Ohio Legalization

Latest polls have support of RE-legalization at nearly 60%.

Great news is that Ohio Rights Group (ORG) has endorsed Issue 3.

ORG has worked tirelessly for years for medical cannabis and realizes that it's efforts will continue to fall short due to funding issues.

So, keeping their eye on the ball (theirs is medical) they have concluded that the best chance at getting medical cannabis RE-legalized at the moment is to throw support to ResponsibleOhio and Issue 3, which puts an end to cannabis prohibition.

Now, it would be nice to see other cannabis groups-especially Ohio NORML-buck up and see that Issue 3 is our ticket ending cannabis prohibition.

As for Issue 2, it is a disgraceful and hurried effort by our mostly reefer-madness legislature to muzzle the people's ballot initiative process.

Hmmm...these political critters are OK with us voting to elect them-but are at odds with our resorting to this process due to the legislative refusal to address the cannabis issue, in order to force a redress of grievances...now THAT does sound tyrannical.

ORG has good information regarding Issue 2:

The Ohio Rights Group issued this press release concerning Issue 2 that will appear on the fall ballot under the title "Anti-Monopoly Amendment." While protecting the Ohio constitution from being used for personal economic benefit may sound laudable, Issue 2 goes far beyond that. Enacted with only ten days of legislative debate from introduction to passage, Issue 2 (formerly know as House Joint Resolution 4) would bestow the power of determining if a measure is being used for such a purpose to just three politically appointed members (majority vote) of the five member Ohio Ballot Board. Campaigns for even the most popular and meritorious issues would be subjected to Issue 2 only after they had spent millions of dollars to collect and submit over 300,000 signatures. Even if all ballot placement procedures were correctly followed, these three individuals would still have the power to determine if the measure is a "violation" regardless of whether it is or not. The only recourse for an improper designation is an expensive and time consuming appeal to the Ohio Supreme Court.

Issue 2 will have a chilling effect on the ballot initiative process that has served for over 100 years as an effective tool for Ohio citizens to use to redress their grievances over issues that the legislature has repeatedly failed to address. Such issues include the freedom to marry, redistricting, collective bargaining and marijuana. Please join the Ohio Rights Group and Vote NO on Issue 2.


the way I understand issue 2 is that its restricting voter's rights isn't it? I'm not at all good at politics so I could be wrong but restricting voters rights in a country like america no matter what state it is, is complete bs.. Again I may be wrong i'm still doing research on issue two and following this thread cause many of you know more then me about it. Either way i'm voting no on issue 2 and yes on 3.

May we all smoke in peace spreading love and the bud.
Those that are opposing ResponsibleOhio and Issue 3 might consider the reasoning of Ohio Rights Group (ORG) used in endorsing a YES vote on Issue 3.

According to ORG:

For the past 3 years, the Ohio Rights Group has grown into the leading voice for Ohio’s cannabis patients. The group’s mission, purpose and passion underpin who it is and guides its advocacy. These values help define the principles on which the ORG stands that include ending medical cannabis prohibition and expanding rights and protections to those whose lives depend on safe access to legal medical-grade marijuana. Based these principles and values, the Ohio Rights Group takes the following positions.
  • The Ohio Rights Group will work with any credible group and support any effort that advances the objectives of ending cannabis prohibition and expanding patient rights.
  • The Ohio Rights Group opposes Issue 2, called the “Anti-Monopoly Amendment." Toward that end, the Stand Up 4 Your Rights PAC has been formed to educate the public and the media about Issue 2, which, if passed, would severely limit the citizen-led ballot initiative process, instrumental to ending medical cannabis prohibition and expanding patient rights.
  • The Ohio Rights Group believes that Issue 3, the “Marijuana Legalization Amendment,” represents a good first step. Permitting Home Grow and legalizing simple possession will alone lay the foundation on which all other patient rights can be built. Passing Issue 3 would not only end the plant’s prohibition, but as importantly, would lift the ban on scientific research that has thwarted its adoption as a legitimate medicine.
  • Those who oppose Issue 3 have failed to demonstrate a viable alternative. Their opposition exposes patients to the political whims of an intransigent legislature, and has misled them into placing their trust in disorganized, woefully underfunded and poorly conceived grassroots efforts.
  • Although the Ohio Rights Group initially opposed Responsible Ohio, now Issue 3, we engaged them in the late spring and by doing so, advanced needs and interests of both patients and growers.
  • The Ohio Rights Group helped develop a plan to appoint an independent patient Ombudsman whose sole responsibility will be to make sure that patient needs and rights are always the first consideration.
  • The Ohio Rights Group worked directly with RO to find ways of giving hundreds of Ohio’s best cultivators the opportunity and incentives to ply their trade as independent growers on selected sites. A number of owners have agreed to this plan in which these growers would have minority ownership and retain intellectual property rights to the strains they develop.
  • The Ohio Rights Group strongly supports the non-profit International Cannabinoid Institute to be built in Licking County as a comprehensive medical cannabis research center. This $24 million facility will utilize state-of-the-art technology to develop individualized strains of marijuana attuned to various illnesses, while creating a non-profit medical marijuana insurance program to provide medicine at a reduced cost or no cost to patients in critical need.
Understanding what is at stake for Ohio’s patients and knowing that a similar opportunity will be unlikely in the foreseeable future, the Ohio Rights Group stands with National NORML, the Marijuana Policy Project, the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups in encouraging Ohio voters to support the passage of Issue 3 as a good step toward ending medical cannabis prohibition and providing Ohio’s sick dying and disabled safe access to this beneficial plant.
The Ohio Rights Group is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of Ohioans to make medical, therapeutic and industrial use of the Cannabis plant and supports the growing number of individuals, organizations and industries facilitating those uses. The organization has been fielding the Ohio Cannabis Rights Amendment, based on Article 1: Bill of Rights in the Ohio Constitution, which reads, all Ohioans are, “by nature, free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety.”


the way I understand issue 2 is that its restricting voter's rights isn't it? I'm not at all good at politics so I could be wrong but restricting voters rights in a country like america no matter what state it is, is complete bs.. Again I may be wrong i'm still doing research on issue two and following this thread cause many of you know more then me about it. Either way i'm voting no on issue 2 and yes on 3.

May we all smoke in peace spreading love and the bud.

Absolutely, love & bud

Issue 2 is an effort by the Ohio legislature to control in a political fashion what initiatives are approved for the ballot, after campaigns have spent time, effort, and money to gain ballot access.

The government is ours, we should be restricting them more than them restricting us.
Does anyone know what happens if issue 3 passes but issue 2 fails? Vote Ohio is just 6 days away.....
What about the monopoly being voted on today. Any insight as to the popularity?

Please tell me there's no chance of monopoly
The defeat of the wealthy in their attempt to create a virtual monopolistic money machine went down and it went down because of that machine. Sorry it is not legal in OH to possess and grow and smoke. The motherfucking capitalists that run and own our country ruin every damned thing in life anymore. Outside looking in I know but maybe next time the people will be allowed to consider something that benefits the people and not a select few privileged pieces of crap.
I'm happy for you OH folks, don't except legalization at any cost, except it on your terms!! WA fucked it up good, OR looks to be fucking it up good… CO is doing it best because they didn't fuck with individual MMJ patients rights!!