Oklahoma Growers Thread!

I once found out that Greyhound buses will stop in the road and put you off the bus if you get caught smoking dope in the bathroom on the bus.
Then they called the cops to say why they put me off.
It was in Oklahoma in the winter.
That was a hard lesson to learn.
I almost got eaten by coyotes walking down the road. I assume they were coyotes, as it was dark and all I heard was their toenails on the blacktop.
Oklahoma in the winter is not amenable to misplaced Virginia country boys.
I honestly thought I was going to freeze to death.
1. Coyotes will not take down a human.
2. You should have taken edibles on the bus.
Ever hear a fox? They sound a lot scarier than they are, :lol:. When I first moved here I thought those screams were mountain lions, lol.
Yeah... me and Paige got married in Breckenridge, and stayed with the family in a big ass 6 BR condo. There was a fox that just hung around every day. We'd feed him meat scraps and stuff. Pretty cool. I love CO..... some parts of it. Im not one for big cities... too many people.
Yeah... me and Paige got married in Breckenridge, and stayed with the family in a big ass 6 BR condo. There was a fox that just hung around every day. We'd feed him meat scraps and stuff. Pretty cool. I love CO..... some parts of it. Im not one for big cities... too many people.
Breckinridge is a cool little ski town. I can get there from here without really dealing with traffic.

Foxes really are sneaky little punks. I scared a bigger one once. I wasn't trying to, but I caught him off guard. He obviously took offense, lol. Little fucker booked around my house and got me from behind. So he got me back, :lol:. He didn't lunge or anything, but he ran up about 10 ft from me and stopped and stared at me. He was like "Ya, what's up now bitch?", lol. He was quiet and then all of a sudden I hear something coming at me, lol.
The meth problem is everywhere. Lots of meth addicts here. Family,friends,and neighbors. I heard the good shit from the 90s is back. Going to get bad quick. Talk to your kids.
The homelessness density is growing in Okc. But not like downtown Portland. OR or MN. You don't see people using.
Winter here is occasionally below freezing for a few days. So not unliveable, just uncomfortable. The summer heat and humidity is bad. The ticks,chiggers,mosquitoes,snakes,spiders,ants, and stuff will eat you if you stray off the concrete. So, the farther out you are, the less you see. I went up to Shawnee the other day and saw quite a few people holding signs asking for help. It is a decent population size, but the city is an old broke down place. Just strip malls,convenience stores, and fast food. You know, every other place in America these days.
This was one of our clients since 2018. He’s getting out, and closing the doors on May 1st.

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It's crazy. It's all crazy.
I was there when Denver issued tax rebates to people.
Everyone I knew all of a sudden had a job in the cannabis industry. All the people who previously were couch dwellers, were working and happy about it.
I had a feeling come over me like I was in a dream.
Didn't take long to burst that bubble.
Two weeks ago, I was sitting at the kitchen table of someone I hadn't seen in a while. He was an old friend who was still in the black market on the east coast.
To my surprise, he admitted soaking his commercial in the new Delta products.
He said "Makes it strong. People only want 'The Best'".
So this is what it comes to.
3 ounces for $75, and it probably won't sell.
Probably honest cannabis, at least.
But the SpongeBob sardines that pass for smokers today are buying tainted herb from their 'connection', thinking they are getting over.
It's all freaking crazy.
No better than buying pressed Mexican sprayed with paraquat.
There's a reason everyone doesn't try to grow and sell tomatoes. If you legalize weed, gangs of criminals can't profit from it. But then neither can anyone else. $75/pound is still a crazy price for a plant substance. Now, if you want to grow weed and make money, grow hemp. Industrial usage is the only steady $. And you can grow it at scale.
That's $6.25 for a 1/4 oz. This is good bud too. No seeds, stems, rocks.... Hell, I can remember paying $25 a 1/4 oz for Mexican brick weed back in the day. I know the guy is trying to liquidate before the 1st of May, but damn!
What makes it so fucked there? Did the state make so anyone can sell to the shops. Those are cut throat prices nobody makes it like that