ok here's my situation. ...

this is what i'm trying to tell him.that is what you consider a "true horror"...? i wasn't alive in 79, nor 89, and what i would consider a true horror is far worse than what you've stated here...87% of my posts have received a like. 23% of your's have received a like. i wouldn't call that a high percentage..
I won't be lead into a game of "Horror" Oneupmenship, suffice to state, I'm Extremely Confident in my "Horror" experiences. Your 87% "Like" rating is both impressive & troubling, the word "Sycophant/s" immediately comes to mind...Alex
I won't be lead into a game of "Horror" Oneupmenship, suffice to state, I'm Extremely Confident in my "Horror" experiences. Your 87% "Like" rating is both impressive & troubling, the word "Sycophant/s" immediately comes to mind...Alex
i will say one thing about you. your vocabulary is pretty impressive. i'm googling about 87% of the words you use lol..and i thought i had a decent vocabulary.
i will say one thing about you. your vocabulary is pretty impressive. i'm googling about 87% of the words you use lol..and i thought i had a decent vocabulary.
DAMN!!!....Now you have placed me into a difficult conundrum....If I "Like" your comment, I consequently add to your "Like" percentile!!!...All kidding aside, I encourage Everyone to improve their vocabulary, as the more enhanced a person's ability becomes to eloquently express the expansive array of human thoughts, emotions, the more rewarding the dialogue/s & experience/s become. You want to bed women?!....FIRST you stimulate the Mind...Then the Body will follow....there is a reason why girls/women READ romance novels & boys/Men jack-off to porno....girls/women are mental...boys/men are visual....if as a guy, in combination ,you learn to cook & stimulate women with the artistry & Beauty of the English Language, then truly the "World becomes your Oyster"...Alex
I always found Opana did the trick more than anything else when going without subs. I really miss opana to be honest. Can't do that though =\

Was it the purpleish opana 30 octagon? Or are they all weird now days where you can't even bite it in half? I haven't touched them since they were all easy to snort. But I'll never forget the Opana boogers.

Whats the main diff between opana 30 and Oxy 30?

The opana is longer lasting? but not really a high im told?
Whats the main diff between opana 30 and Oxy 30?

The opana is longer lasting? but not really a high im told?

Opana might be too strong for one who isn't physically addicted to opiates, and just make them nauseous. Opana is oxymorphone, and oxy is oxycodone. a 30 mg opana is like 100mg+ of oxycodone imo. It's a different high though. A lot "heavier". And longer lasting. Only way to find out for sure is to try it yourself ;).
DAMN!!!....Now you have placed me into a difficult conundrum....If I "Like" your comment, I consequently add to your "Like" percentile!!!...All kidding aside, I encourage Everyone to improve their vocabulary, as the more enhanced a person's ability becomes to eloquently express the expansive array of human thoughts, emotions, the more rewarding the dialogue/s & experience/s become. You want to bed women?!....FIRST you stimulate the Mind...Then the Body will follow....there is a reason why girls/women READ romance novels & boys/Men jack-off to porno....girls/women are mental...boys/men are visual....if as a guy, in combination ,you learn to cook & stimulate women with the artistry & Beauty of the English Language, then truly the "World becomes your Oyster"...Alex

Money helps too
you must not have been watching too closely if you think heroin addiction is simply 'mind over matter'...maybe if you knew anything about addiction you could have provided her real help and things might have turned out different.

sorry for your loss..

Hey, it was her choice...everyone tried to help her. Her family and friends. She just wanted to do the drugs, nothing more, nothing less and it eventually got the best of her. She did not want to quit or she would of, simple as that. These people all knew the dangers of the drugs before they started to use, they used and they liked the feeling and they kept using. Its not rocket science. It does not require much thinking to know these "addicts" simply like the feeling of their drug. I said it once and I'll say it again, my friend is better off dead than living the life she had been living. Atleast now shes resting in peace and not being taken advantage of by these worthless fucking heroin dealers. Do you know what her dealer did when she passed? I ran into him at the gas station not too long ago...looks like he replaced her with a new teeny bopper to get all strung out. This poor girl could barley keep her eyes open or head up in the passenger seat of his car. I told my friend they didnt care about her....and look what happened after shes gone? Didnt take too long to replace her....its a vicious cycle. Thats just one of the many reasons I HATE drug dealers....that and Im a COP, well according to GreenSummit LOL..........
addiction can seem so simple to those on the outside of the "using."

for some, it is truly just "stop doing it if you want to that badly" because they are tired of the negative effects of the lifestyle. and believe me, opiate usage is a lifestyle. You plan every detail of your day to when you'll need to "re-medicate," or either you just stop doing things in life so that you can stay medicated.
I think you just have to get fed up with what you do to yourself, and then use that as motivation to not ever go down that road again.

I'm a "recovering" addict. I relapse every 8-15 months, it seems. I used to relapse every month or so. Then it got to be a little longer between slipping up and using opiates. By now, I'm just sick with myself if I decide to use opiates because I know the downside is coming in full effect as soon as I stop using. It is still a complex battle, all taking place within your own desires and wants inside your brain. I think every opiate addict is secretly (or not so secretly) suffering from their own deficient experiences in life. Mine might be (still not sure) that I never feel comfortable in my own skin. Social anxiety, whatever you want to call it. Still not a good idea to self medicate to cure this problem. It only leads you down the path of negative happenings.

anyway...back to the whole "what should I do when i run out of suboxone" question.

You obviously have a drug problem and require help. If you're on suboxone, you should be seeing a therapist in conjunction with your treatment (hence the suffering from their own deficient experiences in life.) Therapy in conjunction with opiate addiction management will greatly increase the odds that you stay sober, by hopefully coming to the conclusion of why you seek drugs in the first place. Sure, everybody loves to get high...but why do you get high? Finding this out will help you fight your own demons (in my humble opinion.) I hope for your sake that you decide not to trade or sell your Subs again. This should be the first checkpoint for you to make it to in order to stay sober. Suboxones are a safety net for those of us who "think" about using. The Subs satisfy your physical desires to get high, but mentally, you still have to fight the fact that you once felt really good on those drugs.

Make things simpler for yourself, in your life and with your addiction. Simplify and control that shit, brotha!! You can do it!
Is this "True"?!...Alex

Yes, of course it's true .. why would I make it up?
From may 2000 till, shit, I forgot exactly what month it was, but July or maybe august of 2000, I lived w a man with HIV and his at the time, 15 year old nephew, whom didn't know a dqmned thing about his uncle's affliction BTW..
i never been into opiates that much, never been addicted or nowt like that although have smoked n sniffd H quite a few times and love that oxy buzz but is very rare in the UK to get any oxy, the subbies tho are quite common here i swapped 20g of exo cheese (the clone-only not the greenhouse fake) for 120 2mg subbies bout a year ago, i was hoping they would be like a nice morphine buzz or at least to move them on but after trying one FUCK that shit, they where them tabs u put under ur tongue i tried one and was ill as fuck,itchy too was a nasty nasty buzz yet ive taken 40mg oxy tabs many times without all that shit just a lovely buzz, and even good H yeah i would spew but it was still a lovely buzz.

i understand they help people with addiction but from my experience they are not for recreational use i ended up throwing away over a 100 2mg tabs not that the op was ever saying bout recreational use im just bored n saying my piece on my experience with subbies.
you grow some fine herb my friend! still have that blue plant you posted a pic of a while ago in my bookmarks..i just gotta look at her from time to time lol.
I'm back on suboxon...only went a few days w out....to get hi on opiates was nice for a change...the cokes what was abt to do me in...there's a trap house abt a block from where I'm stayin....NOT GOOD!!!
Hey Alex....:finger::finger::finger:......

Haha....cmon guys I'm not fkn dyin....just a little relapse...I've been doin dope my whole life this is nothing new to me....to all the cool ppl...thanks and ur cool.....Alex.....ur a tard......

Chk my critical kush out....View attachment 2922827View attachment 2922828
How quintessentially paradoxical ....you a life time addict, whose life is in a perpetual state of chaos & upheaval, calling me a tard ( retard), you remind me of that marijuana strain...TRAIN WRECK!!!...do the world a favour, DON'T reproduce!!!...Alex