Oh Hunter!

I may be wrong but it seems like you were insinuating you had free speech and he did not.

I was asking if he had a right to free speech. He said pretty much sorta and posted something that was blurry to read and I ended up just googling it. I wasnt insinuating anything, just curious as to the extent.
I was asking if he had a right to free speech. He said pretty much sorta and posted something that was blurry to read and I ended up just googling it. I wasnt insinuating anything, just curious as to the extent.
We are plenty free here in Canada, rated the best country in the world repeatedly. US News and world report says we have the best quality of life.

#1 in Quality of Life Rankings
No Change in Rank from 2019
You may speak within "reasonable limits" undefined.

Why was that so hard? I digress.
And so may you, your future limits will be tighter than ours though, the first amendment works like that, it's not absolute. Also freedom of speech only applies to the state, I can tell you to fuck off and your employer can fire you for hate speech, even if your employer is the government.
And so may you, your future limits will be tighter than ours though, the first amendment works like that, it's not absolute. Also freedom of speech only applies to the state, I can tell you to fuck off and your employer can fire you for hate speech, even if your employer is the government.

LOL you're a hoot and a half.
LOL you're a hoot and a half.
Maybe because I know American history and law better than you, you should read some history and find out what your government is capable of and what is permissible. It's a good thing Donald was an idiot and had no clue, if he had a brain he'd be really dangerous.

If you were smart you voted for Biden, but you don't sound too smart to me, you've been carrying Donald's water and are all wet from the sewage.
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When Fox debunks this story you know it's weak.

When Fox debunks this story you know it's weak.

What do you think, personally, would be too far for them?
I’m running out of ideas.
Why are People so bent on Hunter, He's not running for Office, Should we go after the nepotism in the White House ? if it were Hillary or any other President it would be taboo to all of you. why is it okay with Trump ?

This Idiot doesn't care about you at all, when are you going to wake up and smell the Fucking Coffee ?

He want one thing from you, You haven't seen him in your town for his whole term, now he's Playing a fucking game with you coming to your town and telling you what you want to hear until he gets what he wants, Then it's back to the Golf Course. Why in Sam Tarnation do you not see that ?

I heard one candidate giving us a Plan and the Other arguing like a freaking 7th grade school bully. I dunno maybe you all loved that Bully that beat the shit out of the Weakest students to show you how tough he is.