm lsd.



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Luckily I was able to come up with some money to order a new fan and filter, it should arrive no later than Wednesday. Purchased some ONA Gel today as well. I have alarms on doors, looking into getting some security cameras as well. Who would have thought that a mere 2 plants would create that much, and that strong of a smell. I've been around it my entire life. Picked up tips and tricks from an uncle who has been doing this since the 60's. Looking to get a German Shepherd to help protect the place from crackheads. Cookie, this castle resides in a bad neighborhood, but it's the neighborhood I grew up in and I'm use to the people and it's cheap lol. Prices for houses that you can't pass up, down the street is a house for sale....2 bedroom, 1 bath, full basement, decent size yard, for $15,000, oh with a garage. All you have to do in take the boards off the windows and and doors and you're ready to move in lol.

Tip Top - The little boy is doing everything in his power to not get in trouble with the police or thieves, that is why he is in the process of concealing the odors. He noticed that burning a pack of incense in the morning before leaving helps cover the odor throughout the day. When the little boy gets home he doesn't smell it anymore, until you go inside and you get a faint whiff of it, behind all the smell of incense. He was just looking for a more economical way, and permanent way of eliminating odors during the time he will be without a fan/filter.

I'm glad you got everything taken care of!

I like to keep a 12gauge with some high velocity waterfowl loads under the bed. As I'm not very accurate with two pistols :mrgreen:
Put a sign up at the front of your castle. use an automatic air freshener called air wick freshmatic that squeezes an aerosol every 9,18 or 36 minutes you choose with a switch inside, if you put 2-3 of these inside your front door you wont smell a thing outside except fresh smells. i find linen is the best mask, the vanilla one is horrible. it smeeeeeeeelllssss amazing outside my front door MmmmmmMMmmmmMMmm i live in a high rise block of flats with 6 front doors on an enclosed landing. and i had 12 barneys farm lsd.http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Airwick-F...rden_CLV_Cleaning_CA&var=&hash=item9bffad4d48

That's a good idea Wee. I was thinking about getting some of those. They do work pretty good, and the idea of having it by the front door is good too. Knowing that the windows are very drafty I'm sure the smell would seep through. So far from what I can tell that Ona Gel is doing pretty decent down in the tent. As soon as I open the basement door I can smell that ona gel.

Tip Top, I know what you're saying, and yes it could be viewed as a riskier thing to do since someone broke into the house. But who knows if the person who broke in even knows what that fan was for, there was no other grow equipment in there for them to have suspicion of a grow. But that is the problem, no one knows for sure if they would have a clue or not, and that's the bad part. If the person knows and they decide to come back and I'm home, well, they won't be able to get anything. I'm a good shot, and a fast shot. I do want to get someone else to stop by and see if they smell anything. For the most part I am still able to smell it, especially if I've been away for the whole day, but that's usually only once I enter the house, and especially if I go in the tent. I have a trustworthy person who I can have stop by and give it a whiff for me though, just to make sure. Even if the ona gel works well, and the incense is working well, and the fan/filter set up works well, I'm still gonna be a little paranoid of having a smell leak out.

As for the bear traps....lol I wish I could set some up under every window, and on each step leading down to the basement. I think once I get that German Shepherd, Pit, Mastiff, or other kind of guard dog I won't really worry at all about someone breaking in. I'm also planning of getting this network security camera kit that comes with a monitor, 5 weather proof night vision cameras, that I would be able to view from any internet connection as well as any 3G phone. Sure, if I'm away and I'm checking in and see someone breaking in I won't really be able to do anything, but atleast I would see the person. I'll have one posted by the front door, the backdoor, back corner facing down the driveway towards the street, opposite side of the house, as well as on the back side looking through the back yard towards the alley. Every angle would be covered.
By the sounds of things, the little boy is lucky he hasn't had rippers or cops pointing guns in his face yet (and that may still be on the cards). Your grow location is compromised. The very least you should do is get a new fan and CF, by any means necessary (loans, sell something, whatever), and even then it may be too late.

Someone has been through your shit and stolen some of your grow equipment, and someone else has pointed out the obvious grow smell (and it wouldn't surprise me if this guy knew about, or was in fact the person responsible for taking your shit in the first place.). Your grow is no longer secret, and you should consider moving, if this is at all possible. It strikes me that someone who would break into a house (and know enough to steal a fan and filter in particular) would be highly likely to return, if they thought there was a crop available to steal.

In other Words

You're Done. Compromised and if you are not in a State that its legal
You should bail now while you can still get rid of the Fairy plants
Becuase the Ogres need them as evidence to ban you in the castle Dungeon
That's a good idea Wee. I was thinking about getting some of those. They do work pretty good, and the idea of having it by the front door is good too. Knowing that the windows are very drafty I'm sure the smell would seep through. So far from what I can tell that Ona Gel is doing pretty decent down in the tent. As soon as I open the basement door I can smell that ona gel.

Tip Top, I know what you're saying, and yes it could be viewed as a riskier thing to do since someone broke into the house. But who knows if the person who broke in even knows what that fan was for, there was no other grow equipment in there for them to have suspicion of a grow. But that is the problem, no one knows for sure if they would have a clue or not, and that's the bad part. If the person knows and they decide to come back and I'm home, well, they won't be able to get anything. I'm a good shot, and a fast shot. I do want to get someone else to stop by and see if they smell anything. For the most part I am still able to smell it, especially if I've been away for the whole day, but that's usually only once I enter the house, and especially if I go in the tent. I have a trustworthy person who I can have stop by and give it a whiff for me though, just to make sure. Even if the ona gel works well, and the incense is working well, and the fan/filter set up works well, I'm still gonna be a little paranoid of having a smell leak out.

As for the bear traps....lol I wish I could set some up under every window, and on each step leading down to the basement. I think once I get that German Shepherd, Pit, Mastiff, or other kind of guard dog I won't really worry at all about someone breaking in. I'm also planning of getting this network security camera kit that comes with a monitor, 5 weather proof night vision cameras, that I would be able to view from any internet connection as well as any 3G phone. Sure, if I'm away and I'm checking in and see someone breaking in I won't really be able to do anything, but atleast I would see the person. I'll have one posted by the front door, the backdoor, back corner facing down the driveway towards the street, opposite side of the house, as well as on the back side looking through the back yard towards the alley. Every angle would be covered.

lets just presume it is kids that have broke in.

get a sign saying hidden cctv installed from ebay, that will get rid of the fuckers.

oh and by the way the re-fills for the automatic airwick are called airpure and are only £1 from semi chem shops uk you have to swap the nozzle to make them fit. they last a few weeks.

ebay : http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_n...airpure&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270.l1313
sorry to sound harsh but that little boy is on a one way ticket to jail ...........i mean wtf are you thinking ? someone has been in your grow place 3+ times and your continuing to grow ? :confused: thats one of the dumbest things ive ever read on here ,and now you have alarms lol when that theif /theifs come back ( and they will 100% guarenteed )they are gonna snatch your shit and leave an alarm blasting out and the plod will be there in no time . seriousley pull that shit down and never do anything there again .or believe me you are going to be one very sorry puppy .