Oh Hunter!

Thank you for showing how fucking dumb some white people are. Over the last four years and 8 when Obama was POTUS I have learned a lot about some of my fellow Americans. I was brought up to think( against my in-home teachings ) that white people are the smartest in society due to AMERICA.
I now realize these are some damn ignorant, useless, greedy, self serving, retarded ( inbreeding ), foolish, war mongering people...not ALL, but more than I ever thought to be possible.

as long as we allow these Neanderthal to run this nation it will get no better, or is it AMERICA reaping what she sod ?
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Ya it’s Russian propaganda. Joe is so numb from years of soul sucking dirty deals he doesn’t even know not to use a junkie as a bag man. Ya I want him dealing with the Chincom. More importantly it is clear Twitter and Facebook and the like need to be shown the that Americans don’t take kindly to the freedom of speech being clipped and used to help another political faction. That Americans can’t abide..
How should they handle information that has been shown to be Russian propaganda?

The freaking writer on the story did not even want his name put on it because he knew it was lies.

And everyone is covering the story. Trump is once again breaking the law to collude with the Russian military. It is a big deal.

As a liberal I believe in freedom of the press. When this story broke Twitter blocked this story from the NY post, their account and anyone's account that shared it citing "hacked" bullshit. That is not cool.

Russian propaganda? You must be joking! A crackhead dropped off his laptops, brought an external HDd per the shop owners request and never retrieved them, thereby becoming the shop owners property. He handed them off to the FBI a fucking year ago, nothing. Only when he called Rudy's lawyer did the story break.

There is really no excuse for this behavior from social media even if the story plays favorable to a candidate I'm not fond of.

But by all means, proceed to make those excuses.

I will agree that this has become a big story though because of the attempted cover up imho.
So I take it your Parents are responsible for all the Bull Shit you did as an Adult ?
Not following you, makes out with out his daughter? As far as the failed business,many business ventures fail. Failure often is essential to success. I certainly wouldn’t call him unsuccessful.
You ain't much of a judge of management skills, intelligence or character. Donald is a moron with an IQ of 78 who fucked up everything he ever touched, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and choked on it, several times. Don't mistake dumb luck for success, that lucky streak is about to come to an end.
Oh I don't know I guess I don't like my Business Persons to not be Bankrupt several times and had his daddy bail him out. I like the ones who actually made their money by their own way.

It's so hard to believe anyone standing behind this idiot. Captain Covid has lost his fucking mind !!!
This story is actually about a sitting Vice President selling access to the Obama administration and then lying about it.
Nah its really not. Its about a walking wine box named Rudy conspiring with a foreign govt to interfere with our election process.

Only the people already on trumps dick believe this bullshit story. I dont give a fuck if Bidens kid smoked some rocks. I care more about trumps kids defrauding a charity for cancer kids
So like check this out, I saw there was a candy wrapper in Ivanka’s trash that had some writing in it.
There was this certain person who saw that and retrieved it from the trash can.
It was written in Chinese and had some numbers on it.
And then I heard that it was turned over to the doj where it was straight away given to Bill Barr, who in turn gave that to the president who licked it and shoved it in his underwear, where it actually lives to this day.
I swear it’s true, it has to be. She’s got a trash can.