Active Member
Ya, I would definaty remove that G.E plantmax halogen there. Bad new those are, Those lights and those emergency mylar blankets, are a fire waiting to happen. If that material becomes un- taped, or tacked and blows into that light. What you will have is a fire marshall and a dope detective at your burn't out doorway. These guys won't be very impressed with your set up, to say the least. Also, they cause that freeky looking veg growth. I experience these awfull bastards before, 25 years ago when they invented them. cfl are way better, and no heat. Ya no worries on the night- light issue. Artificial light in the same room on several occasions, can slow down production late in bloom, too much of it early can cause issues. Once or twice won't make your plant explode ito a seed farm. 1 or 2 selfed seeds on a plant won't be the end of the world either. Try, flat white paint. This has the best reflective qualities, without spending a fortune on tear-resistant diamond- back, black- outs. With a light meter they beat mid grade mylar. This is why surgery rooms are flat white not just because it" looks " sterille. Check high times, any photo of a pro set up. Flat white paint, is whats used. And.... wont burn your house down. P.s touch some of that material to a incadecent bulb, It burns like it is covered with gas, and is only preferable to alunimum foil.