OK this has been debated a million times I know..but what is the main word now?

Jar Man

Active Member
All other natural factors in the environment may or may not be present for adversity or benefit to the plant. But the sun is the one single unchangeable force on the plants like no other.
In regards to which light set up is the best, IMHO I believe it depends on what your goals are and what you're trying to accomplish. I have used 12/12, 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 for veg. For all around general growing I have found 20/4 to work the best with my set up and strains. At the same time, using the same strains (clones) and set up, I have also found 12/12 (with no veg period) to work the best for my clones when doing a sog set up. I believe the reason for this is that the root system will develop and the plant will grow given enough light, nutes, water, etc. 12 hours is enough, although not remotely close to what the plant can handle as known by being able to grow in 24/0. Ok, so we have the issue of actually growing taken care of during 12/12, now the next issue, bud production. In my case, when I do a sog with clones, my sole purpose is one large main cola. That's it. No other bud. Other bud sites are removed. Again, not saying this is the most efficient or the best way to grow, it's just my goal when sogging clones. The reason I do this is that they can be completely grown out in something as small as a red party cup, and an extremely large amount can be fit into a relatively small space. If quantity is the goal, it works great. Quick and fast. When growing for quality as opposed to quantity I use 20/4 as I have seen the greatest benefits from using this light cycle with my set up/strains.

I really think there is no "best light cycle", only whichever is best for you personally based on experience, set up, strain, etc.

Also I believe in the original post you mentioned seed germination requiring darkness. Although many believe it to be more beneficial for seeds to be germinated in darkness, it is not required. I have germinated many seeds in direct 24/0 light. A cannabis seed requires only x amount of moisture and warmth to germinate. Just an fyi, especially for beginners who freak out thinking they ruined their seeds by accidentally exposing them to light while germinating.

In the same respect our plants also don't need 100% darkness during 12/12 to flower. My flowering chambers are not light proof and I know a small amount gets in. Also green light can be on and the plants will still flower, plus in nature there is star and moon light. Due to this and cannabis being a C3 type plant (see earlier posts) I am currently experimenting with what kind of light levels I can have during the dark period. How awesome would it be if a light cycle like 12/8/4 or similar would work for flowering where 12h lights are on, 8h lights are dimmed and 4h lights are off. If it's even possible, ideally the 8 hours would be dim enough for the plant to think the day is getting shorter and therefor begin flowering but bright enough for the plant to continue growing and thickening up those buds, perhaps similar to an extended sunset??? :) Sorry, kind of got side tracked lol

I hope you find the light cycle that works out best for you!


Well-Known Member
In regards to which light set up is the best, IMHO I believe it depends on what your goals are and what you're trying to accomplish. I have used 12/12, 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 for veg. For all around general growing I have found 20/4 to work the best with my set up and strains. At the same time, using the same strains (clones) and set up, I have also found 12/12 (with no veg period) to work the best for my clones when doing a sog set up. I believe the reason for this is that the root system will develop and the plant will grow given enough light, nutes, water, etc. 12 hours is enough, although not remotely close to what the plant can handle as known by being able to grow in 24/0. Ok, so we have the issue of actually growing taken care of during 12/12, now the next issue, bud production. In my case, when I do a sog with clones, my sole purpose is one large main cola. That's it. No other bud. Other bud sites are removed. Again, not saying this is the most efficient or the best way to grow, it's just my goal when sogging clones. The reason I do this is that they can be completely grown out in something as small as a red party cup, and an extremely large amount can be fit into a relatively small space. If quantity is the goal, it works great. Quick and fast. When growing for quality as opposed to quantity I use 20/4 as I have seen the greatest benefits from using this light cycle with my set up/strains.

I really think there is no "best light cycle", only whichever is best for you personally based on experience, set up, strain, etc.

Also I believe in the original post you mentioned seed germination requiring darkness. Although many believe it to be more beneficial for seeds to be germinated in darkness, it is not required. I have germinated many seeds in direct 24/0 light. A cannabis seed requires only x amount of moisture and warmth to germinate. Just an fyi, especially for beginners who freak out thinking they ruined their seeds by accidentally exposing them to light while germinating.

In the same respect our plants also don't need 100% darkness during 12/12 to flower. My flowering chambers are not light proof and I know a small amount gets in. Also green light can be on and the plants will still flower, plus in nature there is star and moon light. Due to this and cannabis being a C3 type plant (see earlier posts) I am currently experimenting with what kind of light levels I can have during the dark period. How awesome would it be if a light cycle like 12/8/4 or similar would work for flowering where 12h lights are on, 8h lights are dimmed and 4h lights are off. If it's even possible, ideally the 8 hours would be dim enough for the plant to think the day is getting shorter and therefor begin flowering but bright enough for the plant to continue growing and thickening up those buds, perhaps similar to an extended sunset??? :) Sorry, kind of got side tracked lol

I hope you find the light cycle that works out best for you!
So, when you say you germinated a seed in full light so just a naked seed in full light?


Well-Known Member
I don't know...a plant that is growing while also flowering usually ends up really jacked up..all stretched out and what not...I would rather it stack up during flower as opposed to getting taller and what not...
I don't know...a plant that is growing while also flowering usually ends up really jacked up..all stretched out and what not...I would rather it stack up during flower as opposed to getting taller and what not...
Agreed. But what if the perfect ratio were found........ :) Again, it's just a little side experiment I'm running. If anything beneficial comes of it I'll be sure to let everyone know. As for germinating in light, like I said it needs x amount of moisture and warmth. The seeds were still placed in a cup of liquid, as is a popular method of germination, only instead of placing them someplace warm and dark, I set them next to some of my seedlings which were receiving 24/0. Liquid in the cup provided moisture and the light provided heat. Typically when I germinate I also use laser irradiation, and germinate into a solution of H2O2 and some form of liquid seaweed. This solution then becomes the first watering my seedlings receive after being placed in the grow medium. I also do not remove them from the solution when the tap root emerges. I wait until the seedling has shed its' casing. The cup looks like it has a bunch of little aliens floating around in it haha. I carefully remove them individually from the cup, place the root portion in the grow medium, and give them their first watering. Within minutes of doing this the cotyledons begin colorization and within an hour or so are a nice healthy green color. I then feed/water them as one would a traditional seedling that has broken ground, turned green, and is reaching up for the light. Just the way I do it, I never liked waiting to see if the seed would break the surface and I've always been an overly active grower in the sense that I hated just "letting the plant grow". I like being active, taking measurement, pruning, watering, etc. This was just the method I developed over time that I've had a high success rate with that I've found to be quick and effective. I definitely don't suggest this for everyone, it's just what works for me. Good Luck!


Active Member
I think as you become more experienced you find what works for you and your setup. I run 20/4 on my veg. I know it probably slows my plants down a little but I don't notice it. I do think that the dark time helps them to stress less when it comes time for the 12/12 flower room. And it helps a little on the electric bill.

Light leaks will cause hermies. I moved my grow room three months ago and it had a light leak for the first month. I'm just now starting to see the end of my hermies.

One other note: I've taken twin clones off the same plant at the same time. Kept them in exactly the same environment and water/feeding throughout the entire life cycle. More than a couple times I have had one come out real tall and lanky and the other really short and thick. Usually the shorter one produces more yield. I've had this happen through many strains.


Active Member
My 2 cents:

It's NOT about who has the best technique and/or if 24/0 works or not; it does but not as it would with a dark period (18/6). There are certain chemical reactions and metabolic processes that take place when the plant is in it's dark period that would NOT take place other wise in a 24/0 light cycle. The plant benefits from the "rest" of absorbing light and concentrates it's efforts in creating hormones that are essential when flowering and strengthening it's root system that other wise would be slower in a 24/0 light cycle. These metabolic processes if not started in veg will then start to take place when flowering starts and there is a 12 hour dark period started; the plant that had the 18/6 light cycle would have a jump start on these processes. Besides the genetic stamp of these plants have a dark cycle embedded in them, it's within their DNA to expect a dark cycle and are designed around it, it's asinine to think that doing anything else would be better for it's development.

Personally what I do is keep my seedling or cuttings under 24/0 light for a few days (max 4); after that the 18/6 cycle.

IMO having a dark cycle during vegetative growth tends to produce a more sturdy less lanky plant that will produce better come flowering time, always has.


Well-Known Member
the only thing 14/8 18/6 24/0 does is determine the rate at which your plants grow 14/8 18/6 limit your productivity cannabis will absorb light and co2 24 hours a day so photosynthesis occurs as long as the lights are on 24/0 it has absolutely nothing to do with stretching that depends on how far your lights are away and lumens-sq

the only reason 18/6 is so popular is bcuz it extends the life of your bulbs reduces your electric bill and if your vegging under hids gives your room a cool off period it would be moronic to run a mh 24/0

nothing more and nothing less this is debated 10 times a week why do you think the more seasoned growers don't put their two cents in anymore cuz every week its the same thing, people give personal opinion and hearsay rather then state scientifically proven facts i gave you a whole page of multiple journals from the grow bible ed i think a oxford journal was in there too but instead of stop you read you continue with you assumptions

all in all 24/0 is the most efficient to get your plants to harvest the fastest 18/6 14/8 just saves money


Active Member
all in all 24/0 is the most efficient to get your plants to harvest the fastest 18/6 14/8 just saves money
Sorry to say friend but you are wrong. 24/0 might make your plants veg faster but that doesn't mean they are growing better and are more efficient; they might be as far as lighting is concerned but not as far as internal processes goes. 18/6 or whatever does not JUST save you money, please read more before you post something like that; for example the plant is way more efficient having a dark cycle to use those hours of energy she put into photosynthesis, with 24/0 your "forcing" her to always photosynthesize and not perform her other metabolic process from the results of the energy she absorbed.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say friend but you are wrong. 24/0 might make your plants veg faster but that doesn't mean they are growing better and are more efficient; they might be as far as lighting is concerned but not as far as internal processes goes. 18/6 or whatever does not JUST save you money, please read more before you post something like that; for example the plant is way more efficient having a dark cycle to use those hours of energy she put into photosynthesis, with 24/0 your "forcing" her to always photosynthesize and not perform her other metabolic process from the results of the energy she absorbed.
here we go again with assumptions i find it funny that you just contradicted yourself in the first sentence "it might make your plants grow faster" "but that doesn't mean they are growing better and more efficient"

lol if they are growing faster its clearly more efficient and if they're growing more efficiently then they are growing better

photosynthesis only occurs when it has food and energy during the dark phase the plant just goes to sleep

photosynthesis is a chemical process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compunds, especially sugars using the energy from sunlight.


Active Member
Idk, for me, I like to let the girls rest and renew themselves. Unzip the tent in the morning and u smell....well, the morning...lol smells like they are starting fresh. Ever move your leaves around and find some wet leaves. Your plant is getting rid of waste, I read somewhere, here, that they need the down time to do that. If even for a short while....peace


Well-Known Member
thats honorable nothing like waking up early when the sun is just peaking sitting on your porch drinking a cup of coffee can't argue with tradition growing is what you make of it

Jar Man

Active Member
...nothing more and nothing less this is debated 10 times a week why do you think the more seasoned growers don't put their two cents in anymore cuz every week its the same thing, people give personal opinion and hearsay rather then state scientifically proven facts i gave you a whole page of multiple journals from the grow bible ed i think a oxford journal was in there too but instead of stop you read you continue with you assumptions...[/QUOTE]

Been reading around online and have found that what you've said isn't as accurate as you claim. 24/0 can cause hermie problems, usually takes longer for plants to respond to 12/12 and in some studies has contributed to accelerated genetic drift. The bottom line remains. Virtually NOWHERE on earth that cannabis has been cultivated outdoors for tens of thousands of years does there occur such a thing as a 24 hr day. Surely there are as yet unknown factors that could impact the plants over time that any journal study is unaware of as yet. And if what you and others insist on were true, it wouldn't fit that 12/12 induces or is necessary for blooming. Clearly there are things that happen at night with cannabis no syudy has yet revealed. Besides the cost/hassle of an additional timer is more than compensated for by the additional electrical costs of running 24/0.

Jar Man

Active Member
here we go again with assumptions i find it funny that you just contradicted yourself in the first sentence "it might make your plants grow faster" "but that doesn't mean they are growing better and more efficient"

lol if they are growing faster its clearly more efficient and if they're growing more efficiently then they are growing better

photosynthesis only occurs when it has food and energy during the dark phase the plant just goes to sleep

photosynthesis is a chemical process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compunds, especially sugars using the energy from sunlight.
Clearly it's evident that you don't really read fully what's being said either. "...; they might as far as lighting is concerned but not as far as internal processes goes..." Throws an entirely different context on what he was saying. But you picked only what you wanted to read into it and drew false conclusions. Much like what you've done with your other quotes I suppose as well.


Active Member
...nothing more and nothing less this is debated 10 times a week why do you think the more seasoned growers don't put their two cents in anymore cuz every week its the same thing, people give personal opinion and hearsay rather then state scientifically proven facts i gave you a whole page of multiple journals from the grow bible ed i think a oxford journal was in there too but instead of stop you read you continue with you assumptions...[/QUOTE]

Been reading around online and have found that what you've said isn't as accurate as you claim. 24/0 can cause hermie problems, usually takes longer for plants to respond to 12/12 and in some studies has contributed to accelerated genetic drift. The bottom line remains. Virtually NOWHERE on earth that cannabis has been cultivated outdoors for tens of thousands of years does there occur such a thing as a 24 hr day. Surely there are as yet unknown factors that could impact the plants over time that any journal study is unaware of as yet. And if what you and others insist on were true, it wouldn't fit that 12/12 induces or is necessary for blooming. Clearly there are things that happen at night with cannabis no syudy has yet revealed. Besides the cost/hassle of an additional timer is more than compensated for by the additional electrical costs of running 24/0.
Opinions are like Assholes, everyones got one.