Oh Hunter!

This is no troll, you are not up against those who respect the right to vote, almost 80% of republicans say they will respect the results of the election according to polls, so their support does not run deep.

Fortunately it is estimated there are about 180 of these militant groups being watched, say 200, cause they missed a few. Now say each group averages 10 members, that's 2,000 armed morons nation wide, ok double it and you have 4,000 fat middle aged white idiot's with guns. They have no coordinated plan or organization and will become future FBI targets. How many of these stupid fuckers are prepared to die for Donald and who would they shoot? Voters in line on election day? How many early voters will be in their faces freaking out on them?
Guns at voting sites emerge as flash point in Michigan amid nationwide election tension

As tensions mount ahead of Election Day, a legal battle in Michigan is highlighting fears some officials and civil rights groups have about what will happen when ...
The Washington Post2 days ago

Armed Trump supporters at Florida polling site were off-duty guards and had not been hired, officials say
Two armed Trump supporters whose appearance near a Florida polling place on Wednesday set off concerns about voter intimidation were off-duty security ...
The Washington Post6 days ago

It's a choice between good and evil, or right and wrong. Even if we remove trump from office, this country is in serious trouble.
We will see how this election pans out, it could redefine things a lot, between Trump and covid the map and even paradigm might change. You still appear to have 40% of the population who support Trumpism and there is a very big overlap of overt or subvert racism, bigotry and xenophobia among them. Another 10% would vote for Trump if he wasn't such an asshole who scared the shit out of them.

If it wasn't for covid you might not have gotten rid of Donald, he was pretty cocky before covid for a reason, he could easily steal a close election. Covid and the slaughter in the Trump heartland of red states and no preparation in 9 months has changed much, as have Donald's death cult super spreader rallies in covid hot spots. Covid and a half million dead might be the price of liberty this time around, cause it seems almost half the country is about to throw it's self under the bus for a sociopathic moron. America will be in danger for awhile and Joe and the democrats must be careful to enact those many things things that have super of clear majority support and remove the republicans unfair advantages.

Joe and the democrats would be wise to appoint a former republican(s) as special independent counsel(s), to investigate Trump and the crimes under his administration (reign). There are many good people to choose from too, many signed letters and petitions protesting the DOJ under Barr's tenure.
This is no troll, you are not up against those who respect the right to vote, almost 80% of republicans say they will respect the results of the election according to polls, so their support does not run deep.

Fortunately it is estimated there are about 180 of these militant groups being watched, say 200, cause they missed a few. Now say each group averages 10 members, that's 2,000 armed morons nation wide, ok double it and you have 4,000 fat middle aged white idiot's with guns. They have no coordinated plan or organization and will become future FBI targets. How many of these stupid fuckers are prepared to die for Donald and who would they shoot? Voters in line on election day? How many early voters will be in their faces freaking out on them?
Guns at voting sites emerge as flash point in Michigan amid nationwide election tension

As tensions mount ahead of Election Day, a legal battle in Michigan is highlighting fears some officials and civil rights groups have about what will happen when ...
The Washington Post2 days ago

Armed Trump supporters at Florida polling site were off-duty guards and had not been hired, officials say
Two armed Trump supporters whose appearance near a Florida polling place on Wednesday set off concerns about voter intimidation were off-duty security ...
The Washington Post6 days ago

Oh he’s a troll alright and he’s gonna leave when Biden wins.
Hunter is not running for office. Hunter is not on trial. Hunter doesn't mean anything to the voters. Tired bullfeathers. This narrative has jumped the shark.

This story is about Joe Biden who denied knowing of any family foriegn buisness dealing while he was sitting vice president, and how that denial is being proven false by documents, phone calls and most recently testimony from the CEO of Sinohawk who is a lifelong Democrat and a naval veteran who held top secret clearance from the DOE and NSA.

hahhahahahah. testimony is in a court of law you moron, not on a right wing hack's opinion show. that's called a point of view

seriously, did your parents have any kids that lived????


  1. a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.
    evidence · sworn statement · attestation · 
    • evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something.
      "his blackened finger was testimony to the fact that he had played in pain"
      testament · proof · evidence · 
    • a public recounting of a religious conversion or experience.
    • archaic
      a solemn protest or declaration.

Someone like yourself who cant be bothered to look up the definition of the word "testimony" is allowed to vote in a US election, that's really scary but mostly just sad. Please stop dumbing down our great nation in this fashion, thanks.
ROFLMFAO. I certainly hope you're joking about that. But by looking at you posts you are not. Sad. You are an adult NOBODY IS Responsible for you but you. No matter what !!

I agree up to the point of financially enabling a hard drug habit. A friend of mine died last year from a heroin OD. He was a trust fund kid who struggled with heroin since high school, rehab 3 times.

Edit: to the larger point you're making: everyone is aware Joe Biden will likely try plausible deniability to hang Hunter out to dry.
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The thing is we watch what Trump does and has done, we see it all, Trumpers will not watch Biden or listen to what he has to say, they just parrot what they heard from some unreliable source.

It's really sad that everyone can't come together as one America and Dump the one that is Crushing or FREEDOMS. It's not the Democrats if you only took time to watch what is really happening.

Any bullshit you bring up about Biden is just that you can't say anything about one and ignore the other.

dichotomy : a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different. GOOD Biden. EVIL TRUMP. SEE !! it's really that easy. Pay attention or are you to broke ?

I love the 47 year Bullshit. If Biden didn't do anything in all of those years why was a Senator and Vice President that accomplished more than Moscow Mitch ever did, With the exception of hypocrisy and hurting American's.
I agree up to the point of financially enabling a hard drug habit. A friend of mine died last year from a heroin OD. He was a trust fund kid who struggled with heroin since high school, rehab 3 times.

That sucks I know the feeling as many have lost someone to an Overdose, Hard Drugs are bad when abused and some people you would never know do drugs because they know how to hide it.

We need to come together to legalize so People don't have to hide it or get in trouble for using and then and only then will we be able to help them by either keeping a closer eye or therapy and real help for those who have to go overboard with whatever their drug of choice is that may be harmful.

It's a shame anyone has to die from overdosing, I've lost some really close friends to that. They were great People but the Drugs they we doing were dangerous and if they didn't have to hide in some dark place they would still be here more than likely.

Anyways Trump wants to put anyone who does drugs in Prison he ignores the issues and only cares about enriching himself and some of his rich buddies. He doesn't care about Us a American's can't you see that?

No Wall
No Insurance
No Taxes
Environmental Regulations lifted so More Pollution
How much Oil and Gas are left in the Earth before we need to rely on Green energy
He keeps lying continuously
what more do you need to see ?

Anyways good day and remember it's never to late to do the right thing.
Right and Wrong our values are on the line and trump does not care..
This story is about Joe Biden who denied knowing of any family foriegn buisness dealing while he was sitting vice president, and how that denial is being proven false by documents, phone calls and most recently testimony from the CEO of Sinohawk who is a lifelong Democrat and a naval veteran who held top secret clearance from the DOE and NSA.


  1. a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.
    evidence · sworn statement · attestation · 
    • evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something.
      "his blackened finger was testimony to the fact that he had played in pain"
      testament · proof · evidence · 
    • a public recounting of a religious conversion or experience.
    • archaic
      a solemn protest or declaration.

Someone like yourself who cant be bothered to look up the definition of the word "testimony" is allowed to vote in a US election, that's really scary but mostly just sad. Please stop dumbing down our great nation in this fashion, thanks.
The Chairman is China. That "testimony" was from FOX news

"especially one given in a court of law" kinda like what i said, no?

keep trying, slugger.
I agree up to the point of financially enabling a hard drug habit. A friend of mine died last year from a heroin OD. He was a trust fund kid who struggled with heroin since high school, rehab 3 times.

Edit: to the larger point you're making: everyone is aware Joe Biden will likely try plausible deniability to hang Hunter out to dry.
I’m guessing you’re 25?
People like him are antisocial personalities, they don't have friends, how he behaves here is but a reflection of his real life, a liar with no honor only has fools for friends.
sounds like he enabled his friend to kill himself. probably didn't like him too much after all.
Donald will wipe his ass with his supporters and the constitution. Donald left his supports stranded in the cold at a windy airport, 7 had to be hospitalized
Let's talk about Omaha, Trump, logistics, and taking a walk....
A fucking jenius!

Hundreds of Trump supporters stuck on freezing cold Omaha airfield after rally, 7 taken to hospitals
Overall, 30 people were contacted for medical reasons, the Omaha police department said in a statement.

Image: President Donald Trump campaign even in Omaha

People attend a campaign event by President Donald Trump at Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Neb., on Tuesday, despite cold weather conditions and busy crowds.Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

Oct. 28, 2020, 9:28 AM ADT / Updated Oct. 28, 2020, 1:29 PM ADT
By Geoff Bennett, Adela Suliman and Caroline Radnofsky
Hundreds of President Donald Trump supporters were left in the freezing cold for hours after a rally at an airfield in Omaha, Nebraska, on Tuesday night, with some walking around three miles to waiting buses and others being taken away in ambulances.

Seven were taken to area hospitals, suffering from a variety of medical conditions, the Omaha police department said in a statement. The Omaha airport authority said six were transported to hospitals and added that it could not confirm that the people were taken to hospitals because of the cold.

Many of those at the rally at the Eppley Airfield faced hours in long lines to get in and clogged parking lots and busy crowds to get out, hours after his Air Force One departed around 9 p.m. The police said the last person was loaded onto a bus at the rally site at 11:50 p.m. — about three hours after the event had ended.
The police department said 25,000 people had been taken to the rally site by 40 buses running from 10:00 a.m. until the rally began at 8:00 p.m.

According to dispatches from Omaha Police department, recorded by radio communications platform, Broadcastify, at least 30 people including the elderly, an electric wheelchair user and a family with small children were among those requiring medical attention after hours of waiting in the cold at the rally at the Eppley Airfield.