Ok I went to a Hydro Store " WTF "

you cant buy no 1000W bulb at home depo maaaaan. thats just it.
my first setup cost me about 60 dollars tops. either you buy a big ass bulb for overprice, or multiple small ones a lil cheaper....like, 25 of them muhfukkas.
thing is its easier to handle one big bulb instead of 25 and you can buy costumized reflectors that only fits the big ones too. its all about preference and liking.
some lowes and home depots sell 4lamp 48 inch HO ballasts but no endcaps or good bulbs, anyway they are 40 bucks I thought good deal for nice diy veg lights, I havnt done it yet
ehydroponics sells 600 watt luma and quantum ballasts for 150, I bought a 6 cooltube with 400 watt luma and luma hps bulb for 240 from another online store, There are deals out there on new stuff if you really look
no offense but its not 1970..... you must not drive anymore, because gas prices are way higher then they were in the 70's..not to mention the quality has gone down alot. oh and the whole not wanting to support major capitalism is there too... just plant your seeds outside, its free!
HTG is usually my go to for lights, they seem to have great prices on lights specifically, and I've had great experience with their customer service department.
So what you're saying that for someone to take a seed and grow it should cost $300. I just what to make sure I understand what you're telling me.

The bulb doesnt cost 200 dollars. 40-80 dollars depending on the quality and watts. The ballast and reflector is gonna cost 150-200 dollars.

Any start up is gonna be expensive. After a few grows all you are paying for is electricity, soil, nutes and maybe a replacement bulb.
I'm starting to get the feeling that some of the members on either OWN OR WORK FOR THE OVER PRICE SHOPS OR WORK FOR THEM...... And that's cool just don't be so transparent, I thought the the whole point of these tip of websites is to show me how to get nice tight bubs keep it cheap. I see I'm wrong........
I see you don't know how to search the forums. You came in here and started bitching about hydrostores. If you had asked where to look for grow on the cheap setups, I am sure many would of been able to point you to the correct thread. But now you are insulting us instead of asking nicely.

Geez. Impatient fucker.
People who think like that are just greedy capitalists trying to make it to the 1%. The type that would sell out their closest friend or family member for money.
The purpose of a GOOD business, is provide fair business, service, and products, while maintaining SLIGHT profit.
Not "Hey they'll pay it so why not" Profit.
Lots of selfish people in the world.

If ever the question "how much will you give me for it?" comes up. Just walk away because that guy doesn't give a shit about anything but himself and money.

What is a "slight" profit?

They need to make enough to pay their living costs after paying their business costs.

Business costs being products + shipping, lighting, AC/heat, Security, labor...
Simply from the savings of not buying bud a basic grow should pay for itself the first time. I suppose I would smoke less if I didn't grow but we used to still smoke atleast a 1/4 a week between me and my wife. So figure buy an oz a month for 280x 3 months it would take to grow some, your looking at $840 give or take a bit. For $840 you could set up a very nice grow, I was just pricing it out the other night to expand my grow by adding a 4x4 tent and a 600w and with everything I had it worked out to in the $700 range. That was just by using HTG, I know for a fact I could get some of the stuff cheaper elsewhere. You could set up a smaller simpler grow for much less, and still pay for itself pretty quickly.
I'm starting to get the feeling that some of the members on either OWN OR WORK FOR THE OVER PRICE SHOPS OR WORK FOR THEM...... And that's cool just don't be so transparent, I thought the the whole point of these tip of websites is to show me how to get nice tight bubs keep it cheap. I see I'm wrong........

Hell yeah I Assist with managing a Hydro Store and I love it , it feeds my children and I help many sick people by offering solid advice and I never push anything on anyone . I am responsible for helping hundreds of people in my transparency not to mention what I do online . And I meet the coolest highons on the job and get paid to talk weed lol

You that want to grow weed as cheap as can be in the year of 2013 , read and follow my tutorial for Walmart and Home Depot but be ready to come to the other side when you awaken .. Then I ll teach you about what not to buy at the store and what to buy at gardening centers and hydro shops ... Nobody should feel compelled to buy the high dollar supplies , its America buy what you want and nothing more . But dont bitch because your to poor to grow .. Face the facts a bag of weed can cost hundreds of dollars and thats just a simple ounce .. Your 300 dollars can grow if you allow it too or you can loose money in the end with bullshit goods by skimping out .....Peace PotSnob
But dont bitch because your to poor to grow .. Face the facts a bag of weed can cost hundreds of dollars and thats just a simple ounce .. Your 300 dollars can grow if you allow it too or you can loose money in the end with bullshit goods by skimping out .....Peace PotSnob

Nicely put.

OP: Sometimes fellas just need to vent. I do that a lot in traffic! I like my local hydro shop and the peeps that work the counter. There's nothing like personal service and I don't mind paying a few extra bucks for the privledge. But, I also buy products from out of state hydro shops that have more selection or deeper discounts. It's about getting what I need, when I need it.

What you call "over priced" I might see as fair. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and I hope you can find what you need out there without feeling like you're getting ripped off. Best of luck.
Remember, usually the bigger the hydro store the better the prices!
Green Coast Hydroponics near me sells everything on the cheap and everything
is what they have. The place is a warehouse and you could get top grade
soil FFOF, Happy Frog etc...1.5 cu.ft. bags $10 (Humboldt where it's made sells at $8
so not far off, bag of mexican bat guano $5, liquid nuets,supplements, bulbs
etc....all on the cheap. So keep an eye out for a hydro mega store near you
for ALL your needs at fair prices. Woohoo!
Simply from the savings of not buying bud a basic grow should pay for itself the first time. I suppose I would smoke less if I didn't grow but we used to still smoke atleast a 1/4 a week between me and my wife. So figure buy an oz a month for 280x 3 months it would take to grow some, your looking at $840 give or take a bit. For $840 you could set up a very nice grow, I was just pricing it out the other night to expand my grow by adding a 4x4 tent and a 600w and with everything I had it worked out to in the $700 range. That was just by using HTG, I know for a fact I could get some of the stuff cheaper elsewhere. You could set up a smaller simpler grow for much less, and still pay for itself pretty quickly.

Yep, I have my box building down to 500 bucks. That is as low as it goes, I tell friends who are "interested", be ready to spend 500 bucks or don't bother.
Yep, I have my box building down to 500 bucks. That is as low as it goes, I tell friends who are "interested", be ready to spend 500 bucks or don't bother.

I try to explain the same, and that they need to start reading everything they can get their hands on about gardening and growing things. I find that most are to lazy once they realize that good cannabis doesn't just grow itself, and it takes effort and investment.
To the OP.....Here you go:

Use it.....If you arent smart enough to shop around before buying then you deserve to pay the overpriced shit. To the OP.... This is the internet. Use the search function and dont be a dick.....
To the OP.....Here you go:Use it.....If you arent smart enough to shop around before buying then you deserve to pay the overpriced shit. To the OP.... This is the internet. Use the search function and dont be a dick.....

Navy, delicate as always. Missed your candor. :shock: