Oh Hunter!

Shouldn't you be asking me my proper pronoun to stay out of prison while preparing your version of your favorite prime minister Trudeau's blackface Halloween costume?
The sentence structure was ok, not great prose, but it will do. As for Justin , he's doing ok, 5x times better on covid cases so far, leadership and responsible government. It was Indo Canadians who dressed Justin up like that and few in the west know how to expertly wind the turban he wore, black face doesn't have the same meaning for them as for Americans.

Justin isn't going to lose an election in 2 weeks, Donald is, Justin isn't going to die in prison either, but Donald will. Only morons and losers vote for Trump, useful idiots for the Russians and racist fools. Make America Great and just stay home on election day, you lack the judgement to exercise the franchise.
I am wagering that @DIY-HP-LED voted in a parliment seat in the cabinet that gave a vote of confidence to Justin Trudeau, who wears blackface; all while spending most of his free time trying to influence the US election process on a weed forum.
I'm a card a carrying Liberal pilgrim, I'm one of the people yer daddy warned you about. Few in Canada belong to a political party, but I do, Justin is my man! Justin and his Uncle Joe should get along just fine in the new year, we look forward to his first official visit, provided he passes a covid test first.
The sentence structure was ok, not great prose, but it will do. As for Justin , he's doing ok, 5x times better on covid cases so far, leadership and responsible government. It was Indo Canadians who dressed Justin up like that and few in the west know how to expertly wind the turban he wore, black face doesn't have the same meaning for them as for Americans.

Justin isn't going to lose an election in 2 weeks, Donald is, Justin isn't going to die in prison either, but Donald will. Only morons and losers vote for Trump, useful idiots for the Russians and racist fools. Make America Great and just stay home on election day, you lack the judgement to exercise the franchise.

So you're not American and that's why it's ok for your PM to wear blackface, meanwhile half of America is racist because you opine it.

You've really put a lot of thought into this and it shows.
I'm a card a carrying Liberal pilgrim, I'm one of the people yer daddy warned you about. Few in Canada belong to a political party, but I do, Justin is my man! Justin and his Uncle Joe should get along just fine in the new year, we look forward to his first official visit, provided he passes a covid test first.

Ya ya, god save the queen and live vicariously through American politics.
Ya ya, god save the queen and live vicariously through American politics.
It's the greatest show on earth, Donald is the ring master of chaos and he's got elephants walking the high wire without a net, jumping through rings of fire and being shot out of cannons onto the street. It's also kinda like watching Law & Order, soon the second half of the extended Law & Order episode will begin, the one where they are in court.

The rest of us have graduated from Trump University, but it looks like you flunked out, too bad the school of hard knocks will be out of business in January.