That's a good mix and i'm glad to hear that he is healthy. I had a rottie/dobie mix for 17 as the dickens and cagey. I had to accost three robbers years ago who were breaking into my neighbors place while he was away. We live in the country so his house was about 15 acres away. I heard some commotion over there and since I knew my neighbor was gone, I walked inside, grabbed my revolver and just "looked" at heidi. She quietly walked out of the house and we both left while my wife was oblivious doing the dishes. We walk down the dark road and that dog never made a sound, I walk up to the property and there was a strange car parked at the end of the driveway. I hear banging on the back of the house and positioned myself on the passenger side of the vehicle. I saw there was a guy in the drivers side, but he never saw me. I very quietly told him to put his hands on the wheel and NOT move a muscle. I wasn't paying any attention to where Heidi was since I was occupied. Right about then the two other bad guys ( I had no idea how many there were) come back around the house. I tiold them to put their hands on their heads and freeze. They start jabbering and keep on coming. I let one fly by their heads and they stopped...

(so they weren't completely retarded). At this point the third man makes his move, he opens the door to come out and Heidi was right there the whole time entirely silent and waiting. She scared the living hell out of him and he got at least a couple of bites before he could shut the door and reassume the position. I actually laughed out loud

Good girl, like the Viet Cong that one was. In the end it was a new neighbors son who just got out of prison (surprise!!). I escorted them all back to their house with Heidi on their flank without any instruction from me. I informed the parents who were profusely embarrassed by the entire thing. I didn't call the police which they appreciated. When my neighbor came home he had a long 'talk" with them. They moved....
We walked home together and my wife said, hey, where'd you guys go? For a walk?.... Yeah, just a walk. She didn't find out until my neighbor came to thank me later on that week.
I'll never forget that dog...