I do not believe this is isolated to any administration. This has been going this way for decades over every administration. It doesn't mean I like Trump it's simply true, law enforcement has been devolving as snowflakes have been ascending.Utah. Fucking Utah. Fuck Utah.
This happens all the time though, everywhere. Just not caught on tape.
You know there are police across the country emboldened by this administration to
do as they please, and this is a good example. The rule of law and constitutional
rights of citizens mean nothing to these people. From the pardoning of Arpaio,
to opening the floodgates for asset forfeiture and militarizing your local police.
Watch and listen on YT to any of the recent Policeman's shindigs with their praised host,
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. Dark times now and to come...it's just begun too.
Thanks for the update. I'm surprised he is not suspended pending investigation!https://www.washingtonpost.com/nati...a169beb0953_story.html?utm_term=.7460beaf061f
Prosecutor seeking a criminal investigation of that idiot.
Appears to me the cops were searching for "mitigating circumstances" to lessen their responsibility for the crash. The innocent victim being not so innocent if his blood showed the presence of (name your poison), then spin it. All these cops involved should be summarily fired, lose their pensions, and be arrested.Yeah, seems that some cops are licensed phlebotomists. Who knew. No warrant because no probable cause to give them reason to believe the victim was under the influence. The whole thing is suspicious.
Yup that's what I said too! For a high speed chase that should have been called off and finished by chopper. Bad decisions all around.Payne also moonlights as an ambulance driver, while studying to get his AA degree. AA degree is 13-14th grade LOL
Edit: Lest we forget, the blood he wanted is from an innocent trucker who was hit head-on by the dude the cops were chasing. They are looking for someone else to pin this mess on
I think that was a career ending move for the cop.Brutalizing medical staff now, moving up from inner-city youth. Do exactly what we say, even if it is illegal, or we'll fucking kill you. Psycho pigs...
True. But this is fascist America, so not only will he walk free but the department will pay for the lawsuit and stick the good citizens of Salt Lake City with the tab.This whole thing was a fuck up: It was Logan UT PD (90 mi south) involved in the chase, crash, chasee dies,this patient was burning and airlifted to Salt lake burn ward at university. Logan PD calls SLPD and asks them to get the blood. Payne wants to be the man. So he bullies, assaults nurse, ruins his career because he wants to be the big man when his PD had no vested interest in the case. Dude is too stupid to be allowed to walk free
I'd be willing to bet he will be fired and convicted of something. Since he acted against policy his department and the hospital signed regarding blood draws his union will not finance his defense. Saying his lieutenant ordered him shouldn't work as a defense either as you do not follow out of policy (illegal), orders. I think this guy is going down.True. But this is fascist America, so not only will he walk free but the department will pay for the lawsuit and stick the good citizens of Salt Lake City with the tab.
He could have gotten away with bullying damn near anyone else but a nurse on duty in a hospital.
Here's hoping he gets a nasty burn and ends up in that burn unit, looking up at her someday. Soon.
Hopefully. However the Lt should as well: there is another vid of he, Lt and a Uni cop commiserating after the incident, still half heartedly trying to come up with a plan to get the blood, and Payne(moonlights as an ambulance driver) saying he'll just take transients/indigents to the UNi hospital and take "good" and paying patients to other hospitals. The Uni cop was a weasel and the Lt. still thought they were in the right.I'd be willing to bet he will be fired and convicted of something. Since he acted against policy his department and the hospital signed regarding blood draws his union will not finance his defense. Saying his lieutenant ordered him shouldn't work as a defense either as you do not follow out of policy (illegal), orders. I think this guy is going down.