Odor Control Fairy Tale

for the smell i use ona gel works great.

IMO,DC is on the money .if you don't have the money to get a new charcole filter and fan use ona gel it will kill all smells,without making your weed tase like shit,i have found that if you burn incense in your grow room or near your fresh air intake it can make your weed taste like incense.
im using a bag of activated carbon peices thats stuck inside a washing machine air vent pipe with some of my lovely fiancees tights as a air outing lol guess what? no smell at all.cheap n easy but yet affective lol:mrgreen:
someone has been in your grow place 3+ times and your continuing to grow ? :confused: .

How would they know it was a grow? No grow equipment was in the house at any point that the person/people, broke in. The only grow equipment was the fan and filter, and if they have never been in the growing business, which I highly doubt these people around here would have the money to purchase equipment to grow, they wouldn't even have a clue what that fan and filter was used for. They probably just thought it was used to help clear the air of all the drywall dust that was floating around. Hell, 99% sure it was a crack head and all they saw was a piece of equipment that looked expensive, was made of metal, and was heavy. They probably took it down to the local scrap yard, which is walking distance to get a few bucks for more crack. My point is that people keep saying that everyone knows what one of those fans and filters is used for and that means they will be back to raid the plot. I don't know about your area but in these parts crackheads aren't very smart, and crackheads don't have the money to have a fairly sophisticated grow op. I would also imagine that if they knew wouldn't they have came back at some point after I moved in to get the magical garden? I mean, if they know what the fan and filter was for, they would surely know the length it would take for the garden to be done wouldn't they? I'm not saying that since they haven't came back since July they won't be back. The good thing about the alarms on the doors is that they turn off after a minute. They are used just to alarm you if someone opens the door, not an alarm that's set up with the cops. It only sounds inside the house, and the neighbors wouldn't call the cops even if they heard them going off or saw someone breaking in. That's the type around here. I'm also 99% sure that the only reason the person came in in the first place was they saw an easy target...no one living there, dumpster full of junk in the driveway (which someone went through that pulling the parts out of the back of the t.v. and computer monitor to go cash in), no cars in the driveway or on the street, and no lights on. Now there are motion sensor lights posted around the house, as well as a ton of solar lights throughout the backyard. Thieves don't always keep coming back. Most only hit a place a few times and they are done with it because they don't want to chance their luck too many times.

The point of the thread was to get ideas of cheap and inexpensive ways to eliminate odors. But now that I came across enough money to get a fan and filter I won't have to go the cheap route.
IMO,DC is on the money .if you don't have the money to get a new charcole filter and fan use ona gel it will kill all smells,without making your weed tase like shit,i have found that if you burn incense in your grow room or near your fresh air intake it can make your weed taste like incense.

Yea I would imagine that incense could affect the taste. I purchased some of that ona gel the other day and it really doesn't help out at all. It was placed inside the tent and you can't even really smell the ona gel because it's over powered by the garden. This strain must not be a normal strain because I've never came across any that smelled this strong. But, luckily the fan and filter will be here shortly, but sadly the magical garden has been chopped down, two weeks early if you go by the 8 weeks mark. It just confuses me because they were clones of the last ones that were done but they turned out different. Stronger smelling, grew different, started turning purple and looked more like a sativa. The strain is Ice.
i was going to use my chimney to let out the hot air but cold air and hot air doesnt mix it creates steam in cold air SO INSTEAD OF EXTRACTING HOT AIR OUT INTO COLD AIR TO ATTRACT ATTENTION I BOUGHT ACTIVATED CARBON FROM EBAY AT 4.95 FOR A 300 GRAMS BAG OF IT SHOVED IT INTO THE PIPE USE SOME FILTER MATERIAL OUT OF MY POND TANK WHICH IM NOT USING AND THE MATERIAL WAS CLEAN AND BRAND NEW AND USE THAT ALONG WITH TIGHTS AND THE BAG TO CREATE THE ODOUR CATCHIN DEVICE LOL cheap i know but is gonna cost me a hell of a lot of money to buy the proper gear...just for 2 plants
Bigbud, sounds like you're a regular Macgyver lol. I wish I had a chimney, that would work great for extraction. The way I originally ran the fan was I pulled air through the filter, and blown up the duct to the attic. Sure the attic smelled nice, but no one goes up there and the rest of the house stayed fairly smell proof. Maybe I should start laying poopy diapers around, I'm sure that would mask the smell.

Speaking of odors, has there ever been a study done on how well you could smell something due to the climate outside. I'm sure the smells would be held down during a rain storm. I wonder if a windy day makes it worse for the odors if you have drafty windows due to some sort of pressure. Are smells more noticeable on warm/hot days that on cold days. If it's humid out, would that heavy moisture in the air keep odors down?
when it was sunny n warm here in the summer which aint a lot lol i could smell someones grow room from about a mile away from my place lol so hot weather keeps the smell active where as cold weather doesnt really keep the smell active in the air also wet weather will keep that smell from floating in the air. i suppose cos of wet humidity in the air ...and what the hell is a Macgyver lol
extractin smell into loft in my area would be a no no unless i want everyone round for a big huge smoke lol i have a loft room but not brave enough to go for the full hidden loft experience as insulating and designing would be murder of a job and very costly
How would they know it was a grow? No grow equipment was in the house at any point that the person/people, broke in. The only grow equipment was the fan and filter, and if they have never been in the growing business, which I highly doubt these people around here would have the money to purchase equipment to grow, they wouldn't even have a clue what that fan and filter was used for. They probably just thought it was used to help clear the air of all the drywall dust that was floating around. Hell, 99% sure it was a crack head and all they saw was a piece of equipment that looked expensive, was made of metal, and was heavy. They probably took it down to the local scrap yard, which is walking distance to get a few bucks for more crack. My point is that people keep saying that everyone knows what one of those fans and filters is used for and that means they will be back to raid the plot. I don't know about your area but in these parts crackheads aren't very smart, and crackheads don't have the money to have a fairly sophisticated grow op. I would also imagine that if they knew wouldn't they have came back at some point after I moved in to get the magical garden? I mean, if they know what the fan and filter was for, they would surely know the length it would take for the garden to be done wouldn't they? I'm not saying that since they haven't came back since July they won't be back. The good thing about the alarms on the doors is that they turn off after a minute. They are used just to alarm you if someone opens the door, not an alarm that's set up with the cops. It only sounds inside the house, and the neighbors wouldn't call the cops even if they heard them going off or saw someone breaking in. That's the type around here. I'm also 99% sure that the only reason the person came in in the first place was they saw an easy target...no one living there, dumpster full of junk in the driveway (which someone went through that pulling the parts out of the back of the t.v. and computer monitor to go cash in), no cars in the driveway or on the street, and no lights on. Now there are motion sensor lights posted around the house, as well as a ton of solar lights throughout the backyard. Thieves don't always keep coming back. Most only hit a place a few times and they are done with it because they don't want to chance their luck too many times.

The point of the thread was to get ideas of cheap and inexpensive ways to eliminate odors. But now that I came across enough money to get a fan and filter I won't have to go the cheap route.

ok dude your call , but that would make me super paranoid , but saying that i am a paranoid person so lol
hope you do get to finish your plants mate coz it sucks that some shitty theif bagheaD has put you in this position in the first place .
ok dude your call , but that would make me super paranoid , but saying that i am a paranoid person so lol
hope you do get to finish your plants mate coz it sucks that some shitty theif bagheaD has put you in this position in the first place .

The little boy is a paranoid person too and after these convo's he chopped em down early. He wasn't paranoid about the thieves, cause he would rather take the risk with a thief over the boys any day lol. So the little boy figured once they were chopped he wouldn't have to really worry about a strong smell anymore, since in the past once they were chopped there was still a smell but not as strong. This time around after the chop they are still very strong smelling but they are still the same strain as the last time.

New question though. The little boy has dried many times in the past and has some good experience with it, but after reading some things and thinking about it, the little boy has a theory. The things the little boy read about drying is that you hang them upside down, trim the larger leaves, and place it in a warm dark environment with good air flow. The little boy agrees with this method, and how about the rest of y'all? Well, after hearing some years ago that dry warm environments are good for drying things out, but cold windy environments can dry things out just as fast if not faster than hot dry environments. Would it be a good idea to hang the plants in a fairly cold room with fans going to create some air flow in order to get them to dry out? Since mold and bacteria need warm moist environments to grow, shouldn't the cold environment be better an inhibiting the growth of mold and bacteria? Does anyone dry in a cold room, and if so how did it turn out?

I mean think about it. In the winter time peoples skin is more likely to dry out. I know my hands get real dry, to the point they will start to crack. If that is the case I would think it's a good idea for drying. I even saw on t.v. once that if you get wet when you are outside in the snow, you could rub yourself down with that fluffy snow and it will dry you off fairly decent. The show demonstrated it and it worked. They said that beavers, and other animals that swim but don't hibernate will roll around in the snow after getting out of the water to dry themselves off.

Any thoughts on this?
Ona gel is what I will be using when I get to flowering I just germinated today and im already jizzing every where.
when it was sunny n warm here in the summer which aint a lot lol i could smell someones grow room from about a mile away from my place lol so hot weather keeps the smell active where as cold weather doesnt really keep the smell active in the air also wet weather will keep that smell from floating in the air. i suppose cos of wet humidity in the air ...and what the hell is a Macgyver lol

Macgyver...lol, maybe I spelled it wrong. But in case I didn't and you really don't know what a MacGyver is, it's a guy who was an action hero who would save the day by creating all these complex gadgets out of ordinary things that he would find laying around.
theres some giant incense from china that are coil shaped one burns for a whole month and the smaller ones burn for a week there use them in the temples for prayers
turn on the exhaust fans over the stove and in the bathroom...in an effort to create negative air flow...i've found that helps...along with incense, dryer sheets, and air odor removers.
Put a sign up at the front of your castle. seriously :

get yourself an 8" electric fan on your kitchen window and leave it on 24/7 it will put your home in to negative pressure or

put in a second door frame with door in front of your outside door in your hallway to combat the smells going outside.

use an automatic air freshener called air wick freshmatic that squeezes an aerosol every 9,18 or 36 minutes you choose with a switch inside, if you put 2-3 of these inside your front door you wont smell a thing outside except fresh smells. i find linen is the best mask, the vanilla one is horrible.

i bought mine from semi chem £4.99 refills are cheaper.

it smeeeeeeeelllssss amazing outside my front door MmmmmmMMmmmmMMmm

i live in a high rise block of flats with 6 front doors on an enclosed landing.
and i had 12 barneys farm lsd.


I thought you lived on a farm with 4 tractors, mexican workers, vicious guard dogs who will eat anyone, and grew 1500 plants.. you must have experience from smells getting from inside your house to your 1500 plant crops. Negative pressure work for you on that one? OH YEAH and according to you, you "Don't smoke weed".
All starts page 3

I don't ever do this but I just had to once I saw this guy post.
My castle has a moat with aligators in it. You need to pimp-your-castle! Getting a new filter and fan... goes without saying.
Build a time machine to go back in time and put better locks on the doors before the so called crack head breaks in....P.s thank you for the inline fan and filter