• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

OK so heres my plan i need advice!!ASAP


Well-Known Member
You should learn how to grow first, then think about renting a place. I know it sounds exciting, but have a few trial runs, so once you do rent, you can get the most out of your money.


Active Member
yeh iknow i need to learn all that stuff but im not going to bother with out first know what the outcome of putting all that effort into in the first place..that would just be a huge waste of time...ive already started to learn alot i know right now i could throw something together and make it just work but probably only get lyk a half ounce out of the plants that survive. i mean its not that hard to make it grow just to make it grow right and the more you know the better youll do i know i get that and i have monthes to save up and learn more,i mean ive grown little plants around the house and out side and stuff but just little ones from Reggs sacs i used to buy in middle school.but i never knew anything about timeing and flowering and veggie or males and femlaes or none of that like ive said ive wanted to do this for a long time its not just sumthin i thought up the other day...and id like to thank eveyone one here who has been so helpfull!! But as far as i know a landlord is not allowed to just barge in cuz i rember wehn i was younger they tried to do that at my dads house and my dad had her arrested ...and they had a reason to come on the property they were trying to collect rent. And i wouldnt do it in the living room i would do it in a back bedroom. which i dont see how any landlord could ever just enter the privacy of you bedroom for any reason, and as far as getting caught for electricity i figure if i unplug everything, dish washer, fridge, washing machine and dryer, ect. and only use the air condictioner as little as possible thenthat wont be a problem either ( im still going to run the numbers) ...i mean guys on here are doing it are you who doubt me saying im so incompetant aand youre so intellegent...i mean its not the most diffacult task ive ever taken on....


Active Member
And i wish i could have some trial runs but if i do this i have to dive right in and goo all or nothing i cant afford to do trial runs, i hhave no place to do them at this time my step dad lives with me. I know i can do this im not questioning that i just want to know how much i can make so i kno if it really worth dedicateing my self to other wise i mean i could just get by with my paycheck...but who wanats to just get by.. iwant to save up and have sum fun while im at it...but can an expireced cash crop grower on here how much i can expect to get from my plants if i was to grow SOG say 24 plantss from clones for around 8 weeks, like this guy..How To Grow Marijuana


Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound good to me either....I have 23 plants but they're outside and well hidden.As far as time goes I started mine in April and i'm not gonna see anything till at least sometime in October maybe November.U can't rush things if u wanna make out.Patience is a virtue and your plan doesn't sound like it's well thought out.


Well-Known Member
yeh iknow i need to learn all that stuff but im not going to bother with out first know what the outcome of putting all that effort into in the first place..that would just be a huge waste of time...ive already started to learn alot i know right now i could throw something together and make it just work but probably only get lyk a half ounce out of the plants that survive. i mean its not that hard to make it grow just to make it grow right and the more you know the better youll do i know i get that and i have monthes to save up and learn more,i mean ive grown little plants around the house and out side and stuff but just little ones from Reggs sacs i used to buy in middle school.but i never knew anything about timeing and flowering and veggie or males and femlaes or none of that like ive said ive wanted to do this for a long time its not just sumthin i thought up the other day...and id like to thank eveyone one here who has been so helpfull!! But as far as i know a landlord is not allowed to just barge in cuz i rember wehn i was younger they tried to do that at my dads house and my dad had her arrested ...and they had a reason to come on the property they were trying to collect rent. And i wouldnt do it in the living room i would do it in a back bedroom. which i dont see how any landlord could ever just enter the privacy of you bedroom for any reason, and as far as getting caught for electricity i figure if i unplug everything, dish washer, fridge, washing machine and dryer, ect. and only use the air condictioner as little as possible thenthat wont be a problem either ( im still going to run the numbers) ...i mean guys on here are doing it are you who doubt me saying im so incompetant aand youre so intellegent...i mean its not the most diffacult task ive ever taken on....
Time to cut this fool loose lol


Just some idiot
Your landlord has to technically give you like 48 hours notice. But some landlords don't exactly follow rules now do they. Do you pay for your own electric. I'm sure you already told all your friends too. We really don't encourage selling on here, but I'm sure you'll do fine growing like a hundred plants, sad thing is when you get busted for having like a hundred plants only 10 will be alive. And out of those ten 9 will be hermies. First time you sell it to someone who gets popped your done and we don't want to hear about how loyal your boys are....good luck and tella bubba i said hi:roll:


Active Member
haha wow u guys all think im some duck..alright i have alot to learn about growing..and i know what im doing when it comes to selling it i dont need any advice from yall on that ive been around that shyt since i can remeber ... i thought i could come here and fine friendly people who would offer helpfull advice...i found a couple...but most of you are just proably hippies living at home with there parents whos lives are consumed with bud..to those few that were kind and helpfull thank you and i appreciate your advice and i will take it all into consideration..and oo yeh i went around yellling it down the streets...but i guese i didnt make the best impression when i came on here with the tittle i put on this thread and asking noob questions which i have alredy researched but i just wanted to get some actual growers opinions, but i guese alot of you are just weed heads that grow to satify there own needs and dont see the potential profit...any1 whos see's what im saying let me know...dam why am i on here explaining my self...im going to go read the faq pages, yall have a good one. And BTW, some of you need to stop acting like your rocket scientist or something, your grow pot. get over yourself.


Active Member
ooo and right before imabout to harvest my first cash crop...ill b sure to post pictures...it wont be for a while but ill make sure its on this same thread...and then ill take some of all the money after i flip it.


New Member
you wanted to know if it was a bad idea and we told you it was.. we even told you why it was such a bad idea.. but yet you refuse to listen and not just to me but everyone else who replied.. my first introduction to pot was selling it and then i began to smoke it but now i do neither.. i just grow it as a hobby. one i took on a few months ago.. but hey since you already had it figured out then why in the hell did you even bother asking


Active Member
and uh yea reading back on what i said i guese i kinda asked for it by saying some of the shyt i said and sounding like sum dreaming lil kid but for real the more i read about it the more this really doesnt seem that difficult..i mean your growing plants you give it soil you give it water you put sum lights measure how far from the plants and controll the timer... you follow the HESI nutrition schedule check them for pest and anyhting else you give them a air intaake and filter the air out the exsaust with a carbon filter...you order some good seeds from amsterdam get some mother plants growing once they get helthy enough to get some cutlings oyu can get a harvest ever two months (maybe a lil more) you use a seperate room for drying and another 1 for the mothers every so often you choose some new mommy's,if you do this right you can get id say 3lbs every 8 weeks with good soil and propper care..youre going to need an air intake, an exaughst and carbon filter, a climate monitoring device to watch the hummidity and temp, you need odor controll fr indoors , but you seal off the room so no uncontrolled air leaks in or out, you line the walls first with anti detection foil so you cant be detected through thermal devices then with white and black foil the back is anti fungis and the front in white to reflect ligt, i would use 3 650watt lights (still researching wich ones) and i would grow 27 plants i would use tap water but store it in an open top reserve so the chlorine would evaporate and i would constantly moniter the PH of the water and the soil... i would water the plants ever two days with 2 liters of water and what ever nutrient the schedule tells me... ima keep my mouth shut and the land lord will have no reason to pick my aparment for some random inspection...ive lived in aparments for along time and unless something broke ive never herd of such of thing... I would unplug the fridge and every other electrical device not related to the growing.. the place im looking at just has a little window set air conditioner which i could maybe even use as my air intake and possibly temp controll dpeending id have to look mroe into that but it sounds feseable, ** one question i ahve right now is can i keep the mommys in veggie for a long time and still take cutting off them while they are in veggie?** i know im over looking things and i ahve time to figure them out if u saw something let me kno thanks!!


Active Member
i dont think anyone is saying you can't learn how to grow but thats alot to take on for your first time what most people are trying to say is learn how to grow one plant that is decent befor you try to grow 27+ that are sellable... and those lil seeds you through in the ground dont count cause growing indoors is very different


New Member
and all the materials you listed will take a nice chunk out of your 3k not to mention an electric bill that will cost as much as your rent.. and no where did i say that i have growing this shit down. i did alot of reading weeks worth and still come up short. most of the time i run to one of the members on this site anc she has spent hrs helping me out.. as i explained before no 1 plant is the same and just because they are the same strain doesnt mean shit either.. what 1 plant needs this week it may not need next.. but yet you want to try 20? you havent thought this through.. so go sit down and think about it before you get yourself into trouble


Well-Known Member
Ok man first off I ain't no hippie,I don't live with my parents either.They got divorced 10 years ago and I've been on my own since age 16 and been on the streets even longer.I sold weed and other drugs for I dunno how long so I can see where your at.I'm on my first grow here but I have years of what I call "Life Expirence" and u ain't thinking things out the way u should.U have this pipe dream of a massive harvest with tons of profit.Somebody said something about the landlord showing up and yes it could happen out of the blue.What would u do if the guy happened to show up b4 u had time to hide your shit.Well actually u'd have a really hard time even trying considering u wannna use the whole place as one big grow room.I think u should just stop being retarded and listen to people who are straight up telling u that it's not a bad idea.But it's your life...if u wanna take that chance,go ahead.We can't stop u but when shit goes down and it hits the news we'll all be like "Well we tried but he wouldn't listen".U need to slow ya roll and think of the bigger picture here for real.


Well-Known Member
I am the owner of several rental properties. If you want to grow in an apartment, you'ld better be thinking of 8 plants in a back closet. Lets say that your landlord gets the urge to sell the place a month after your grow starts. First off, you will have already signed a one year lease that will keep you renting or end you up in court. Secondly, the real estate agent can let potential buyers in with only 24 hours notice and where do you put the dope? Last but not least, if the place would sell, you can be given a 28 day notice to move and you are out the mpney. The only way to safely grow big in an apartment is to own the entire building. This idea works extremely well. The power company will have a different meter for every apartment and it sets up a way to hide power consumption. Get yourself a small grow rolling first and use that knowledge to build from.


Active Member
thats what i was going to do start a small 1 and work my way up...and no i wasnt going to use tha whole place as 1 big grow room i was going ot use the bedroom to grow and utility room to dry and maybe to keep the mother im not sure yet...and i dont think im going to get TONS of profit but i think ill definatley get aenough to enjoy life alot more...right now im livving for free but just got to pay for shyt i want aand if i want to do nice things...that going to change soon i kno people are doing this all over the place espically where i live (miami) and here ill figure out what my electric bill wold be from the lights, it will be 1.44 a day during veggie, if i keep the 100 watt on for 24 hours instead of eighteen, and half that during flowering, with the other appliance, id say at most 2.00 a day during veggie aand 1.00 a day during flowering i gto that from weere i liv the charge like .06 cents a kilowatt hour so jsut times that by 24 and u have wut it would cost to run a 1000 watt light (kilowatt) for a day