official GOP debate #1 thread

no socialist heathcare system inovates like a free market does, so the availabilty is mearly cost based, ill give you that, but if the rest of the markets were more free, then everyone would have more wealth.
no socialist heathcare system inovates like a free market does, so the availabilty is mearly cost based, ill give you that, but if the rest of the markets were more free, then everyone would have more wealth.

you have fairy tales with no basis in reality.

i have a long list of nations who are actually providing better quality health care to their people for less money.

and your penis is tiny.
apparently an italian neurosurgeon is going to attempt the world's first head transplant in china in 2017.

that pretty much settles it, socialized medicine leads to the greatest innovation.
the first ever open heart surgery was performed by a black man.

your dream of segregation would have killed you.

except that is a projection. you want to segregate anyone who wont think like you. i made it clear voluntary exchange is part of a free market......the genius of a black man would charge me handsomely. the will to reproduce is only outweighed by the will to live....people gladly give up their money to continue life........just look at magic johnson
apparently an italian neurosurgeon is going to attempt the world's first head transplant in china in 2017.

that pretty much settles it, socialized medicine leads to the greatest innovation.

that prety much settles it, socialized contries exist so people kill themselves. uncle buck has told me to, and it happens in china too

The Foxconn suicides occurred at the Foxconn City industrial park in Shenzhen, China.[1] The 18[2] attempted suicides by Foxconn (Chinese: 富士康) employees resulted in 14 deaths—the company was the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer at the time.[2][3][4] The suicides drew media attention, and employment practices at Foxconn were investigated by several of its customers, including Apple and Hewlett-Packard (HP).[5] In addition to its business ties with Apple and HP, Foxconn is a major manufacturer that has also served Dell, Motorola, Nintendo, Nokia, and Sony.[5]

i trust you will be getting rid of all electronic devices since they are manufactured by slaves?
except that is a projection. you want to segregate anyone who wont think like you. i made it clear voluntary exchange is part of a free market......the genius of a black man would charge me handsomely. the will to reproduce is only outweighed by the will to live....people gladly give up their money to continue life........just look at magic johnson

i am not projecting that you are a segregationist, you have already stated you are a white separatist. which means you are a white supremacist.

maybe join a klan chapter.
I maybe i should have rephrased that.

I just think we as a country need to allow other parties a chance to be heard. Elections are becoming more about money and red vs. blue than the voters.

Im in a tough spot because i don't agree with either party. Im pro gun, pro life, pro weed, i want illegals deported but want easier paths to legal residency. I want smaller government, but i also want a government that does something aside from sell us to corporate goons.

Republicans are so tied up in money they deny climate change because the people who pay for the campaigns tell them to. Dems want to be accepting of everyone.... Except those that disagree with anything they say.

Our founding fathers would be sickened by our current political scheme.
Shoot, when I read what you said, I'm confused too.
  • How can anybody support the republicans that say they are concerned about climate change?
  • How can anybody support the republicans that say they would like to reform campaign financing?
  • What is somebody who is pro weed doing in the republican or conservative camp? Those people are the reason why its not legal today. Also war on drugs became a national priority under Reagan..
  • Where do you get the idea that the republicans are the only reason why you are able to own a handgun? Taking away hand guns or hunting rifles isn't a plank in either camp. But the NRA wants you to think so, is that where you got that idea?
We differ in other areas you list. If they are the most important to you then maybe you are better served by Republicans. On the other four issues listed above, you may find comfort that the Democratic party aligns with you and not GOP.

if you can't accept anybody unless they agree with everything you list then maybe you should throw your vote away as an independent.

Prioritize dude, what are your priorities?
i am not projecting that you are a segregationist, you have already stated you are a white separatist. which means you are a white supremacist.

maybe join a klan chapter.

your judgement of my political views....ive never stated are so close minded with hate, and elitism you cant fathom what a real solution looks like....i say government has institutionalized racism, and you say, all white people who dont want socialism are the fail to recognize people are on the same side, and solutions cant fail, otherwise they arent solutions. i likely know just as much or more about socialism than you, and definatly know more about free market, and the solution is free markets....thats whats really supporting those Norwegian countries, but you want to ignore it...why i dont know...i thought solutions were what the counter culture was about....but you just want free things because your flawed human....greed.
A bunch of sick people weakens America, it's not good for any of us. It's just the price of doing business in the greatest country in the world...The healthier America is, the more productive it is, & that's good for everybody. It's like speed limits & stop lights, just part of living here...
your judgement of my political views....ive never stated are so close minded with hate, and elitism you cant fathom what a real solution looks like....i say government has institutionalized racism, and you say, all white people who dont want socialism are the fail to recognize people are on the same side, and solutions cant fail, otherwise they arent solutions. i likely know just as much or more about socialism than you, and definatly know more about free market, and the solution is free markets....thats whats really supporting those Norwegian countries, but you want to ignore it...why i dont know...i thought solutions were what the counter culture was about....but you just want free things because your flawed human....greed.

you're a white separatist. it's pretty clear.

t least a 9 time sock puppet white supremacist liked your post.
A bunch of sick people weakens America, it's not good for any of us. It's just the price of doing business in the greatest country in the world...The healthier America is, the more productive it is, & that's good for everybody. It's like speed limits & stop lights, just part of living here...
Actually speed limits, are just regurgitated maritime laws used for revenue generation by the ruling class. If a child is hit by a car at 11pm at night by a car doing 25 or 45 its going to do serious damage. The real question should be, why isnt that child at home and not in the streets. Any time of day loved ones should be accounted for and guarded.

You should probably do some light reading about the "broken window fallacy" because death is a normal part of life...dying hasnt stopped productivity of anything.......steve jobs is still productive.....thanks to those slave labor workers in socialist countries who kill themselves so idiots in free countries can beg to become salves too.....maybe look at the psychological links between depression and socialism and get back to me on that healthy makes for productive thing...
Actually speed limits, are just regurgitated maritime laws used for revenue generation by the ruling class. If a child is hit by a car at 11pm at night by a car doing 25 or 45 its going to do serious damage. The real question should be, why isnt that child at home and not in the streets. Any time of day loved ones should be accounted for and guarded.

You should probably do some light reading about the "broken window fallacy" because death is a normal part of life...dying hasnt stopped productivity of anything.......steve jobs is still productive.....thanks to those slave labor workers in socialist countries who kill themselves so idiots in free countries can beg to become salves too.....maybe look at the psychological links between depression and socialism and get back to me on that healthy makes for productive thing...

Actually speed limits, are just regurgitated maritime laws used for revenue generation by the ruling class. If a child is hit by a car at 11pm at night by a car doing 25 or 45 its going to do serious damage. The real question should be, why isnt that child at home and not in the streets. Any time of day loved ones should be accounted for and guarded.

You should probably do some light reading about the "broken window fallacy" because death is a normal part of life...dying hasnt stopped productivity of anything.......steve jobs is still productive.....thanks to those slave labor workers in socialist countries who kill themselves so idiots in free countries can beg to become salves too.....maybe look at the psychological links between depression and socialism and get back to me on that healthy makes for productive thing...
I'm still gonna wear my seatbelt & drive the speed limits, because it benefits all of us...
I'm still gonna wear my seatbelt & drive the speed limits, because it benefits all of us...
oh yeah i wear my seatbelt too, and drive defensively, not aggressively. my point is the laws or the signs dont keep us safe......everyone passes a drivers test, but accidents still happen