Oklahoma Growers Thread!

The heat and very high humidity aint helping things. I did remove my black weed cloth and remulched a bit.trying to get some air to the root area..im not going to use weed barrier again. cept for shade rolls. My skywalker og looks that green child on starwars. Ya got to kill some plants to grow some..
Thank you for those kind words.
It means so much..sniffsniff..ok im over it.. the 3 clones in the ground will have to make up.. my brother has a clone of the gorilla zkittlez that went belly up..so i will get a taste..i am learning what not to do next year.
Was it just the heat?

I had to put my bags into ICU. Watered them last night, they looked good this morning. By noon they were all drupy. The shade and a good watering got them looking good. It's an advantage to be able to move them, but a disdvantage to have to.

From here
To here

Keep cool if you can.⁸
I will be adding a few more 7 ft poles.for nets and shade. For growing free weed.support equipment is like burden labor. Ya got to have it but it costs .one time cost for poles.
Shade is something else. Around here's on place in our back yard that gets sun all day. Where the bags sit it's still shaded on one side in the morning and the other in evenings. I might move the garden next year. I don't believe that the goats or donkeys will bother it. The volunteer out by the old compost pile has a small place where a goat took a bite. There's not much worry about them bothering something they don't like.
My Diet Durbin THCV:THC seeds just came in with some freebies. Already got one of each in the water.

I don't care much about the autoflower freebies, but I need to keep a steady, maybe even perpetual grow. Now I have a question about how the best way to start.

Indoor grow.
I dropped 1 THCV:THC seed in water. The plan is to let this plant get as big as I can before it's before harvest then when it starts to flower start a full indoor grow. Starting with just 1 plant I can cut veg time if necessary without cutting the whole grow short.

The problem is I don't know what kind of grow to do for someone that will need it from now on.
If anyone has advice it would be appreciated. Perpetual grow or one large grow?
..i am learning what not to do next year.
I know what you mean. I do that every year.

How's the heat doing for you? My plants are holding their own. The bags are back in place and mulched all the way to the top. It looks like are growing out of a big bale of straw.