Ok I went to a Hydro Store " WTF "

I just have a belief that no one should profit off me that they didn't earn... Just being convenient for m is not enough.
You're a business. If you think the meaning of your existence is to make money, that is selfish thinking. You exit to provide a product or service.
If I appreciate your "convenience" (as perspective of such convenience is different from person to person) I'll tip you... Which I do, and not just to delivery men and waitresses and the like.
I have a dollar store near me, privately owned by a cute Indian family. Always SUPER nice, nothing more than 2 dollars and they sell electronics that can be found at hardware stores for three times the price.
I fucken tip them all the time!
Great service and fair pricing is what I think is convenient.

REALLY? You don't think the purpose of a business is to make money?
I know I'm from the OLD OLD SCHOOL but WTF over price shit, way would I spend $150 for a bulb I
can get from Home depo or lowes for $27.50 and dont give me that shit about its not as good, cause i wrote down everything that was on there shit and conpaired it with what found elsewhere . F#%k me, I know I said I never Germinated my friends bring the plants and I grow. It was like walking into AIG OR CITIBANK with no lube. Shit growing has become like playing Golf, you don't need a $400. Golf club to put a f%%kin ball in a little hole, if you do stop playing. Weed is just that a weed sorry ! In the 70-80s we didn't have a $200 light set-up. Summer time Hempy Buckets and sunshine, bad weather Hempy Buckets and lights off the shelf. Shit today you have to spend $400. Just to put a seed in F€€kin dirt. SORRY I CALL BULLSHIT !
Ahhh... corporate greed..
All I'm saying is " US HEMPIES " back in the day didn't need $200-600 to put a seed in dirt. Like I said the Basic to Golf is putting a ball in a little hole.
For the cheapskate grower , its simple head to home depot .. Purchase your t-5 units , they are a little cheaper but you ll most likely have to wire it as well .. You could use T-8 shoplights , they are always priced under $20.oo with bulbs .. Good luck finding a decent HID lamp while there though , they only sell wall mounted security lights and they are low wattage and a waste of time ..

You might as well head to the opposite end of the shopping center and hit Walmart next , you ll be able to purchase Miracle Grow at its lowest price including soil .. Maybe you ll be lucky and they will have some Miracle grow perlite as well .. Next up hit the camping section and grab some emergency space blankets .. Spin on over to the paint area for buckets if needed or grab 20 gallon laundry totes .. Solo cups for the HazeyGrape type growers lol

Last but not least , munchies .. Might as well buy some shitty food with no value as well since this is what you ll be growing with .. Enjoy the cheapskate grow for all its worth and thank Big Box companies for there existence ......Peace
Hey so what's y'alls pick for best 600 watt bulb, is that eye horti any good? right now I'm using a 400 watt lumatek bulb with a 600 watt ballast on 50 %
All I'm saying is " US HEMPIES " back in the day didn't need $200-600 to put a seed in dirt. Like I said the Basic to Golf is putting a ball in a little hole. Sorry didn't mean to piss anyone off. I don't need to give someone my $ if I don't have to. Today one of my Grand Daddy seeds pop, put in my OLD OLD SCHOOL POT MIX whole fish & fruit on the bottom and put it out back will show pics when I can on how it's doing. It rain today and just left it out there.
All I'm saying is " US HEMPIES " back in the day didn't need $200-600 to put a seed in dirt. Like I said the Basic to Golf is putting a ball in a little hole. Sorry didn't mean to piss anyone off. I don't need to give someone my $ if I don't have to. Today one of my Grand Daddy seeds pop, put in my OLD OLD SCHOOL POT MIX whole fish & fruit on the bottom and put it out back will show pics when I can on how it's doing. It rain today and just left it out there.

back in the day thc levels were single digit weren't they?
Hey so what's y'alls pick for best 600 watt bulb, is that eye horti any good? right now I'm using a 400 watt lumatek bulb with a 600 watt ballast on 50 %

if you really want the shit wait till the 600 watt Blue Hortilux MH hits the shelves, run alongside say a hortilux super hps that would be the shit.
All I'm saying is " US HEMPIES " back in the day didn't need $200-600 to put a seed in dirt. Like I said the Basic to Golf is putting a ball in a little hole.
Sure the basics is to get the ball in the hole, but you are leaving out the most important part, IN THE FEWEST STROKES. If I'm ever in your neck of the woods I'll meet you at a course. You bring your wooden driver with steel shaft and all the rest of your second hand store rusty clubs. I'll bring my shiny expensive Nike clubs, which the company spent millions on making sure they will improve peoples games, and I will beat your socks off. I cant play to save my life with old clubs, but with newer clubs I have a 6 handicap. Sure I can get the ball in the hole with the old clubs, eventually.

Same thing with growing supplies. Sure you can buy junk and grow a WEED. If you buy quality supplies that companies put money into to assure they are better than
big box store junk, you can grow DANK.
I'm starting to get the feeling that some of the members on either OWN OR WORK FOR THE OVER PRICE SHOPS OR WORK FOR THEM...... And that's cool just don't be so transparent, I thought the the whole point of these tip of websites is to show me how to get nice tight bubs keep it cheap. I see I'm wrong........
I'm starting to get the feeling that some of the members on either OWN OR WORK FOR THE OVER PRICE SHOPS OR WORK FOR THEM...... And that's cool just don't be so transparent, I thought the the whole point of these tip of websites is to show me how to get nice tight bubs keep it cheap. I see I'm wrong........

fuck I wish, then I'd get a bigger discount.
the way I've worked it is I have gone to the same shop from day one, get to know them, pay the price for awhile and be a good customer, my shop now ALMOST meets online prices, go mom and pop!
I'm starting to get the feeling that some of the members on either OWN OR WORK FOR THE OVER PRICE SHOPS OR WORK FOR THEM...... And that's cool just don't be so transparent, I thought the the whole point of these tip of websites is to show me how to get nice tight bubs keep it cheap. I see I'm wrong........

If you are implying I work for at a grow store you are wrong. I actually work for a big box store!!
I'm just a firm believer in "you get what you pay for", for the most part anyways. Like someone else said, you need to shop
REALLY? You don't think the purpose of a business is to make money?

People who think like that are just greedy capitalists trying to make it to the 1%. The type that would sell out their closest friend or family member for money.
The purpose of a GOOD business, is provide fair business, service, and products, while maintaining SLIGHT profit.
Not "Hey they'll pay it so why not" Profit.
Lots of selfish people in the world.

If ever the question "how much will you give me for it?" comes up. Just walk away because that guy doesn't give a shit about anything but himself and money.
after readin so many topics about hydro stores i truly believe i have been blessed with the perfect hydro store, ive been to a few but the one i go to regularely gives me free sample bottles almost every visit, has no problem helping me with problems and lets me show him pictures and talk directly about the plant were both growing, thats the convenience were they really get me is that since im a regular customer i dont have to spend over $20 just to get a 20% or more discount. alls you need to know is one exhale bag bought alone cost me $20 flat, never found that cheaper online or in a store, have any of you?