sheriffs?Ok, let's send you all to a place that doesn't have police.. We'll see how it goes..
Maybe we should start screaming for Kevin's head- if his idea of standing up for the FOP is to defend convicted (would-be) killers, then he definitely doesn't need to be in office. His words are unhelpful for the cause of public safety and for the respect of the police.We need to be doing this for each and every such instance if the police are to deserve our trust and respect.
Meanwhile, the Fraternal Order of Police, the union representing rank-and-file officers, expressed disappointment at the verdict in a statement released Monday afternoon.
"The pressure on the police is making the job extremely difficult," FOP President Kevin Graham said in the statement. "It seems that the criminal elements in our society are not accountable in our justice system, while the police face an intense scrutiny for every split-second decision they make."
Awww. Let me go break out the violin for these pigs...
So that's the only alternative you can think of, pea brain?Ok, let's send you all to a place that doesn't have police.. We'll see how it goes..
The victim was an off duty cop, makes me wonder why the urgency if they knew that. Usually that attitude is because they don't want the "perp" trying to clean himself up.
One wonders how many patients on ventilators lives were endangered by this officers actions to 'protect' his department from prosecution for a high speed chase that should have been abandoned, classic blame the victim.
One wonders how many patients on ventilators lives were endangered by this officers actions to 'protect' his department from prosecution for a high speed chase that should have been abandoned, classic blame the victim.
She should get a seven figure settlement from the police department if there is any Justice left in Utah.
One wonders how many patients on ventilators lives were endangered by this officers actions to 'protect' his department from prosecution for a high speed chase that should have been abandoned, classic blame the victim.
I'd like this post except for the very last part.Fuck all police until the "good" ones start standing up and outing, vilifying and arresting the criminal police. Until then, they are all complicit and deserve a lead infusion to the brain stem.
Plain old overstepping his boundaries, nothing more, nothing less. Here's hoping she sues and gets a nice fat check.The victim was an off duty cop, makes me wonder why the urgency if they knew that. Usually that attitude is because they don't want the "perp" trying to clean himself up.
I'd like this post except for the very last part.
Only when police are held individually and collectively accountable for their behavior will the current epidemic of police violence in this country come to an end.
One wonders how many patients on ventilators lives were endangered by this officers actions to 'protect' his department from prosecution for a high speed chase that should have been abandoned, classic blame the victim.
Not only that asshole but his Lieutenant who instructed him to arrest her need to be up on attempted murder and battery under color of authority and summarily fired. My god those patients she was responsible for are critical in a burn unit. You don't haul their RN off! There is not enough staffing and burn unit RNs are massively specialized! Almost like they were attempting to murder the patient they created with their adrenaline charged chase!I saw that this morning. There's a longer, 20 minute video of the incident. That a-hole cop lost his temper and snapped. Another cop lectured the nurse when she was cuffed in the car. Tried to use a convoluted explanation that the person they wanted blood from was the victim, not a suspect. Totally irrelevant. I hope she sues, gets paid, and that cop loses his job. He doesn't have the temperament to be in law enforcement.
Yes, he even stated there was no PC for a warrant! Which means you can't arrest a nurse who is on duty and charged by her licensing board to protect the rights of her unconscious patient! If she had let him draw she could have lost her license and been an accomplice to battery. They were trying to get this poor patient with some type of complicity so they wouldn't have to pay him as big for the injudicious high speed chase.Yeah, seems that some cops are licensed phlebotomists. Who knew. No warrant because no probable cause to give them reason to believe the victim was under the influence. The whole thing is suspicious.
Cops and thinking travel in separate circles.Yes, he even stated there was no PC for a warrant! Which means you can't arrest a nurse who is on duty and charged by her licensing board to protect the rights of her unconscious patient! If she had let him draw she could have lost her license and been an accomplice to battery. They were trying to get this poor patient with some type of complicity so they wouldn't have to pay him as big for the injudicious high speed chase.
Can you imagine an actual suspect dying from complications of a bad draw? I get the feeling they don't think this shit through.