Official MMA Thread.


Well-Known Member
lol...whatever happened to ummm wtf is his..."the beast" Bob & Brock would be interesting
Bob Sapp..

dudes a marketing giant in japan...getting crazy pay from sponsors and endorsements...i believe he's still in K1...

dude was huge and slow...tiny cats used to just dodge and pepper him for wins...Brock would dismantle Sapp...seriously, Sapp lost to Hong Man Choi


Active Member
yea thats true..brock is pretty damn fast 4 his size...i just remember watchin Sapp waste some mofos...he had (has?) a lil speed 4 his hulking size but yea hes pretty slow


Well-Known Member

weve had a huge hit to our camp...

will ribero (who just lost to brian bowles) is currently comatose after getting in a bike wreck 2 days ago...he's definitely blind in one eye...and just got out of another surgery...i just got off the horn with his manager ed soares and doctors are saying he is just starting to show signs of reacting to pain

as anyone in the sport knows, besides the loss to bowles, will was fast becoming one of the rising starts in the sport...he'll more then likely never fight again

please keep will, his family, and friends in your prayers...thank you all

That's terrible. I'm very sorry to hear that.


Well-Known Member
Anderson is a giant 13 year old...dude pulls a prank a day, is always smiling, and eats too fucking much...that mother fucker snatched THE LAST piece of pumpkin pie OFF MY FUCKING PLATE on thanksgiving...i was sooooo butt hurt...bastard winked at me while he ate the last bite...

my picks for Ultimate 2008 - (winners are in bold)

Dan Evensen vs. Pat Barry

Ryo Chonan vs. Brad Blackburn

Matt Hamill vs. Reece Andy

Antoni Hardonk vs. Mike Wessel

UPSET ALERT - Yushin Okami vs. Dean Lister

Cheick Kongo vs. Mustapha Al Turk

UPSET ALERT - Wanderlei Silva vs. Rampage Jackson

UPSET ALERT - CB Dollaway vs. Mike Massenzio

Big Nog vs. Frank Mir

UPSET ALERT - Forrest Griffin vs. Rashad Evans

Lol@ Anderson stealing you pie. You should have thumb warred him for it. Those are my picks except... I think Reece Andy will upset Matt Hammil.


Well-Known Member
didnt know there was any type of MMA following on RIU..would have posted these earlier...

as some of you know i work for Zuffa and Sinister Brand...these are from a late night excursion to Denny's in Chicago with the Black House Camp and backstage with Anderson and the Black House Camp before he fought Cote...i have a bunch of backstage videos but dont know how to load them up...

these pics from Dennys are the night ProElite went under...we were chilling after training when super manager and Sinister Brand owner Ed Soares got the call letting us know of the bankruptcy...

Rafael Fajao takes it pretty hard as he was gearing up his training camp to fight for the EXC lightheavy weight belt:

Anderson & Fajao warming up...notice Big Nog in the background:

get hydrated nigga!!:

little vaseline makes the gloves slip on a little easier:

slide em on:

quick prayer before its time to handle the business:

if you all ever have any questions about zuffa promotions, feel free to shoot me a PM...i probably wont be able to always give you skinny but more times then not i'll be available to answer...also anyone interested in WEC or UFC signed posters (signed by every fighter on the cards) shoot me a PM, im trying to get rid of them for cheap

thats so tight u know anderson silva! he's an amazing fighter... best fighter in the UFC for sure.

OPZ :leaf:


Well-Known Member
^dudes a cool brother...on christmas eve i'll see if i can get anderson to hold up a sign that says "RIU Daily!"...or i'll just tape that shit to his back all night as payback for my pie on thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
^dudes a cool brother...on christmas eve i'll see if i can get anderson to hold up a sign that says "RIU Daily!"...or i'll just tape that shit to his back all night as payback for my pie on thanksgiving

Dude that would be fucking awesome. The shernerds would Kill themselves.


Well-Known Member
Not into te ol fighting myself but heres a little treat for you guys.



Well-Known Member
be on the look out for ronaldo souza doods a straight beast, dominated everyone in DREAM and than lost on a lucky kick. he is a straight beast, best ju jitzu fighter ever some people say. you will remember this name when he destroys everyone in his path


Well-Known Member
be on the look out for ronaldo souza doods a straight beast, dominated everyone in DREAM and than lost on a lucky kick. he is a straight beast, best ju jitzu fighter ever some people say. you will remember this name when he destroys everyone in his path

Lucky kick? Ha! Mousasi was going to beat him anyway...just a matter of time.


Well-Known Member
Dean Lister is a very disappointing fighter to me, i only started watching him since he got in the UFC and seems for such an amazing sub fighter he has trouble pulling anything off from his back and goes to Decision a lot


Well-Known Member
Dean Lister is a very disappointing fighter to me, i only started watching him since he got in the UFC and seems for such an amazing sub fighter he has trouble pulling anything off from his back and goes to Decision a lot
ehhh...i wouldnt characterize Lister so much a "sub fighter" as i would an amazing "grappler" (also what he defines himself as)....yes he's an amazing BJJ black belt under Fabio Santos but his background started in Sambo and Wrestling...

he's a good, boring fighter



Well-Known Member
be on the look out for ronaldo souza doods a straight beast, dominated everyone in DREAM and than lost on a lucky kick. he is a straight beast, best ju jitzu fighter ever some people say. you will remember this name when he destroys everyone in his path
ummm...actually NO ONE is saying he's the best BJJ practitioner in the world...but he is up there...

he was the 04 & 05 openweight World Jiu Jitsu champ and the runner up in the 2005 Abu Dabi...

i was hoping he beat Mousasi, but crazier shit has happened in the sport...i think youre riding his cock a tad too much right now...theres a whole lot more decorated and accomplished BJJ grapplers and MMA fighters around than "Jacare"...(you just like him because of the alligator clap huh?)


Well-Known Member
rofl, hes alot better of a fighter than moussasi, hes definetly up theyre in the best bjj "practitioners" i just recognize a good fighter when i see one, doods got talent. bj penn, jacare, and aoki are my favorite fighters.


Well-Known Member
but between aoki and bj

Aoki shouldn't be better because he got a mounted gogoplata, he should be better because of his consistent ability to QUICKLY submit opponents with solid defense. Very easily. The one exception is JZ, but Aoki nevertheless completely neutralized his top game (JZ hardly threw a punch) en route to a solid decision.

BJ Penn, while probably better at BJJ, has not shown such a dominant submission ability. Fighters like Pulver and GSP have been able to completely neutralize his submissions from the guard.

Overall BJJ: Penn > Aoki
Submissions: Aoki > Penn