official GOP debate #1 thread

He's not my type, jerkwad. But you are.
But he'd like you and maybe you could develop something for him. We'll never work out. I'm sorry but I'll never love you. You have to move on. Its for your own good. Also, my wife, she wouldn't like you either. So forget about us and maybe pick one of those strapping young GOP presidential candidates to go after. More your type anyway. You could call each other nigga while doing 1:1 ... on the court that is.

The GOP candidates on a field trip:nazi zombie crew thmbdownload.jpg
Well I have yet to seen the GOP debate but I'm kindly tipsy and high as fuck. So I'm going to watch it here in a minute and my girl is work so I got some free time. I'll be back in two hours with my opinion.

But the news that I read this morning is that Donald was under attack from Megyn about Donald's hatred towards fat women. Lol google searched for news.
But he'd like you and maybe you could develop something for him. We'll never work out. I'm sorry but I'll never love you. You have to move on. Its for your own good. Also, my wife, she wouldn't like you either. So forget about us and maybe pick one of those strapping young GOP presidential candidates to go after. More your type anyway. You could call each other nigga while doing 1:1 ... on the court that is.

OK Fog, I'll be a gentleman and move on. But we could have been so good together. So good.

But seriously man, I'll send you a pic of that cool-looking NRA shooting bag when I get it.

Hell, at least we have that in common. We're both NRA members.
OK, Fog, I'll be a gentleman and move on. But we could have been so good together Fog, so good.

But seriously man, I'll send you a pic of that cool-looking NRA shooting bag when I get it.
Its OK, Don't bother, I've seen dirt bags before.
Still not as entertaining as when Romney buried Obama in their first round.

And yet here were are 8 years later with one of the greatest Presidents of all time.

Your logic, predictions and general existence should cease to exist. I hate your face.
You prefer amateurs? So do the Kochs. So much easier to control. When you hire people do you prefer those with no experience too?

I maybe i should have rephrased that.

I just think we as a country need to allow other parties a chance to be heard. Elections are becoming more about money and red vs. blue than the voters.

Im in a tough spot because i don't agree with either party. Im pro gun, pro life, pro weed, i want illegals deported but want easier paths to legal residency. I want smaller government, but i also want a government that does something aside from sell us to corporate goons.

Republicans are so tied up in money they deny climate change because the people who pay for the campaigns tell them to. Dems want to be accepting of everyone.... Except those that disagree with anything they say.

Our founding fathers would be sickened by our current political scheme.
I maybe i should have rephrased that.

I just think we as a country need to allow other parties a chance to be heard. Elections are becoming more about money and red vs. blue than the voters.

Im in a tough spot because i don't agree with either party. Im pro gun, pro life, pro weed, i want illegals deported but want easier paths to legal residency. I want smaller government, but i also want a government that does something aside from sell us to corporate goons.

Republicans are so tied up in money they deny climate change because the people who pay for the campaigns tell them to. Dems want to be accepting of everyone.... Except those that disagree with anything they say.

Our founding fathers would be sickened by our current political scheme.

so you want the government to deport 11 million people and monitor every pregnancy. sounds like a job for small government.