***Official Nutrients Thread***


Well-Known Member
i was going to go with the week 2 regiment for awhile. what should my ppm be right now if my plants are that height


Well-Known Member
I was also going to add that I used the Botanicare line before and bottle/manufacturer recommendations are pretty high. My plants flourished running the PBP around 1/2 bottle recommendations, give or take 15%. It did grow some really nice sparkly plants and was pretty forgiving as far as dosing went.


Well-Known Member
so i have a ph/ppm/ec meter now, what should i have my ppm at if my plants are 10inches, 7inches, and 8inches tall?? im thinking aroung 4-600ppm? any suggestions?? how should my schedule go? feed water,water,feed, water,water?


Well-Known Member
I do feed, feed, water...

Depending on your tap ppm, or if you're using and RO, I recommend feeding them 500-600 ppms of nutrient. (If tap is 100 ppm, final ppm would be 600-700) just add the regiment from the chart to some water, and add water until you've reached the right ppm. Then adjust the pH. If you're using R0, you might want to add a bit more micronutrients.


Well-Known Member
i was going to go with bottled water, should i test that first? and if its high then adjust it ? or should i just add my mix then test the ph? im looking for 6.2-6.8 mix correct?


Well-Known Member
open-sesame beastie-bloom and cha-ching these are the fox farm additives they work great


Well-Known Member
should my water be tested before i mix my nutes all togehter or just test ph when everything is mixed?? the nutes i have for now are pure belnd pro, calmag, liquid karma. your suggestion i need more?? i was going to veg for maybe 3 more weeks then change over to flowering


Well-Known Member
Yeah, check the ppms of the bottled water, so you know what the baseline is, then after you add the nutes subtract the baseline, and that's how much you're feeding.


Spring water ppm = 90

Final feeding mix ppm = 690

Nutrient strength = 600 ppm

If it's spring water, the micronutes are still in it, so you're good on the micro.

There's something funny about distilled water, i forget what it is...


Well-Known Member
thank god for howard marks, i appreciate your patience with me, and all these newbie questions im firing at u


Well-Known Member
Oh god... :roll:

PPM= parts per million
TDS= total dissolved solids

Both of these are measurements of nutrient strength, not pH

pH is a measurement of acid vs base, ranging from 0-14, 7 being neutral. Lower than 7 is acidic, higher than 7 is basic. PH = acidity of soil... Nothing to do with nutrients or ppms...

You really, really, really should read up a bit...


Well-Known Member
i got a milwaukee sm802, http://www.aquacave.com/detail.aspx?ID=611#, would this need to be calibrated out of the box. i turned it on and the numbers were just jumping all over the place. would that mean its been used?? i dropped good coin on this thing. when its calibrated correctly it stops on the number, it doesnt jump right?? i though this would work out the box, how do i work the nobbs, pleae i need help with this one. im bringing it back if its crap.


Well-Known Member
I've been messing around with the feeding schedule of the
Flora Nova series by General hydroponics.

This is per gallon
PPM 2,230
pH 4.7 -using distilled water with a pH of 7.0

Flora Nova Bloom - 3.5 tsp.
Floralicious Plus - .5 tsp.
Flora Blend - 2.5 tsp.
Kool Bloom(dry) - .5 tsp.

if your using the feeding schedule from GH
go through the transition, and after the first week of agressive
Bloom feeding, this is when I started the Extreme feeding.